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Everything posted by umcoo

  1. So, I got this pedal yesterday. It's a 'cousin' of the big muff/way huge swollen pickle pedals and cost me around £90 with £24 customs whn it got here. Bearing in mind I have only played a russian big muff (the black one, which I got rid of very quickly!), I wasn't really too sure what to expect. Construction-wise, this is built to last. Mine has the number 25 on it, and I believe they just got new cases, so it looks very professional and neat! As soon as I hooked it up and turned it on I was blown away. Great sound with an AMAZING amount of bass coming though! No need for a blend pedal with this thing. It has 3 knobs, volume, saturation and shape. Volume does what it says on the tin, saturation is the amount of fuzz and 'bite', and shape seems to bring in more and more bass. With shape and saturaion on full, it can be a little glitchy, but the amount of bass frequencies is amazing. I'm a big fan of Weezer and have been looking for that 'Tired of Sex' and Pinkerton-esque bass fuzz sound that Matt Sharp has. Needless to say, I've got it...by the bucketload. I highly recommend Matt at Wren and Cuff, his customer service was excellent, replies to emails very quickly, and I got this pedal with free international shipping! So yeh, sorry I have no soundclips and no, I can't get them because my computer is rubbish...and I am rubbish! Amazing pedal...check one out :hyper: www.wrenandcuff.com
  2. What a thorough reply! Many thanks!
  3. I WILL own one of these one day!
  4. Thanks guys! Off to the music store i go!
  5. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='78377' date='Oct 23 2007, 04:22 PM']yeah I would - although I have received a couple of guitars/basses that were just sent in the hardcases and they turned up completely intact and some loony sent an unpadded gig bag with a guitar in off with parcelforce - no box or anything, which turned up with the address label hanging off and no more than a broken tuner. Not that I'd recommend doing that. Every one I've sent has been in a cardboard box and most of them were in hardcases too.[/quote] Thnaks for the replies...may I ask where you got a suitable sized box?
  6. Hello there. I'm selling my bass on ebay and want to know the best way to ship it. It has a hardshell case, but should i put that in a big cardboard box also?? Or is the case ok on it's own? Thanks!
  7. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=120174096026&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT&ih=002"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...E:IT&ih=002[/url] now on the bay!
  8. £30 shipped? It's just sat here doing nothing when it could be delaying!!
  9. I'm awaiting a Wren and Cuff Pickle Pie Fuzz. Should be here in a few days so I'll do a review then!
  10. bump cos the badass is gone and the old bridge is back!
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  12. I have a sunburst US precision but it has a rosewood board a couple of pages into the for sale section. Looking for £500 shipped
  13. [quote name='Ant' post='69995' date='Oct 5 2007, 02:22 PM']37 shipped and ill take it.[/quote] Okie doke mate! I'm away at the mo til Tuesday. and as Basschat's resident postman, I know it won't be sent till then anyways! Won't have access to the internet now til tues either, so you can either paypal me £37 to goat_punisher(at)hotmail.com or wait til I'm back? I'm easy!
  14. [quote name='vegas_hooker' post='70154' date='Oct 5 2007, 09:17 PM']Howdy dude Have a bump. I can vouch for the bass. Great thump of a tone.[/quote] Hah, cheers Nath. Don't fancy it do you??
  15. i'm going to york til tuesday evening now so bump...any offers just PM me! Thanks
  16. i'm going away and won't be back til tuesday so bump and a request for offers??
  17. Hello all, I'm selling my Guyatone MD3 as i simply dont use delay much at all. Its in perfct nick, been gigged once or twice and I only got it this past summer. I paid around £55 from the states, so I'll ask for £45 shipped? No pics sorry, but it's blue, small and lovely!! Cheers
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