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Posts posted by BassTractor

  1. Done.
    However, I spoke untruth. I'd told you I'd repeat what you'd written about the Fender. However, what I really posted on there was:

    "ANDERS, you are a pathetic little despot. Frankly you can stick you attitude and your ATTITUDE up your anal tract. Talk about "my ball and I'm taking it away", you small minded cyber bully.
    And yes, I hope others on Basschat point this out to you."

    I just hope this was nice and polite. English is not my first language, you know.

  2. Er ... these were the facts. Have you been doing some thinking yet? ;)

    Fun aside, yup, the PortaFlex gives 350W at 4 Ohm, and the cab can handle 600W at 4 Ohm.

    My guess is you're asking about the safety of this. Disregard the following if that's not what you meant.
    The four 10" speakers should be safe. If you turn up very much, then the safety of the tweeter depends on all kinds of design features. Hard clipping with eventual full output of high frequencies _might_ ruin the tweeter, but as indicated does depend both on the tweeter and on the amp design.

    An output of upto 350W should normally (with average speaker efficiency) translate into enough noise for smaller venues, but IIRC, the MB 410 isn't so efficient, so this could be limiting for you. A test or wise words from others here would be needed.

  3. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1338725929' post='1678463']
    The neck is Mexican from a classic 60s Jazz Bass model and the scratchplate is this one from a company in the Netherlands. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Jazz-bass-std-pickguard-3ply-brown-tortoise-fits-fender-/110633297858?_trksid=p3911.m7&_trkparms=algo%3DLVI%26itu%3DUCI%26otn%3D2%26po%3DLVI%26ps%3D63%26clkid%3D8873332539090093424#ht_3369wt_769"]http://www.ebay.co.u...4#ht_3369wt_769[/url]

    Thanks! I'll save that seller.

  4. Hm. I had a look first time it was mentioned. Didn't like the page make-up and couldn't get overview orwhatsitcalled.
    Also, I'm enjoying BC to the degree I've deleted my links to TB and Harmony Central.

    Can B2B do anything we can't do here, apart from the persisting ads, that is?

  5. [quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1338586251' post='1677003']
    Let me know if you fancy a Basic 4! :D [/quote]

    Brake before the swing! You can't afford his wife right now because of the custom, remember?

  6. Hehe. She was a flautist and background singer, that's why. Gonny Vijn's her name. Her man André de Groot used to be a DJ and gear technician in Nijmegen.


  7. Hoi Grtz,

    Welkom bij Baspraatje!
    I'm sure you'll enjoy.
    (My sister lived under the smoke of the PGEM for many years - you might even know her.)

    Talk to ya,

  8. [quote name='Warwick_Official' timestamp='1338599455' post='1677167']
    Well now...even if someone did dream this....I'm not sure we would build it!!! LOL!!

    Why not?
    I know it's just an optical illusion, but if you stare at it for some time, you may see a vague and indirect, but still quite classy allusion to male body parts.
    Also, this design is quite ergonomical in the arm warmer as well as in its lack of neck dive.
    ... and have you seen the "Trus' me" rod?

  9. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1338592359' post='1677116']
    so, how do we embed rather than just show typed link?

    I've experienced that there are several methods:

    One is the markup tag "media" before a link to a video and "/media" after it - both tags in square brackets.

    Another method is a markup tag specially for YouTube, in which one doesn't need the whole link but just the YT code for that exact vid. Details escape me at the moment.

    A third method is a copy and paste method that has given me unpredictable results.

    A fourth method is to use "Share" functionality on the vid in question.

    I'm sure others with more experience will step in and correct this.

  10. Noord-Brabant is the official province, whilst this area within it is called West-Brabant. I used the local dialect to welcome him, whilst referring to the Carnival - and its names for his and my community.

    The festival is not flower based, as it is held in February or March, but some flowers may find their way to the decorations.

    "Miles" is my attempt to make it easier for the few readers that might be from the UK. I now realise that I've overlooked the vast majority from Holland and Norway though, and realise I should've used "km" and [b]no[/b] [b]calculator[/b]. ;)

  11. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1338588001' post='1677054']It would appear that there are many places where the grass is green and the girls are pretty, I like these places.[/quote]

    Hehe, yes I like those places too. [b]These[/b] two, however, are one and the same. Roosendaal, where B-string lives, is called "Tullepetaonestad" during the Carnival before Ash Wednesday. (BTW, "Stijlorenrijk" is where I'm from, some 10 miles from B-string's place.)

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