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Everything posted by theosd

  1. But then no one would buy the bongo =] I like the bongo's looks, but I can understand why people wouldn't. My next bass WILL be a bongo 6 (in god knows how ever many years it takes to save for one, being only in my second year of uni and having just bought a 2002 Stingray 5 H 3 band eq (which I wholeheartedly vouch for, the weight and tone ooze quality, a bass for life))
  2. [quote name='Buzz' post='86656' date='Nov 10 2007, 09:20 PM']Warm up exercises before putting on the 'Ray, just simple streches and rotations to loosen it up.[/quote] Rotating your arm is actually detrimental to the joints; just stretch it in each direction.
  3. [quote name='Rich' post='86873' date='Nov 11 2007, 02:25 PM']Saturday night at the Fleece in Bristol... always a good night there, but the placed was absolutely rammed to the rafters last night... they hit the fire limit and were turning people away by 9 o'clock. Support from a very good covers band The Collective, nice guys and some unusual covers well played. We had one or two new tunes in our set, seemed to go down well. Crowd were in good voice, brilliant atmosphere and god it was hot! Too funky in heeyar..! A great night. Bassist's eye view of the punters: [/quote] Were you playing YMCA at the time? My gig last night was cancelled at our end, which is a shame cos the Bear and Raggard Staff is a cool venue, doesn't look like we'll be welcomed back there anytime soon though
  4. [quote name='AndyHawkins' post='84997' date='Nov 7 2007, 04:47 PM']Calm down! Calm down! I work for the Pigeons as their sound man and was slightly surprised to see this come up as a thread. Dave the bass player doesn't have the tuner inline to the amp as he gets concerned about the singer stamping on it by mistake and muting everything. They're energetic enough without the sound being compromised any further, but I'll come up with a silent tuning concept just to keep all of you happy! On the plus side did anyone actually enjoy the gig?[/quote] No offence, but I really doubt that is a valid reason when I can think of countless other bands a whole load more energetic who would be fifty times as professional. If he's that successful surely he ought to buy a bass that stays in tune throughout a gig? I think they are just indie fodder anyway.
  5. I use schaller straplocks, but any brand should work fine.
  6. [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/CONTACT.html"]Two clicks from a google search.[/url]
  7. [url="http://www.bassplayer.tv/"]Link[/url] Under the artist section there are some new Victor Wooten bass lessony type vids. Highly recommended viewing, the guy teaches well.
  8. Thanks for the heads up, I've been after one of these for ages. Just ordered one!
  9. Ooh, that G&L is still attracting my attention... All I have to offer would be the Stingray 5 I just bought (see avatar) in a most striking colour combination! Now THAT would be a tricky decision for me to make! Out of question, would you consider it?
  10. [quote name='Chezz55' post='75426' date='Oct 17 2007, 07:28 AM']Theosd. Didn't know about that one. Any chance of a copy of the documentary - will contribute towards cost of blank media (DVD/Video) and postage. Chris.[/quote] Oo er I don't think I have the necessary materials to do a copy, if I can, though, I will.
  11. There was a John Entwistle documentary on't'tellybox today. I recorded it cos I have Sky + =]
  12. [quote name='Mike Brooks' post='75127' date='Oct 16 2007, 04:31 PM']Funny how it seems....... This could become a very long topic........[/quote] It won't now that you've said it
  13. Hmm, it needs either a whiteor black pearloid or a spangly gold pickguard with the maple, or a rosewood fretboard.... I'm going with the rosewood fretboard! Nice finish though =]
  14. They'll be doing 'how to breath' next.
  15. [url="http://www.myspace.com/aliquotflow"]http://www.myspace.com/aliquotflow[/url] My first recorded fretless playing can be heard on the 3 studio recordings.
  16. I really doubt Victor Wooten would have any trouble playing anything.
  17. It's the self-satisfied look he gives the camera at the end that is almost spookily wrong...
  18. Strangely I can't play it on the easier settings. I don't think it would help me get better, but perhaps at entry level it might help with hand-eye coordination?
  19. Ok, I'll have to see how it goes
  20. [quote name='Steve_K' post='70713' date='Oct 7 2007, 05:55 PM']Hmm - not filling the gaps is bound to throw the feel off a little, and may not allow for perfectly smooth slides... If you find yourself getting on well with the fretless playing, I'd suggest going back and finishing the fingerboard off properly. On the plus side - nice to see someone new turning over to the dark side! [/quote] I do already have a 5 string fretless acoustic bass too (which can be heard on the recordings at my band's myspace, below), but I can't use it live because of feedback. The slides are perfectly fine, probably because I am using threadwounds which aren't affected so much. If I start to find problems at higher volumes I will certainly finish the job, but I'm lazy as well as impatient so if there continues to be no problems I will probably just leave it. I've sanded the fretboard very slightly just to soften the edges where the frets were, too.
  21. Following my purchase of a SR5, my first attempt at a defret job on my old harley benton 5 string is a great success! Used a precision flathead screwdriver and a pair of pliers. Filled the gaps with a little bit of superglue to ensure the wood is sturdy, other that that there's nothing in em (the white bits are instrument polish). Took me about 2 hours in total, including the setting up (the black nylon strings I used have a large gauge) of trussrod & bridge saddles. I'm inpatient so yeah, I rushed it. But nothing bad has gone wrong, there's only a few little chips but nothing that looks too bad. I used tipex to make small white markings along the side where the frets would be just for reference. Just goes to show that a complete amateur (me) can do this with minimal risk, even as a rush job. I still wouldn't advise doing it to any bass you'd regret changing, though. I'll be using it for rehearsal tomorrow and a gig on thursday. I'll let you all know how it sounds!
  22. I can play drums. I don't feel it has helped me a great deal in playing bass (because I'm already at a certain standard). I spend a lot of time with my band's drummer (and always have) figuring rhythms, etc, out, and that is more important than just relying on your own input. People on here will state otherwise, but for me drums is just a bit of fun =]
  23. I love their sound, the bass tone and playing is always a treat. Does anyone have any decent videos of them they could share?? [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSnLdYBdeHg&NR=1"]Here's a good one.[/url]
  24. Higher Ground, RHCP is the first I learnt. Helps build up muscle memory for sure and speed also. Practise this solidly (til you're incredibly bored/sore) then apply the technique you've acquired to anything else and it will seem a lot easier. Rinse, repeat. Remember, economy of movement is vital for playing fast and complex slap rudiments and lines.
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