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Everything posted by umcoo

  1. [quote name='Dodge' post='67071' date='Sep 28 2007, 07:36 PM']Erm.... what???!!!![/quote] Sorry, but that just looks really funny!
  2. Dammit!! I've been after one of these since I first heard Pinkerton!!!
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  4. Thanks everyone, I will be in touch with Steve I think bassfunk, thanks for the offer. I'll keep you in mind if Steve doesn't work out.
  5. My p-bass has never been setup since I've had it (5 years this month). I know, i know...so I wanted to take it to a pro and get everything looked over. Has anyone any experience of this guy and how was it? Prices etc? Also, can anyone recommend a good setup person in the northwest? Thanks!
  6. Oooh that's sexy! Don't fancy a 99 US sunburst precision to you?...didn't think so
  7. oooh! an OC-2! Just what I'm after! PM'd
  8. [quote name='umcoo' post='59477' date='Sep 12 2007, 07:46 PM']Oooh! That's a good price for an OC-2, and just what I was after too! Damn you Tayste![/quote] Thanks tayste! I tried one a while ago, but it was £55 second hand so didn't bother. Nice pedal though
  9. Oooh! That's a good price for an OC-2, and just what I was after too! Damn you Tayste!
  10. umcoo

    PedalTrain 2

    I'm needing a pedalboard very soon as my collection of pedals is growing nicely! I'm pretty set on the Pedaltrain 2 with HC, but the cheapest I've found them here is around £170. Would I be better off importing one from the states or will I get 'done' on the import tax and whathavesya? Thanks!
  11. I played at a festival with British Sea Power once
  12. [quote name='cheddatom' post='52794' date='Aug 30 2007, 02:07 PM']Hah, Stoke! That's where i'm from :-/ There are a few shops on Hope street, but, they're not doing very well. Rythm House has some interesting basses and amps, but, it's a small place and does everything. The other shops on the same street are route 66 which may have a random beauty, but has probably gone bust since I was last there, and Kays music, which has a nice selection of bass amps upstairs. There was another couple of music shops in Hanley, but they're closed now. The sound control on the other side of Hanley is allright.[/quote] My girlfriend's from Stoke and I was in the Sound Control in Hanley last week. I remember an ampeg fridge and a quite a lot of ashdown gear, squiers and a couple of fenders. Tried out a Boss OC-2, guy was very helpful, didn't have any money on me, but fueled the GAS. That's just the way i roll.
  13. I'm thinking about selling my 1999 US Pbass. It's sunburst with a rosewood board. I upgraded the bridge to a badass 3, as the old bridge was rusting quite heavily. I still have the old bridge though and will include it in the sale, and it was mostly the saddle screws that had rusted. Plays and sounds great, just fancying a change. Couple of dings here and there but nothing major. Sorry about the crappy pics. Looking for around £500 shipped, or it can be collected in Barrow in Furness (think North West England next to the sea). That includes the fender hardcase. Thanks for looking.
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  15. I've heard that the Squier JV series are great instruments, and often overlooked because of their name. Nice collection you have
  16. [quote name='lukeward2004' post='37402' date='Jul 26 2007, 04:16 PM']I was in this position not so long ago - the best thing I found was to have a few lessons with a tutor. You wont regret the investment![/quote] Since my band's pretty much fallen apart, this may work out for me. I'm finding that not playing with other people means I'm not reaching for the bass as often as I used to. Cheers
  17. Hey guys and gals, now that I've got a bit of spare time I feel like I want to improve my playing and tidy things up a bit. Can anyone suggest a book or cd type thing with exercises to improve my playing? I've been playing for over 8 years, but feel im stuck in a bit of a rut with my playing. I don't do slap or tapping and all that lot, just things to help me improvise and 'know' what's going on with my basslines. Was thinking about the 'bass bible', but I don't want some really basic stuff. Any help is appreciated. Merci
  18. I still can't stop looking at this bass. Theres just something sexual about it! The Light Amber Sunbust looks amazing on ishibashi...I smell a new bass
  19. I can't stop looking at that picture....mmmnn
  20. umcoo

    Fx Power Supplies

    I've been looking for a PSU that can include my DHA also, but I think the DHA needs 1500mA or something? Would a diago adaptor be able to handle this much (if it does come out)? I use the diago now and the PSU i got with the DHA, but one single power supply would be great. Thanks
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