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Posts posted by charic

  1. 49 minutes ago, hubrad said:

    Was there ever an answer to this? There's lots of pages to wade through!

    Generally grand with the new look, just getting used to the odd bit being in a different place. :-)

    Yeah we've answered it a few times xD

    Messages aren't coming back, the change of format etc and the risk of potentially revealing confidential info if we got the process wrong was just a bit too high

  2. 4 hours ago, BigRedX said:

    Weirdly you only get a warning if you follow the link from Baschat. If you do it from the YouTube page it appears to be fine.

    It's because the link is to a redirect through youtube so it's giving you a warning that you're not going to where you think you are

    Where the link is sending you is


    Where it's actually taking you is


  3. Reaper is extremely capable :) as long as you get on with the workflow you'll be just fine.  At these levels we're talking about a preference in how you work rather than quality IMHO (unless you move into ProTools HD territory which is a whole different realm)

    • Like 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, Al Krow said:

    Hah! Si that for a DAW newbie is what is just I need. Nice clear recommendation. I need to stop dithering now and being tossed like some leaf in a storm with each passing gust of wind. Let's be honest, I'm not going to go too far wrong with Reaper am I? Decision made. Hooray!  (Note to self - avoid looking at this thread again and changing my mind for the 23rd time...:D)

    As most have free trials there's no need to make a decision :) just decide which you want to try first!

  5. What about 3 or so tall advertising style ones mentioned before (especially if they can be "partially" opened so that you can get them too tall and reach the ceiling in 90% of situations and then a backdrop that fastens to the banners to block out everything behind?  Not sure if anything like that exists but it works in my head

  6. 1 minute ago, dontregartha said:

    Oh Mike.... what joy.... the Missus shares your bass acquisition habit - "clear the spare room"

    Unfortunately it would also mean she knows what everything is worth!

  7. 1 hour ago, Si600 said:

    Celebrating it's 5th Birthday and incorporating the best Basschat luthiers in their very own Basschat Custom Bass show,

    The Midlands Bass Bash 2018 is taking place on the 5th May 2018 from 1200 to 1700.

    The venue is

    Brockington College,
    Blaby Road,
    LE19 4AQ

    It's easy to get to from J21 of the M1. Take the A5460 and at the first roundabout turn right onto the B4114 towards Narborough. Carry on the B4114 past Fosse Park on the right until you get to another roundabout. Turn right here onto Blaby road, the B582. Follow this road and once you cross the motorway Brockington College is the next left.

    In the left hand corner of the car park is direct access to the front of the school. If you want to use that to unload that's fine, but it would be appreciated if you would then park in the car park proper afterwards. The room we are using is the first door on the left, just beyond the disabled parking bays. We'll try and get a sign up with an arrow!

    There is a firm limit of 7 amp rigs in the room but if you have one handmade by dusky thighed maidens that is acoustically perfect in every way then I'll make an exception to the rule! The room isn't huge and I'd like to be able to hear afterwards and be allowed back next year :)

    We're going to ask for a £5 entry fee on the day. On the off chance enough people turn up to cover the costs any extra will be donated to a charity voted for by the attendees.

    I think that's about it, any other information will appear in this post at the top of the thread and then be bumped.

    Can any possible/definite/probably attendees put their names on the list so we have a reasonable idea of how many to expect.


    If you set it up in the calendar you can do a RSVP list there :)

  8. 8 hours ago, fleabag said:

    I suppose there must be a use for status updates, but i havent fathomed it.

    It seems, of the little i've read, that it's stuff that could just as well be posted on the forums ??  

    Are you just picking threads at random? :P

    Status updates are intended to be used in a similar fashion to facebook updates.  Granted, people are putting longer status' than I expected but it was a feature on the old site too

  9. 41 minutes ago, fleabag said:

    Thanks - 

    Charic, what could possibly need changing in my settings mate ?

    No idea but lets keep the troubleshooting to one thread so I don't get confused xD

    Keep an eye out for a link that doesn't work as it should for you and let me know

  10. 1 hour ago, EBS_freak said:

    I was pleasantly surprised by the build quality when I opened it! :P

    I think BT is strictly one to one on the pairing. Funnily enough, I'd already questioned this - but for a different application where I want a large number of devices listening to just one transmitter.

    I know that my headphones can connect to my phone and my laptop simultaneously so it's definitely possible, it's just whether it's possible in this unit (different BT versions etc).

    Would love to give one a try as I was looking at a pleasureboard anyway :)

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