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Kev last won the day on February 2 2022

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  • Birthday May 15

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    Leamington Spa

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  1. In a weird situation where I have £1k-£1.2k to spend on a new bass and I just can't find anything I want in that range 🙃


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. eude


      Two options:

      1. Just put the money aside until something appears

      2. Find a luthier who'll build something that you do want, pop the £1200 down as a deposit and save up the balance while you wait for the build to complete...


      Option 1 makes most sense, option 2 is best though, of course.

    3. Chaddy


      I travelled around 300/400 miles to various locations in Scotland/York/Leeds/NE to try out gear that was either in stock else where, or unique to locations. 

      Took me 2 years to spend the money and I'm still not happy as the shielding/ground is still an issue (fking Charvel is doing my head in).  So I feel your pain. 

      I did think about making a Custom bass. - Lambo Orange Jazz, Roasted maple 12' Radius Neck with black hardware and Delano pickups + John East Pre-amp.  (I still do...)

      My list after a long time came down to: 

      And now I'm quite enjoying a Musicman SUB I picked up for £200 quid.... Swings and roundabouts!


    4. Marc S

      Marc S

      Firstly, @Ruarlbeat me to my suggestion ;) 
      Secondly, I'm with @eude- if there's nothing grabbing your attention currently, then hang on to the dosh until something crops up.
      Otherwise you may end up getting something you don't gel with.... and sod's law - something you really fancy then turns up!
      option 3 though, is that I'm sure I should sell something ha ha 

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