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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. I've had a set of fake Ernie Ball strings from Amazon in the past as well.
  2. Geez, absolutely huge influence on me so incredibly sad to read this. I knew him mostly through Simple Minds and felt he very successfully filled Derek Forbes shoes, not by playing like him but by bringing his own incredible style to keep the bass a driving force and key part of Simple Minds sound. I couldn't tell you how many times I've watched the Simple Minds live in Rotterdam video just to watch his playing. I later discovered what other artists he played with and was even more blown away by his playing. R.I.P John and thank you for being a huge influence on my own playing.
  3. In no particular order, 1) Derek Forbes (Simple Minds) 2) John Giblin (Kate Bush/Simple Minds/John Martyn) 3) James Jamerson 4) Pino Palladino 5) Adam Clayton (U2) 6) Tim Commerford (Rage Against The Machine) 7) Sting (The Police) 8) John Taylor (Duran Duran) 9) Paul Webb (Talk Talk) 10) Jaco Pastorius
  4. I would love to try an Ibanez SRF700 Portamento. I'm a fretless bassist and I think they are beautiful basses but I play unlined and sadly it has lines on the top of the neck. I would love to play one to see how I get on.
  5. I have Ebony on my Jazz which is beautiful. Feels lovely to play, looks lovely and really sings. Comes up beautiful with some lemon oil as well. I also have a high gloss maple on a Precision which is also really nice. Very articulate and sings but perhaps doesn't feel as nice to play. I also have rosewood on a Precision which again is very nice but a lot less expressive but does have character. It's more subtle and warmer. Finally I have Pau Ferro on a Stingray which is probably a mix between Rosewood and Ebony. I like it but it does feel hard but it sings very nicely. I've not tried Ebonal though but now I am interested.
  6. I nearly posted above but I've got two fretless necks made by Jon Shuker and they are fabulous, especially the maple one which is like a piece of art. Plus hesxan absolutely top guy. I can't rate him high enough.
  7. I've had a Limelight and I was disappointed. I was told it would be 12-16 weeks to make but took nearly a year. It was also made with the wrong neck so that needed re-doing. When it arrived, the new case I purchased with it was ripped so got offered a £15 refund. It also had huge earthing issue which made it unplayable and surprised me how this could of not been noticed before being shipped. Told to take it to a luthier to get fixed which ended up being a couple of visits. Was only about £30 for the first fix so I didn't bother claiming that back. Then more issues with the electrics cutting out so had all the pots replaced. Pickups also couldn't be height adjusted, they were just screwed into the wood of the body so I got that fixed as well. Once I'd spent about another hundred plus to get it playable it was quite a nice bass but it was borderline at one point on ripping out all the electrics and pickups and replacing them to get it playable. That was just my experience but I know others have had no issues.
  8. Love the following, Duran Duran - Rio Smashing Pumpkins - Bullet with Butterfly Wings Foo Fighters - Breakout
  9. I've had 3 already and keep selling them. I only play fretless these days so I would just buy one to look at and tinker on now and again so it might have more chance of staying
  10. Fender Japan 51 Reissue Precision
  11. I think Robert should remain the owner as he has a financial interest in the bass and I would imagine, have an insurance policy on it but allow the Pastorious family to have the bass if they want it. They then have the option to do with it what they like, display it, Felix play it, keep it locked under the bed and Robert can recall the bass as and when he needs it. That would be my personal happy option but I'm not Robert or a Pastorious or know the full details so my view may not be suitable.
  12. I've always said, if I could bottle my current tone it would be a combination of Jamerson, played on a fretless bass with a smidge of double bass. That is however my current tone as the band I'm playing in is acoustic guitar, vocals, percussive drums and fretless bass. We each have our sonic space and mine is the bottom end so I need to be thumpy and fat but melodic. That tone just works for this band. For other bands then my tone might and quite possibly be different.
  13. Ouch, that is quite high. Not sure it's going to give me anything I don't already have and very happy with.
  14. Not really sure it would be much benefit. Totally different technique playing a double bass compared to a fretless electric bass. An electric fretless bass is no different to a regular bass, you just need good technique, a good ear and practise. Whereabouts are you based?
  15. Hmmmmm sounded nice but not sure it adds anything that I need. I only play fretless but like ezbass, I don't boost the mids. On my Jazz I have both pickups on full and tone at 50% using LaBella Black Nylon Tapewound strings or I use my Precision with the tone set at about a third and using LaBella Low Tension Flats. So quite a warm, rounded tone and if I could ask someone to make and bottle my perfect tone it would be Motown/Jamerson on a fretless. I use the EHX Bass Clone for my chorus and its simply the best chorus pedal I've used. I use the Mooer Ambience Reverb pedal which is also brilliant so I'm covered really. However, it says fretless so I'm interested depending on the price. You never know, it might add something.
  16. I played rounds for about 30 years but moved to flats about 5 years ago and I love them. I only play fretless and I have settled on two types. LaBella Black Nylon which is my preferred type and used on my fretless Jazz and are absolutely fantastic strings. On my fretless Precision's I use LaBella Low Tension Flats which also sound fabulous. I might string one of my Precision's with a set of LaBella Black Nylon Flats but no rush and I'm super happy with both sets.
  17. Frets ... what are frets? Are they those funny little guide posts to keep you in tune, how very quaint 😋 Seriously though, as long as everything works, the only thing I've adjusted is the truss rod and string height on my fretted basses. One of my basses is about 35 years old and has seen probably over a thousand gigs and hasn't needed anything doing to the frets.
  18. I've used the original Fender guitar strap for the last 36 years and never had an issue. Super comfy and reliable.
  19. I use a Two10 and an Ashdown EVO II 500 and it is so loud that I hardly need to use PA support. Some gigs I don't even use the PA as there is no need. The input is usually at about 9 o'clock and the volume also at 9 o'clock. Incredible cab and amp combined.
  20. Grew up listening to the 80's thanks to my two older sisters so it was no wonder I ended up picking up the bass, especially after watching Live Aid. Such amazing bands and bass players back then and huge influences from, Simple Minds (Derek Forbes and John Giblin) Talk Talk (Paul Webb) Duran Duran (John Taylor) U2 (Adam Clayton) Paul Young (Pino Palladino) Japan (Mick Khan) Kate Bush (John Giblin) Peter Gabriel (Tony Levin) The Police (Sting) Inxs (Gary Garry Beers)
  21. Our singer is called Tim Shez so we are The Tim Shez Band.
  22. 😂😂😂 I think that's a tad unfair on the English members of U2, after all, they have to put up with Bono 😂
  23. That's because Adam is not Irish. He was born near Oxford and his family moved to Ireland when he was 5. The Edge is also not Irish and was born in Essex to Welsh parents and moved to Ireland when he was 1. Only Bono and Larry are Irish.
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