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Everything posted by SJA

  1. [quote name='BigRedX' post='216472' date='Jun 10 2008, 10:38 PM'][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Frakenstein-Of-A-Bass-Guitar_W0QQitemZ270245275832QQihZ017QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]Someone buy this and put it out of its misery![/url][/quote] telebacker? the grain on the headstock looks ominous- like pine....
  2. a mini-bodied bass like the Status Streamliner or Zon Vinny would interest me. trouble is, I'd like a D-tuner on the E string, and AFAIK the only detunable headless bridges, by Steinberger and Hohner, are narrow-spaced- I'd prefer 19mm spacing.
  3. I'm used to resting my thumb on a P pickup when playing the E string, and when I got my Hohner cricket bat I found the thin pickup surrounds (EMG select humbuckers) uncomfortable, so I cut bits of plastic to fit on the top edge to provide a wider shelf for my thumb. I've also put similar bits on my Warmoth P and Yamaha RBX270F to sit between the p pickup and the bridge J.
  4. interesting theory, but I'm not sure as 60's and 70's precisions had pretty thin veneer rosewood boards, but had no stripe.
  5. I would, but don't have a car anymore.
  6. (opportunity for skunk jokes ahoy) on old Fenders they used the walnut "skunk-stripe" on one-piece maple necks, to cover the channel routed for the trussrod, while the rosewood-board ones didn't need one, as the trussrod went in from the front, and the fingerboard covered the rout, however, since the 80's and 90's, Fender standards with rosewood boards have the skunk-stripe too. (although the graphite reinforced US standards and deluxes don't, as they need routs from the front for the graphite rods, so the fingerboard (rosewood or maple) covers those and the trussrod) why is this? is it just to cut costs/simplify the production line having the trussrod routed from the back of the neck on both the maple and rosewood models?
  7. SWR is credited on the liner notes of the first album.
  8. use my left thumb to fret notes on the E string. then again, Sting, Chris Squire and Stanley Clarke do it sometimes.
  9. there's one of those 5-necks in the window of Macari's, Charing cross road. actually- they've gone and got a 6-neck one now! [url="http://www.macaris.co.uk/product_full.asp?productID=824&typeID=7&catID=1"]http://www.macaris.co.uk/product_full.asp?...D=7&catID=1[/url]
  10. I read his blog- i don't get what he means about "wide frets supporting the neck better" and early Fenders being flawed because of thin frets. also "beech fretboards"- is maple a variety of beech (or vice versa)?
  11. [quote name='Jase' post='214471' date='Jun 7 2008, 04:51 PM']OR....we could just invite him here, cos he's so full of bass knowledge [/quote] sounds like the best option, he seems eager to offer advice, wouldn't mind hearing it.
  12. yep, it's a Tennessee bass. check out this review of the 10-string version- [url="http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews/Electric+Bass/product/Tennessee/10+String+Bass/10/1"]http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews...tring+Bass/10/1[/url] ".......this is the biggest turd I've ever laid my hands on...."
  13. one thing- a musicman pickup is slightly shorter than a Jazz bridge pickup, so there will be a slight gap if you rout out a J cavity for an MM.
  14. seems like the hi-mass bridges should be on the vintage modified basses instead (and on the Mike Dirnt and Frank Bello sigs) - doesn't really go with the vintage tug-bar rests.
  15. ps. a while ago I was comparing youtube clips of Bon Jovi playing it, with Alec John Such , and with Hugh McDonald- pretty obvious who played on the recorded version (apparently they got fed up with AJS messing up and fired him). AJS had the "rock n' roll" look, though, I suppose.
  16. [quote name='Mod_Machine' post='212378' date='Jun 4 2008, 11:23 AM']The only real advice i have had is 'put the eq into a smile shape'! All well and good...but it seems to sound closer to what i want when i start moving it into a sad shape! im after any other ideas and/or explanations i can use to understand better.[/quote] the smiley face (bass + treble boost, mids cut) eq is good for funk, modern R&B contexts, and good for slap, however, in rock, indie, metal, the bass needs mids to cut through, so if a frowny face eq sounds more like it, go for it. take the preshapes off, set the eq flat, then try boosting in the 2k region.
  17. I notice the precision 5 string has gone. shame, they should have sorted out some decent wide pickups for it. although the passive jazz 5 looks tempting- more so if they offered it in sunburst with a tort guard...
  18. ps. that's the intro, for the verse substitute 1st fret A string A# for the 3rd fret G root in the 2nd bar.
  19. here's what i make of the main riff; G----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D--------5-3---5---3--------5-3---5---3--------5-3---5---3--------5-3---5---3--- A-------------5---5---------------5---5---3-3-3-----5---5---------------5---5----- E-3-3-3---------------3-3-3-----------------------------------3-3-3---------------
  20. this might sound controversial, but to put it in perspective, i reckon that any paid musician is doing a more worthwhile job than a music journalist. IMO making money playing music other people wrote is far less questionable than making money writing or talking about other people's music.
  21. I was watching this the other day- [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kD5X5OGLySI"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kD5X5OGLySI[/url] Tony Sales getting a grindy sound from his Mockingbird back in the day with Iggy Pop (jet's are you gonna be my girl, anyone?) he also used BC Rich basses with (IMO very unfairly critically reviled) Tin Machine, before switching to Vigier.
  22. imagine changing strings and winding the new ones on, or the size of the stringwinder needed......
  23. AKA. Wesley Europa. that auction can't last long....
  24. [url="http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/apr05/articles/thunder.htm"]http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/apr05/articles/thunder.htm[/url] interesting interview with Thunder about recording and releasing records as an unsigned band. Danny Bowes' belief that high street record shops will always exist as people need that "retail therapy" experience of visiting a shop is arguable- I'm not sure whether record shops will be able to continue turning a profit on music sales- unless music becomes the loss leader and the profit's made off computer games, hardware, café services, mp3 player hardware, phones, clothes etc. sold instore.........
  25. SOS interview with Martin Rushent with lots on recording the Stranglers- [url="http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/feb07/articles/martinrushent.htm"]http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/feb07/arti...rtinrushent.htm[/url] ...although the "flat-wound strings" comment must be a mistake. definitely rounds!
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