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Everything posted by Shonks

  1. [quote name='bogleshake' timestamp='1451312098' post='2939461'] Every day I find myself back here looking at this! Ahhhhhhh! [/quote]lots of interest but nothing happening till I'm back in the uk on the 14th
  2. [quote name='lonestar' timestamp='1449254204' post='2922041'] Like a guitard but more stupider [/quote]i think there's one of those in 'other musically related stuff'
  3. I want to hook up with any outstanding guitar players round my way.....put them in touch if you know any. [email protected]
  4. Maybe they can sight read music fluently which is a Iot more than most bassists here....if we're talking about literacy
  5. just done yet another deal with Paul and realised I've never left the man any feedback,,,(thoroughly ashamed) I now make amends. i sold my Trace Elliot amp to him today. I also sold him a TE amp a year or more ago. I bought a pickup from him in the past and got a pickup from him today, which was part payment on the amp. I think there may have been more deals done but I can't remember details. However, the most important detail I do remember, is that Paul S is a great bloke, trustworthy and honest, and you can feel confident dealing with the man!!!!
  6. awww...someone spilt something on it.....
  7. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1448905531' post='2919075'] Er... if you mean the threaded saddle type, then it won't - 70s Ps had single groove saddles. Interesting-looking bass, though. [/quote]you're absolutely right.. ....I'll leave it then
  8. i just got hold of a 60's fender bridge with the grooved saddles, I think I'll install it on this bass, it's gonna look even more authentic. I'll post pics after the deed...dudes
  9. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]bumped down to £250 [/font][/color]
  10. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1446021212' post='2896153'] One small thing that I found useful (and still do) is reading without a bass. I sit on buses, in my office etc with a chart in front of me, reading the rhythms. The discipline I find hardest to develop is not knowing which dot means which note but reading lines in real time, concentrating on the lines and reading the whole part. The skill can, at least in part, be pracised away from the bass. [/quote]as bassist Lewis suggested 'modern reading text in 4/4 and there's one in odd times too. Funny it's called modern reading text, and I supposed in context of the whole of music history it is, but in my 20's, (now in my 60's) The Lousis Bellson book was on my lap riding the London Tube daily as I was working regularly as a session guy. That book made and saved my career as a bassist.. As someone else quoted here too, do it every day. It's a language and and daily use helps build a vocabulary.
  11. [quote name='CyberBass' timestamp='1448427916' post='2915320'] SOLD [/quote]put it it in the title then so i dont have waste my time reading down...as per the rules of this site!!!
  12. love this!...so much cooler than the Ray 5ers with those 'orrible shaped pickguards...
  13. Traded basses today... top geezer...recommended..!
  14. particularly love that first vid,.....nice one!!
  15. [quote name='aidanhallbass' timestamp='1447593717' post='2908719'] I have a g&l L2500 tribute which I love but not needing 5 strings [/quote]i like these, but it's not a straight swap....
  16. [quote name='GCbass' timestamp='1447591539' post='2908683'] Hi how about a Lakland Joe Osborn Jazz Its on here? [/quote]nice looking bass....i have to think about that one
  17. [quote name='Mike' timestamp='1447548114' post='2908534'] Would you be interested in an original Jeff Berlin Peavey Pallaedium? [/quote]thanks but not into it..
  18. [quote name='aidanhallbass' timestamp='1447517479' post='2908276'] Hi, trade wise what are you looking for ? [/quote]something equally desirable.....I don't mind trading down with a cash adjustment. I can't afford to trade up at the moment unless it's so amazing I have to get divorced. .....or just try me see what happens! I'm not into swapping basses blind, so we'd have to meet somewhere. Please bare in mind I'm in Essex about 30 miles east of the M25
  19. nice bass...always prefer home builds....have a bump !
  20. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Price drop bump [/font][/color]
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