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Bass Culture

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Everything posted by Bass Culture

  1. I'll just leave this here...32" scale; under-sized, chambered body; Haussel pickups and John East Uni 4 preamp. Driving down to Brecon on Saturday to rendezvous with Mike Walsh for collection. Can't wait.
  2. Thanks for the responses so far - much appreciated. Keep 'em coming!
  3. Can anyone recommend a decent - low-cost (say, up to about £60) - pair of over ear headphones for bass practice and general use? Preferably ones where the surface of the padding doesn't disintegrate within 2 or 3 years, unexpectedly leaving black 'paint' round my lugholes on one of the infrequent occasions I expect to use them. I've seen AKG K92's on the GAK website for about £31.00 which look good but I'm pretty clueless really so would appreciate some real world advice. Thanks.
  4. Oh, I think you were probably 80% there anyway! 😉
  5. Thanks all for your time and comments.
  6. Excellent advice both - many thanks. I feel an MS-60B purchase coming on!
  7. Thanks both. I'll do a bit of reading on these two then. In the past I've had similar but moved them on when I realised I had no particular interest in the vast array of amp simulations and other facilities some of these pedals have. That said, it really shouldn't beyond me to set me the three or four 'pedals' I think I'm after and ignore everything else!
  8. I'm no great user of effects live but do like to tinker at home. I've tried various multi-fx only to sell them all on when I realise they do more than I'm interested in or could use and that it would take more time than I'm prepared to invest in using them properly - basically I get bored. Likewise, when I even think about building a small board the minimal amount of use it would ultimately get puts me off going to the effort (yep, I'm lazy!). But, are there any simpler multi-fx out there that simply combine an octaver (one up and down); chorus, reverb and distortion? There's obviously candidates that get close but don't combine exactly those elements. The nearest I've seen is something like the TC Nova system but, again, that seems to do quite a bit of other stuff too. Anyone know of anything else? Thanks, BC
  9. Mike's a great guy to deal with. I spent an hour with him myself on Friday afternoon, just finalising the colour for my own Funk meister, which is a couple of months from completion. It'll be my third Zoot. They are superb basses and he's a straight, honest guy to deal with. If anyone's thinking of going the custom route you owe it to yourself to speak to Mike before you make a decision.
  10. I think one of my faves was '5G' from Bruford's 'One of a Kind'. It was your virtuosity and fluidity in a technique that - let's face it - has generally not predominated in your playing. I thought it was hilarious (in a good way!). Thank you.
  11. Sat there and watched this with my mouth open one NYE: And this - dreadful quality but beggars can;t be choosers, I guess:
  12. Just sold my BB2 to Andy (Ruarl) and I can thoroughly recommend him as an all round top guy. He brought his newly acquired (from Simisker) Sei 6 and a lovely Squier Jazz along to try the cab out. We talked all things bass for a good hour or so and it even looked as though one of the cats might decide to move in with him. As Simisker said above it's good to know a piece of kit you've used and enjoyed yourself is going to have a new lease of life with someone who'll enjoy it as much and put it to good use themselves. It was a please meeting you, Andy.
  13. Bump for added pictures. Please note that Ruarl is due to come over tomorrow to have a look so further interest at present is on a strictly 'second dibs' basis. Thanks all.
  14. Losing finalists in Essex Band Search back in about 1986 with my band at the time, Night Dance (Christ, what a name!). The bands in the competition final formed the support bill to New Model Army (if memory serves) on an outdoor stage somewhere in West Mersea. First time I'd ever played on a stage that big and felt we were completely detached from each other. It was 'fun' at the time but I could almost see the dream evaporating a bit more with each of the three or four tunes we were allowed to play.
  15. Hi there, yes, it's Gen 3. Has the same spec as the current cab I linked to. You'd be welcome to pop over on Sunday. If you do want to, drop me a PM to that effect and I'll shoot you my mobile. Cheers, Mark
  16. I'll get some pictures up this evening (pictures now added...obviously )but you all know what these look like anyway (if not, see here: https://barefacedbass.com/product-range/Big-Baby-2.htm). Gigs these days are very few and far between and I can't see that changing because of other commitments. Any I do do can be covered by my recently acquired BF 110 anyway, so my BB2 has sat there ungigged for the last 18 months and, I've come to accept, is redundant. I've had it for about 4 years, bought from new; it's been gigged only about 4 or 5 times in that period and is in virtually as new condition - it's the metal grille version, I should add. I can't courier this as its original packaging has long since been binned but I'd be happy to deliver within, say, 50 miles or so of Chester for fuel costs (about £15 I'd estimate) - so that includes Liverpool, Manchester and that sort of catchment - M6 around Stoke too. I'm very happy for anyone who wishes to demo the cab Chez Bass Culture in sunny Chester - tea and cat tickling can be offered as part of the 'total customer care' package. I'm looking for £550 for this (big) baby. Bargain, I hear you say - and who am I to disagree?!
  17. The thing about 'correct' technique is that it is intended to benefit the player by helping them conserve energy and play as efficiently as possible. I worked at it simply because that made sense to me. Of course there's many players who play really well without using 'correct' technique but I do find myself wondering much better they might play if they did have good technique. Ultimately though, people are different so each to their own.
  18. Looks like I missed a really enjoyable day. I'm there next year!
  19. Sorry, gents, I'm not going to be able to make it now, I've got a play rehearsal.
  20. Now that (above) is an absolutely classic combo!
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