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Everything posted by dmccombe7

  1. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1500716888' post='3339745'] It's uplifting to read about the band's progress Hiram. Keep up the good work. The effort you all put in is reflected in the clips I've seen so I'll keep an eye out for C2B performances that I might attend. I mean, there's a good chance now as Derby is between Kent and the Scottish midlands... (winks at Dave). Pass my best wishes for continued success to all concerned. [/quote] Nice one SpondonBassed. A small mini tour over a normal weekend or do it right and have a long weekend tour. Stop off at Derby on way up here and stop off at maybe Sheffield area on way back down. Pretty sure there are more than enough venues to fill and get the band better known across all of the UK. London and SE needs to stop hogging all of the talent. You need to share it with us all. Go On You Know ya Wanna. Bet the band are all up for it. I have sewn the seed. Let the growth begin. Dave
  2. Not a huge fan of Amy either but she did have a pretty good voice to be fair. Can't say the same about Oasis IMHO Dave
  3. [quote name='ricksterphil' timestamp='1500717315' post='3339749'] I get to sing lead vocal on Jean Genie......I was stitched up by our singer. So I just flap my hands and hope no-one notices the bum notes. We decided to play G A G in our version. [/quote] Best reply yet
  4. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1500725084' post='3339810'] you can shove oasis up your ar5e [/quote] I'm with you on Oasis. Never really saw the attraction of them. Dave
  5. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1500725014' post='3339809'] From my point of view that's just a list of random covers that go down well. Most bands loosely specialise in a genre. Maybe if you organised them into 3 distinct sets it might make more sense, the songs are great stand alone songs but don't think they work as a set. [/quote] I listed them as i read thru each bands fav crowd pullers and not as how i would play in order of a set list as such. Think if you were a function band that set would go down well. Possibly do well in a club situation too. I think there are many gigs out there where people want a varied set from a band rather than your standard rock, blues, indy styles all night and for me that list says it all if i were at said functions. Not sure your local pub gig would be such a success. Usually when i go to see a band at local venue its because they play a specific style as you point out. That doesn't detract from the fact i enjoy a competent band playing a varied set list. As long as its done well. Dave
  6. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1500715019' post='3339724'] Just trying to make the point that the best music is made by people who are not having "fun". Bob Dylan, Charlie Parker and Mozart were probably having more fun than we've ever seen, but not when they were making their music. I'd say that fun, enjoyment and satisfaction are very different things and probably shouldn't be mixed up when you're playing in a band. [/quote] Not sure i agree with you on that one Chris but everyone has their own way of looking at playing in bands and their own personal reasons. Surely the guys you mention would be enjoying their performances. I would say enjoyment is fun. I would have thought that with Mozart as the example he would be very focused in his performance but would he not gain his enjoyment from knowing he is playing his own arrangement exactly as it should be. I think i understand what you are saying tho that once you have completed the gig you can enjoy the fact you've played a fantastic gig. ? I would have to say tho that throughout most of my gigs i specifically think "this is great fun" at certain points. Probably think the opposite at certain points too Dave
  7. There are venues in Glasgow too. Hard Rock Cafe and Classic Grand are good sized venues. O2 ABC and few others offering good sized halls so a mini weekend tour might be the way to go. You could start with a Newcastle or Carlisle gig on the Fri and play Scotland on the Sat and make a wee holiday out of it. Thanks for mentioning me in your post and await the gigs. I've been a Bowie fan since early 70's All the very best Dave
  8. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1500713811' post='3339706'] Bill Shankly was right when he said, "Someone said to me 'To you [i]football[/i] is a matter of [i]life[/i] or death!' and I said 'Listen, it's [i]more important than[/i] that'. Sorry to be boring, but anyone playing a musical instrument just for fun could find a dozen easier ways of amusing themselves. You can have as much fun in your life as your body and mind can take but IMO when the gig starts the focus is only on one thing. Return to your fun after the encore. [/quote] I enjoy it so why would i look for something else. Most people can be totally focused at playing and still have fun enjoying it. If i wasn't having fun and enjoying it i simply wouldn't do it. Are you saying you don't enjoy the actual playing part or are you differentiating between fun and enjoyment. I see them both as one and the same thing. Dave
  9. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1500672875' post='3339602'] Whether your in 1, 2 or 3 if your not having fun there's a problem. Blue [/quote] And that sums it up perfectly. Dave
  10. After reading thru this thread and having just joined a newly formed function band starting from scratch i thought i would take the most popular songs from here and put on one list. It made for a pretty fantastic set list. What do you think Maggie May – Rod Stewart Long Train Running – Doobies Sex On Fire – Kings of Leon Play That Funky Music – Wild Cherry You Shook Me Al Night Long – AC/DC Honky Tonk Woman – The Stones Dancing with Myself – Billy Idol Sit Down – James Pinball Wizard – The Who Living Thing – ELO Jean Genie – Bowie Heroes – Bowie Get It On – T.Rex Blockbuster – Sweet Brown Eyed Girl – Van Morrison Summer of 69 – Bryan Adams Dakota – Stereophonics Everybody Needs Somebody – The Blues Brothers Love Really Hurts – Billy Ocean Saturday Nights Alright for Fighting – Elton John Crocodile Rock – Elton John Sweet Home Alabama - Lynard Skynard Valerie – Amy Winehouse Alright Now – Free I Shot the Sheriff – Eric Clapton All My Loving – Beatles 39 – Queen Message In A Bottle – The Police Don’t Stop Believing - Journey
  11. No matter how many times that gets explained to me it still boils down to what was said earlier If it sounds good, it is good. Simples Dave
  12. I guess i'm in the #2 bracket. I'd play any gig the band arranged whether i enjoy it or not mainly because i've committed to the band. Whether or not i remained in that band is a different question altogether. Historically i've always picked bands that i liked the style of music so the gigs suited the band and me. Now i'm lookng at a function band that will play gigs i'm not a fan off but as long as the audience enjoy it then i will enjoy it. If an audience is with you on a gig there's no better satisfaction for me. I understand why guys need to earn a living from it tho and i respect any musician that does. Its a whole different ball game from why i play tho. I've always treated playing as a hobby rather than a profession no matter how much effort or time i put into it. Its something i can walk away from if i'm not satisfied with how things are going. For guys makng a living from it then its a more serious side as it pays the bills. Maybe that's selfish of me but having worked hard over the years in my day job i feel i've earned the right to that way of thinking. Most bands i've played in have a similar attitude. Its not a perfect situation for everyone but its worked ok for me over the years when i've walked away from playing in bands for years to concntrate on day job and then came back into it 7 yrs ago. Although i joke a bit about it Blue i do fully appreciate your situation and i fully respect that you pay the bills with the band earnings. Its not just a hobby to you its a full time job. You have my respect for taking that leap and just going for it. Dave
  13. The Function band i've been asked to join is in it for the money but not me. I'm just doing it to play some gigs and have a bit of fun. My fuel costs to any gigs or even rehearsals for next few mths will easily take up any gig money i earn. Maybe if we get regular gigs it will pay but if its one a month it might just cover my fuel costs Just in it for the love of the job. Who needs money. You only spend it anyways. As long as your happy. Dave
  14. Its all getting a bit too technical for yir average bassist. All we want to know is how to play it and does it sound good. Dave
  15. Great news. Keep us posted on any gigs up here. I'll def make the effort. There are quite a few recognised tribute venues up here many being council owned venues. Lanark Memorial Hall is close to me so that would be great. Motherwell Concert or Theatre Halls - Both great for bands depending on expected audience most start with the smaller Theatre and move to Concert Hall next time if ticket sales go quick. Ultimate Bowie were in the Theatre last time and it was a sell out and one of the best tribute gigs i've seen. Bowie is very well liked up here so you should go down a storm. Dave
  16. Agree that the way Tony Levin used it with Gabriel suits the instrument more than a solo instrument. It has a distinct sound that just seemed right for his material. That said i enjoy the occasional solo clip like the one posted above. Wouldn't buy an album worth of it tho. Dave
  17. Really nice. Probably the best tone i've heard from one too. Thanks for sharing. Dave
  18. There is a topic on that very subject already. Long long discussions maybe held in Perth but didn't really come to anything. Dave
  19. With one of my bands my wife was paid for doing the lights. The band members agreed on that without discussing with us so that was good of them. Generally speaking tho in most bands she wouldn't be paid as a member of the band. I would usually just half my earnings with her. Dave
  20. Quite a few mistakes made in this one by Bolder and Ronson. Bolders is more of an ad-lib on the night and doesn't affect the song too much but Ronson solo is a bit suspect to be honest which is a bit unusual for him. Dave
  21. Didn't actually pick up on that. Was too busy watching Bolder, Bowie and Ronson. Dave
  22. That's kind of what i was thinking. Different at a bar venue but a private function is more like a job. My wife has always done the lights for any band i've been in but not sure whether the new band already has that arranged. She enjoys being at the gigs and usually takes photos or VIDS but again its only ever been pub or club venues. To be honest it could be a deal breaker for me as we do most things together and i've always seen the gigs as a joint thing. If she's doing the lights its acceptable i guess. Dave
  23. I'm about to start with a function band. Are wives / girlfriends / partners allowed at private functions. Never done those knd of gigs before and i'm just curious as its a similar theme to OP's Dave
  24. Also came across this version where Trevor is playing GAG More noticeable around the 3min area Never seen this version before and an unusual costume for Bowie that i had never seen before. http://youtu.be/tP7kHp7yQqs
  25. Just had a look thru the web page VID clips. Band sounds really good especially the recent clips. Obviously the band has settled over the last 2 yrs and are far more confident in their playing. Very impressed ...............NOW GET SOME GIGS UP HERE IN SCOTLAND Please Dave
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