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Kev last won the day on February 2 2022

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About Kev

  • Birthday May 15

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    Leamington Spa

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  1. Is it me, or is the Classfieds slower than ever at the moment?  Noticing a LOT of stuff hanging around for ages that would have been snapped up not so long ago...

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Clarky


      I have taken to putting stuff up on eBay as well. That's pretty dead too. Loads of watchers, no actual offers (apart from the occasional absurd lowball chancer, eg £600 for my vgc black/black/maple US Jazz)

    3. martthebass


      Haven't used EBay in a while, whenever I was buying I always thought pricing was optimistic...agree with Clarky on the 'chancers' though.  Currently selling my JMJ and FB market place is a joke....full of the 'I send handler to collect these item' crowd.

    4. Clarky


      I have given up for now and withdrawn the two basses I was trying to sell on both BC and eBay. Reason being I spend too much time checking in and bumping and - on eBay - answering idiots!  A kind of relief to not keep wasting time ... and I am sure the market will return to something like normality at some point

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