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Everything posted by umcoo

  1. Range - 9 - Fenders, Musicman, Overwater, Warwick, Yamaha, had a couple of vintage fenders when I've been Price - 7 - can seem a bit steep, but staff are always willing to do a deal. Helpfulness - 9 - Excellent, they leave you alone if you like, or are very knowledgeable if you have questions. In fact I might be heading there tonight
  2. Promenade Music in Morecambe has a great selection of basses...fenders/warwicks/musicman/couple of laklnad skylines/yamaha etc. They have always done good deals with me when I've been and the staff are really friendly (especially Gary!) Thought I'd add one for folks in the North
  3. I own a T-Max and an Ampeg SVT 410E. The cab is only 8 ohms and I find myself struggling for headroom at loud gigs (2 guitarists and a loud drummer). Take this as you will. I don't know what you mean by the 'portable' ampegs because i find the 410 to be heavy. If i was you I would look at new cabs first (maybe one 4ohm cab) so you run the T-Max at 4 ohms in a smaller package. The main thing is to try amps and cabs with your bass and see how they sound. Never played an SVT pro3 but i believe it has a valve preamp (like the t-max) and a 7 band EQ (like the t-max). Good luck and any more info just give me a shout
  4. umcoo

    new delay pedal?

    I have a Guyatone MD-3. I don't know if it's true bypass, but it sounds a treat. The self-oscillation bit is extremely fun too! I got mine for £50 from the states
  5. umcoo


    Hey Nath, just using my DHA still at the moment. Gonna be looking for a separate fuzz when I'm earning though. I've never seen a pic of your pedalboard...share the wealth!
  6. I use a T-Max with an Ampeg 410E. Good tone at low volumes, but because it's an 8 ohm cab the peavey clips a lot when trying to get volume out of it. I'm undecided whether to just get a new cab or a whole new rig.
  7. I just wanted to say that Buxton is lovely. My girlfriend is from Stoke and she took me there for a day-trip. I was also in Leek on Sunday. That was a blast
  8. umcoo

    Sans amp

    [quote name='beerdragon' post='11956' date='Jun 4 2007, 06:09 PM']Ok ignorance alert. i've heard of a sans amp but have never enquired what it does, i have a chance of borrowing one so i'd like to know something about it. i know i could google it but i would like it straight from the horses mouth so to speak . thanks.[/quote] You've probably heard of the sansamp bass driver di (bddi). I used to have one a few years back. It can be used as a DI, but i mostly used it to beef out my sound a lot. Made my old carlsbro amp sound a thousand times better. I'd say just give it a go and see if it's for you. I really liked it when I had mine, but doubt I'll pick up another as it may colour your sound a bit too much
  9. [url="http://www.diago.co.uk/component/page,shop.browse/category_id,3/option,com_virtuemart/Itemid,206/"]http://www.diago.co.uk/component/page,shop...art/Itemid,206/[/url] like these?
  10. I'd love to make my own big muff one day, green version of course. I saw a company who took the old electronics out and rehoused them in little boxes, looked good!
  11. Hey MoJ. Just wondering what settings you have your DHA set to? I have boost on full, gain 1 just over 9oclock, gain 2 about 4 oclock and 2>1 about half 8. Lets me have nice clean valve tone then a really warm fuzz when i kick in the 2nd channel. Cheers
  12. they have 8 speakers, they're big, bout the size of a small human...anything else you want to know?
  13. umcoo

    Fx Power Supplies

    All I know is I use a Diago Powerstation, and it does the job perfectly
  14. I may be up for this, manc is only an hour away
  15. [quote name='lowhand_mike' post='3544' date='May 21 2007, 01:21 PM']anyone know why the sound on some of this comes out like an octave lower than it should? (not sure if its an actual octave just sound lower but not slower sounds real odd)[/quote] I think it's the conenction speed. If it is slower, just reclick the video and it should be ok
  16. The Justin Meldal-Johnsen clinic i at BP Live '06 is great!
  17. Excellent review my friend! You've got me interested in swapping valves in my VT2 now! I was surprised when you said your pupil's 10 watt amp with everything maxed. My 300 watt amp clips like a madman when i maxed everything, not to mention nearly deafens me! Good call on Dave being a nice guy too, makes the pedal seem even better when the customer service is top notch!
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