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Posts posted by BassTractor

  1. How about this as a combined signature / main text / button?

    It's compact,
    It makes for a really friendly community,
    It has many other great capacities that personal time constrictions disallow me to delve into.

  2. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1338987680' post='1681991']
    Black, Lake Placid Blue???? :scratch_one-s_head:

    Sorry, forgot those. No taste [b]at all[/b] if your bass has any colour, including lake placid blue and black... ish. (BTW, my own lack of taste favours classy subdued hints of natural wood, with thick layers of candy red or tangerine pearl (orange) on top of that.)

    [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1338987680' post='1681991']
    If they hang or behead me at least I'll get a day off work :lol:

    Actually, Anders asked if I would be content with [b]his[/b] public hanging or beheading.

  3. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1338983296' post='1681895']
    This is a tenor guitar:

    Although I'd agree that the 'normal' six-string might be called a tenor

    I'm not saying it might or should be called a tenor. I'm just saying this AFAIK historically is a tenor guitar, and AFAIK, now it is inbetween the modern tenor and the modern alto.

    I really have no view or opinions on this matter. I don't care. Just wished for clarity in the exchange, plus for a historical approach as background info for others to use in forming their opinions.

  4. You seemed alright until I read the Essex bit.
    Seriously though, welcome to the surface!

    The wife of a friend of mine is from Brazil as well ... and ... er ... what can I say ... er ... we need less photos of basschatters on here, and more of their wives!

    Keep enjoying, and please share some wisdom.

  5. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1338983101' post='1681892']
    It's the no trial that really hacks me off, and his message to me didn't mention I'd been kicked out. That is gutless even by internet standard.

    This is my last post there:
    "Thank you all for the reasonable replies. Since his name now has come out, here's my perspective: Karl has been an Attitude endorser with lots of knowledge and the ability to draw more people to the instrument and to this group. He posts an innocent link, as said above, and then not only gets the thread deleted but is also expelled without warning and without a chance to explain or defend himself.

    My choice of first comment was purely tactical. It had to be hard for Anders to pull the thread once others had seen it, and people had to become provoked enough to get into action and start discussing.
    Now I don't particularly like to work like this, but deemed it necessary given recent group history. I'm fully aware many people find this stupid or disagreeable or such, and would prefer polite discourse. I didn't believe in that line given the background.
    Anders' comments in this thread seem to confirm my analysis of how his brain works. Hanging? Beheading?"
    /end quote

    I feel I've been too little aware of how this might affect you, and I apologise for that. I think the best thing now would be if people like Andy and Clive distance themselves from my actions whilst keeping up the pressure for better group dynamics and better behaviour by Anders.

  6. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1338983101' post='1681892']
    And Rick, I hope you aren't slagging off my new Mex FST Sea foam green dude, beauty, beholder etc.
    Especially hurtful as I adore ALL of yours :P.

    Puh, nobody has any taste [b]at all[/b] if they like seafoam, antigua, green, sunburst, lacquer, natural, oiled or invisible.

  7. [quote name='Johngh' timestamp='1338982348' post='1681882']
    Mind you I once went on the Ernie Ball forum and asked why my Stingray had so many dead spots. Big Boppa/Poppa or whatever his user name is was straight down my throat within a millisecond of me posting the thread telling me to take it up via a dealer. It didn't help when I told him my local dealer was crap and that was why I was posting on the forum to seek help as his Stingray was unplayable.

    Yup, I think I've seen that exact thread, and was flabbergasted. Why in the world didn't he just say sorry and give you a phone number and e-mail address?
    They do keep very strict forum rules there, on the basis of them owning the forum, but I think it actually does them harm as it drives people away.

    On the positive side, it [b][i]is[/i][/b] stated in the forum rules that one must take it up with customer service if the dealer can't help, and also they have not deleted these threads, and everybody can still read stuff that was written even between 5 and 10 years ago.
    Also, the don't expell people for this stuff.

  8. [quote name='D.I. Joe' timestamp='1338977338' post='1681792']
    perhaps guitars could adopt a similar system - we have bass and baritone guitars, guitars could be known as alto or whatever is appropriate, and these full range instruments simply known as guitars. Controversial?

    I like that idea. Who knows, maybe you've just made history.
    Right now, the "normal" range guitar is called "guitar", whilst historically being a tenor guitar. Alto guitars do exist as well. Don't remember if soprano guitars exist, but I expect so.

  9. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1338961695' post='1681619']
    Thanks Bert.
    In answer to your question I was removed from the group without anybody warning or questioning me. Up until then I had enjoyed learning and contributing.
    I would have preferred none of this had happened however I certainly won't be begging.

    Before thanking me, you should know I haven't exactly been a good boy in the Attitude group, and I almost litterally blew up a bomb in front of Anders' nose. I tried to shock people into action, and seem to have managed that, but feel no contentness or pride.
    If and when you get back in the Attitude group, I imagine you can see what I did.

  10. OK, stirred up some dirt there.
    Anders has revealed himself and his tendencies even by his comments on my direct attack.
    Andy Philips, Clive Jones and Craig Danitz are talking sense.
    Now we'll see what happens.

    Karl, do you wish to get back into the group, or do you wish to drop the group?

  11. Hi Ben,

    Welcome to BC! I'm positive you'll like it here.
    Stunning bass you got. Cheap copy of my RockBass, I wonder?
    I liked your comment about playing lots of genres and not wanting to get pigeonholed.

    Enjoy the site!

  12. [quote name='alstocko' timestamp='1338550801' post='1676150']
    To all those interested, I went through with the trade and I've ended up wih a beautiful bass which I prefer to my Marcus Miller already, so a big win!


  13. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1338910781' post='1680930']
    The main synth manufacturers from back in the 80's appear to still be the ones to look at.
    Roland, Korg & Yamaha with Dave Smith taking up SCI's position.

    Akai, Waldorf & a few others seem to have bailed from the hardware synth market with some just making one or two small things (no big workstations).

    These days, it largely depends on your budget. AFAIK, £1000 will not give you a Roland, Korg or Yamaha that can compete with some lesser known brands (unless something new has come up since last year), whilst the £2000 - £3000 Yamahas and Rolands still are worthwile to buy.
    I've written this here before, but for pure synth power, the Akai Miniak and the Waldorf Blofeld are beasts. However, they need external MIDI keyboards for the 73 or 88 keys.

    A Clavia Nord Stage is more limited because of its rather primitive synth module, but will most often make one happy user nonetheless due to the lovely organ and piano modules and its good keyboards.

    All that said, one of the most massive beasts is the Clavia Nord Modular G2. You will NEVER see the end of that thing. All modelling, including both patch making and building filters etc, is done on a pc, but the thing is physical.

  14. Er ... that's not exactly saying all pianos are bass pianos. There's a historical context here, where some instruments are made in families and some are not.

    But again: the wider the range, the less all of these names make sense, as you said and I confirmed.

  15. Traditionally, with instrument families, it's not the range but the lowest tone that defines its being a bass or alto or whatever. One could well imagine a bass flute of the highest quality that had a 6 octave range, and it would still be a bass flute.

    But indeed, the wider the range, the less sensible it soon becomes to use the words "bass" and "alto" and such.

    BTW, some small upright pianos actually sound an octave higher than a standard upright. I don't think anyone calls them "sopranino" or anything other than "sh*te".

  16. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1338885780' post='1680377']
    How about we run a little competition on there, to see who can mention a bass and get away with it?[/quote]

    Not so creative and funny as your examples, but I've now mentioned Fender twice in a few hours. Anders has replied angrily (of course I don't hold that against him), but has not deleted my posts or commented my use of the offending word.

  17. [quote name='squire5' timestamp='1338900783' post='1680782']
    Don't laugh right.Maybe it's just me,but does anybody ever feel guilty about NOT using a particular bass for a long time.Do you worry about it feeling unloved or ignored.Do you take it along to a gig JUST so's you can say that you've paid some attention to it,so that it doesn't feel bad? No?? Just me then?.... :(

    Hahaha. Luvly way to put it.
    I know the feeling. It's mostly about my guilt for having used a shitload of money on stuff I use way too little.
    But yeah, my Bongo feels a little unloved, as I tend to use the others a little more. Even calls me a poly-something once in a while. Bah! I just tell her she accepted me having three families in the first place. I've always been upfront about it.

  18. Three right now, but am planning on buying shitloads of them, selling shitloads of them and eventually ending up owning either 1 or 2 or shitloads or whatever. I couldn't care less.

    For me this is mostly placed in the Department of Noob: the needing to know and needing to have experienced. Right now, the sound is not so important as the feel - especially of the neck.

    I imagine (er ... hope is a better term) that when I grow up, I'll be able to have the same relation to basses as I have with pipe organs, synths and other keys.
    Doing a Hammond solo on a piano keyboard or a light synth keyboard can be done, but the specialist will always hear it AND I use a lot of energy emulating the Hammond keys' specifics on a keyboard with a different feel. I can't be bothered to do that anymore. Now is the time for fun.

    I'm also used to practise the same stuff on different keyboards, for many different reasons, but one is it brings out specifics that can help me mastering the piece and expressing something personal about it. So these days, when I practise the low E on the E-string (half there!), I'll do it on all three basses.

    Does that make any sense in a bass community?

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