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The Yammys keep getting mentioned :) I've heard very good things about them. Will the 614 (being active vs the passive of the 414) sound more modern? As I say I've heard nothing but good things about their sound, however I find it hard to get over the 'Tellytubby' looks.

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[quote name='karlbbb' post='825250' date='May 1 2010, 11:54 PM']The Yammys keep getting mentioned :) I've heard very good things about them. Will the 614 (being active vs the passive of the 414) sound more modern? As I say I've heard nothing but good things about their sound, however I find it hard to get over the 'Tellytubby' looks.[/quote]

'Tellytubby' looks :rolleyes: :lol: ....I always thought they looked large too....they look bigger in pic's than in the flesh....don't know why?

.....I have had a RBX-374, BB-614 and currently play to death my BB-414, they are all very, very good, with a punch far above their weight pricewise and are consistant in build too, you don't hear of bum examples.

....the RBX-374 has twin humbuckers (loud!) and 2 band EQ and I wish I hadn't sold it but that's another storey...

....all the Yam RBX's and BB's I have owned had 'sporty' necks too.

....the 614....I really liked but in the end, for me, had too many controls....I like simple things....

....the 414 is passive is strangely wamer, has far more gain for a given amp setting setting...ohh, and I can switch from front to rear pups 'on the fly' which is nice..the BB's are PJ's which gives you a good choice of tone.

....but for me, the BB's in Raspberry red or the 'die for' Orange are simply peachy...they ooze 'look at me' quality :lol: ...ohh, that's Squier Vintage Modified Jazz next to the BB-414 to compare the size with if this helps?

....those new Vintage and Classic Vibe etc Squier's get a good rep' too and seem very good value for money, I like my VMJ and still have it, which speaks volumes being a Yamaha guy!

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sounds like an epiphone thunderbird pro 4 in black to me .the active circuit makes it stick out.
I use a ricky ,p-bass and a musicman sub as well and it holds up to them.
They are long and have a bit of neck dive but not excessive unlike the others,it,s a simple fix to relocate the strap pin if you want.
It does have a lot of sounds and it has loads of beef.The neck is very slim like a jazz and stays slim all the way up the neck.The bridge is different to the epi,s and gibson bird which is a big improvement.My one after a good set up plays like a dream,I did have a few issues but easily fixed-neck relief and string height being the culprits and a high fret.
If you were in the position to get a musicman sub then I would maybe lean towards the musicman sub which is built like a tank and is indestructable in a gigging situation.
Try one out you might like it-it floats my boat and looks the doggies danglers.

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Haven't played the VM Squier, but the Classic Vibe jazz is an amazing bass for the money. I've told this story before, but I was on honeymoon in NYC just before Christmas. Visited the Sadowsky shop (really nice stuff), Ruddy's (also nice - nice F bass selection, a US MTD and some nice vintage P's), but the one bass that sticks out from all the ones I played (bound to have been 40 basses - some in the super-duper-cash category) is the Squier CV Jazz. How is that possible?

I'd think the CV would have a warmer tone than the VM.

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Have you seen our clearance basses? We've got the Vintage V1004 in there at a ridiculously low price.



[b]Washburn: [/b]

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Definitely tempted to go for the BB414 or possibly even a Squier CVP Bass or Vintage V4 over a more modern sounding active bass. Less controls to confuse my amateur tone brain! CV Jazz is also a possibility as I've been listening to KC and The Sunshine Band a lot recently and can't enough of the bass grooves and tone in their songs! :)

Struggling to sell my 6 string at the moment so this is going to have to wait til then, however I can't wait to get playing.

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D'oh, tried an Ibanez SR300 in a shop today, and REALLY liked it. It had a great set up, felt really nice (body style) and sounded great too. The only annoying thing was being unable to anchor my thumb on the pickups (stupid curved shape). I realise this is a lot below the £400 budget, but I really did like how it had felt.

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All the afore mentoned basses are great, really they are but complete and utterly honestly the best one, the one that sounds great, the one that looks lovley the one you want to go home to, the one that isn't just a cheaper copy but rather an amazing bass at ANY level is the Squire CV. I've played waricks, spectors, high end custom shop fenders (never owned them though :) ) and any day I would take the Squire... Then again I am wierd when it comes to these things. Overall go with what you want... But just think about it Yamahas have no soul, in my opinion, the Squire has soul though.

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