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Everything posted by SJA

  1. reminds me of the stories about Radio3's old studios being haphazardly wired together on the cheap, and audiophiles at the other end obsessing over every little nuance coming through their super-expensive esoteric hifi gear. it's odd that someone on the TB thread said they could get closest to geddy's tone using flats- rounds sounded "too wiry" or something- maybe playing on your own they do, but what about in the mix with guitar and drums?
  2. I'd like to have an ebony board- the rosewood board on my Yamaha's getting worn with rounds, and I hate having to clean the board- an ebony board would be smoother, less porous and more gunk-resistant. I notice the Squier VM fretless has a phenolic/ebonol fingerboard- no pores at all- I'll have to try one out.
  3. exact replica? no thumbrest, and it's got trussrod access at the headstock- and the pickguard's got a cutout too. to quote Mr Lydon- ever felt like you've been cheated? actually I hear that Steve Jones sells "punk era" guitars and t-shirts on ebay. filthy lucre!
  4. if we're considering guitarists too, Stevie Ray Vaughn and Rory Gallagher. (oh the irony of Fender making exact replicas of their Strats for extremely high prices....)
  5. Jack Bruce also used Spector and an Ampeg plexiglass fretless.
  6. Billy Sheehan with his "wife" p-bass. Jaco with his jazz . apparently James Jamerson's "Funk Machine" P had a bowed neck and very high action. for cheap gear, not necessarily bad, Paul Westwood, with Hohner, Westone and Ibanez basses.
  7. ratty, beaten-up Hohner B2A. and as a spare an exact replica custom made, reproducing every scratch, dent, worn corroded screw, chewed-up strap button.
  8. the bridge on that definitely didn't come from 1955. and what's with the fretboard being a different shade at the end of the neck?
  9. looks like Sperzel machineheads. that Badass looks huge on the bronco body....
  10. my covers band want to do Sinatra/Ella Fitzgerald etc.'s "I get a kick out of you", but I just can't get my head round it at all- in my mind the vocal melody of the second part where the bass starts walking in double time just doesn't fit over the chords. to me it's like maths in audio form- completely unnatural. I guess jazz just isn't my thing.
  11. [quote name='NancyJohnson' post='195933' date='May 10 2008, 12:19 PM']I think you hit the nail on the head there. If you read the [i]Everybody Wants Some[/i] biography of Van Halen it's pretty clear that while he was [i]in[/i] with the Van Halen boys, he was never really in - always an outsider. Concerning the in-band battles against DLR it was more like (2+1) against 1, rather than 3 against 1. I always wondered how he actually lasted so long with the band...he always seemed the weak link.[/quote] apparently when Talas supported VH, Roth was impressed with Billy Sheehan and wanted him in the band (mainly for visual reasons). however they decided in the end to keep MA because of his vocal ability. hence why DLR and MA aren't too fond of each other, and DLR's obvious choice of bassist when he got kicked out of VH. also Eddie Van Halen offered Sheehan the gig with VH with DLR back, but he declined. (Sheehan mentions all this in various recent podcast interviews)
  12. [quote name='dood' post='194963' date='May 8 2008, 08:19 PM']For those who are interested, the BB3000 model is the same model as Billy Sheehan's Pink bass with the wide maple neck. I think he got an 'S' instead of an 'MA' on his though![/quote] Sheehan's old pink bass had an angled headstock with no string tree though. ps. one odd thing- note the production MA bass has a reversed P config, but the one's MA actually plays live are non-reversed P (ie. as on a fender).
  13. einteresting blog by a cellist who appeared in the ad- [url="http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=212396971&blogID=326411405"]http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...logID=326411405[/url] "there were about twenty of us in the commercial playing along to a track that had actually been recorded on the Ford instruments." hmmm, [i]really[/i] recorded on the Ford instruments?
  14. [quote name='autumnleaves' post='194716' date='May 8 2008, 02:47 PM']Second, what equipment did Barry Adamson use in Magazine and how did he get that unique murky sound (maybe it was just plain distortion or clipping)? I thought he used a Rickenbacker 4001, but there may be more to it than that. Anyone have ideas? One of my favourite bass players... maybe the favourite![/quote] he also used an Ovation Magnum. often used chorus too.
  15. I play pretty much anything in covers bands- if people like to hear it and I'm getting paid, I'm happy to do it. but in original bands I've always avoided obvious bandwagon-jumping- the whole point to me was to try to be distinctive rather than copy what's currently popular like everyone else, and try to pass it off as original. it makes things a lot more difficult in gathering a following and getting airplay, but the payoff can be bigger and more lasting if you can crack it.
  16. dunno how it can be "better" than an OLP when it doesn't have the right pickup.
  17. [quote name='bnt' post='190969' date='May 3 2008, 12:23 AM']Yep - Jim Glennie is one of my unsung bass heroes. I thoroughly recommend James' [i]Seven[/i], [i]Laid[/i], [i]Whiplash[/i] and [i]Millionaires[/i] to anyone who'll listen.[/quote] Gold Mother too. looks like they've gone back to the same lineup that did Seven. and their new songs sounding a lot better than the Charlatans' from last week's Later. [url="http://www.myspace.com/jamesisnotaperson"]http://www.myspace.com/jamesisnotaperson[/url]
  18. [quote name='backwater' post='190387' date='May 2 2008, 11:37 AM']On a related note - way back in the 90s Guitarist magazine (I think) had an article of Graham with lots of lovely, almost full page pictures of his guitars and basses. Does anyone know which magazine this was in as I had a copy at the time and would love to lay my hands on another copy - mostly to drool over![/quote] it was Guitarist. I might still have that one- i remember he had a Rick 4001, a stingray and a Jazz.
  19. the neck pocket looks more suited to a 2 octave neck. the bridge would be right on the edge of the body with a 20 fret neck.
  20. [quote name='tonybassplayer' post='186294' date='Apr 27 2008, 08:54 AM']Also having a play around with Nina Simone's, "my baby just cares" for a wedding "first dance" that is coming up soon.[/quote] I've had to learn that too- a bit tricky as I'm not used to counting bars of each chord to play a walking line over, and our guitarist improvises the solo, so there's no reference points off that.
  21. the swamp ash body on my Fender precision plus (1992) has become a more golden colour- it's still lighter under the scratchplate.
  22. Derek Forbes says he broke his graphite thru-neck Vigier passion 4 string by jumping on it at a Spear of Destiny gig- the body wings broke off and he had to have it rebuilt by Vigier.
  23. SJA


    early 90's, i'd say. I've got an old Yamaha catalogue from 91/92 with a red RBX250 in it. pickup looks stock- exposed polepieces. alder body.
  24. especially good for your back as there aren't any strap buttons....
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