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Everything posted by bassbiscuits

  1. Good band - saw them a a few years back at a festival where i'd just wandered into their gig and BAM! They were frighteningly loud! Good stuff tho. Shame they're calling it a day.
  2. Huge Hands - yep it was Pete Ray Biggin on the drums - he was blinding! I gotta confess i spent more time looking at him than watching Mark King - my mate who isn't even a musician of any sort was just blown away by that drummer and how he commanded the whole band in and out of songs. Just a great great drummer. A couple of other pro session drummers i know were there too and ended up chatting backstage with him after the show - by all accounts a top bloke too! Flat Eric - good work sir! Wasn't it a great night? Need more nights out like that.
  3. sorry to hear about your health problems fella - hopefully giving the bass a rest will help those wrists recover a bit. But definitely keep hold of one bass - i didn't play for a number of years between one thing or another and only had one bass stashed - but things changed and now i'm really glad i kept it. most importantly tho, get well!
  4. For what its worth, my oldish Schroeder 1210 appears to have two Eminence speakers inside, which are pretty readily available from places in UK like Blue Aran etc. I don't know if they're the originals, but they have the Schroeder signature on the 12" speaker cone, and they sound brilliant. Schroeder cabs are immense, so a good purchase for anyone who fancies a fairly simple fix.
  5. Well, that it's sort of been hijacked as a Children In Need song rather than being an unusual tune you don't normally hear a solo acoustic player tackling...
  6. Yeah man - it was a real bonus night out! Was due a good live gig too and that definitely ticked the box!
  7. My mate has just spent ages learning this for his solo acoustic set, with all the proper complex chords and everything, only to be ambushed by this. To say he's miffed doesn't really cover it....!
  8. Had the privilege of catching Level 42 at Leicester's De Montfort Hall on Monday night. Bit of a last minute decision to go, and despite not being a huge fan I thought it would be worth it if only to witness the legendary Mark King in action. The gig was absolutely AWESOME! Exceeded all my expectations, and then some. Live, with loud thudding bass and the most kick ass live drummer I've seen since Stewart Copeland on the Police tour a couple of years back, it was less 80s pop and more heavy jazz/funk and by far the tightest live band I've ever seen. Genuinely brilliant band, and a level of musicianship that makes me feel like I've just been tinkering with the bass for the last 20-odd years.... Not bad for a wet Monday night in October eh.
  9. Yeah gotta echo what everyone else has said really - I'd heard all the rumours of his illness etc, but then when his family confirmed what was going on, my heart sank all over again. He was an incredible player, and has left behind a brilliant body of work of generations to enjoy. Lucky enough to have seen them live twice (Stiff Upper Lip tour 2000 and Download 2010) and they were brilliant. Was listening to Black Ice album last night very loud while the wife and son were out, and Malcolm's playing is immense. I heard something a while back saying: "Everyone eventually dies, but not everyone really lives." Well Malcolm, you've certainly really lived and given us so much music to enjoy. Hope the future is as kind as it can be for you.
  10. Cheers JTUK - good advice mate. Yeah these certainly have some miles on the clock - I currently have two Ohm RW-2 cabs (1x12 plus horn), and two small Samson cabs (about 1x8 plus horn) and a Soundcraft powered mixer, which are all ok for solo acoustic but not much else. (it has two x 500w channels, so you can split into 4ohms per channel) The speakers are each 150-200w max so i was hoping even fairly basic PA speakers like the Peaveys would be a step up.
  11. hiya Anyone out there familiar with Peavey PA cabs called Hisys 6xt? can find almost nowt about them online, and in fairness they look like older models which pre-date the internet era a bit! They're rated 200w / 400w peak at 8 ohms, and they;re asking £225 for the pair in fairly used cosmetic condition. Are there any bass chatters that have used these and have any opinion of them? I'd be getting them really for just acoustic solo/duo work at most. cheers folks
  12. Sorry to hear you're winding down on the playing Rich - I've had a couple of nice journeys to Grantham to get stuff from you over the last couple of years. Take care bud!
  13. that's a beautiful bass! I'm not in position to do anything about it, but have a bump for a great bass!
  14. bassbiscuits


    ahhh - lovely looking bass. well done!
  15. On a related subject to this i've recently bought a jazz bass having been a staunch p bass player for years. I initially went for the 'everything on full' approach to vol/tone, which works well on the P bass, but I've now realised there's some very diverse good sounds from the jazz that aren't on P basses. 1. Neck p/up on full, bridge p/up on 75%, tone on 75% = sounds like a P bass with added definition from the bridge p/up, but fattened and smoothed off by rolling down tone. 2. Neck p/up on 75%, bridge p/up on full, tone on 75% = really fat, full, honky midrangy tone 3. Everything on full = really pleasing but slightly scooped mid sound which is ideal for slapping but seems less good for cutting thru a full band. Gonna keep on exploring as there's a world of sounds hiding in there (though i still like the plug in and go approach of the P Bass!)
  16. sorry to be a pedant sir, but is it 2010, or is it 14 years old? either way it looks nice though
  17. I'd second everything said about the SGC Nanyo Bass Collection instruments - had a SB310 and still have a SB301 fretless. Both under £200 and both fine basses!
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  19. [quote name='chrisanthony1211' timestamp='1409732601' post='2542660'] A bass for life indeed, and I think these are great investments which are surely only going to go up in value, I bought a Fullerton 1984 precision two weeks ago for £800 which had been owned by a collector and looks like new, again surely a good investment, I think I've convinced the wife that vintage basses could be a good retirement plan, and lots of fun for me in meantime :-) [/quote] Ha ha I bought mine 20 years ago when it was just an old, rather nice and fairly affordable bass, rather than a vintage piece. I could only afford one bass at the time and needed something good quality and practical that I could gig with, and its definitely been a worthy buy over all those years. Great basses.
  20. Ah Westone Thunders - they were cool.I had two Thunder 1As at one point, and a white Westone Spectrum, but sold them for a Charvel P bass-alike with a pointy head. It was the early 90s - all my friends were doing it and it seemed like a good idea etc etc... I love P basses, but Jazzes do look cooler I agree! It's the extra knob and shiny metalwork which does it for me. Also love that extra right hand playing position you get on the bottom pickup - essential for Ian Dury-tastic stuff... I'm off to look longingly at it a bit more.... (sigh)
  21. I'd been on the lookout for a jazz for ages. Much as I love MIJ stuff, the one Japanese jazz I had briefly about five years ago was just ok, rather than great. After much trawling on internet picked up a secondhand 15 year old USA jazz in great nick for the same sort of price as you'd expect to pay for a new MIJ or MIM. For me, the USA-made stuff just has something that most far eastern stuff doesn't have, and I'd reckon they hold their value better too. If you can afford USA, for for it. Saying that, there are plenty of good MIJ and MIM basses out there too!
  22. That's lovely. Looks identical to mine, except mine has a fair bit more buckle rash on it, but same lovely sunburst and rich tort plate. Good work sir - a bass for life!
  23. Ahhh.... P basses are the benchmark of great basses in my mind. I've recently got the jazz bass bug, but i've got a couple of USA P basses from over the years which are still my main squeezes. They just sound, feel and look so right. Ironically, my P Bass sound by itself isn't anything astonishing, but turned up loud and slotting in with a band, its a really full, fat, commanding bass tone which is perfect for me. If you can't do it on a P bass, you're not doing it right...
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