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Markbass Cabinets


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[quote name='Musicman20' post='807104' date='Apr 15 2010, 01:25 PM']Thanks Eude! Ill have a look :)

BTW, a few people on here would gladly chat for a long time about how nice 2 x GS112s are...one is nice, but two....two is the sweet spot...same as the 2 x DB112. :rolleyes:[/quote]

No bother mate :lol:

I know that adding a 2nd GS112 is the sensible thing to do, as I get away with a single GS112 the majority of the time.
It's just GAS, hoping it'll pass :lol:


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[quote name='Musicman20' post='811434' date='Apr 19 2010, 03:30 PM']I went to Soundslive today and they have some new Markbass combos in. Ive seen them 'in the flesh' now and I must admit, the quality of build is stunning.

I would definitely consider a new Markbass combo, albeit it one of the small 112s I think.[/quote]

I have been very impressed with their small combos. I don't really get why some people are so negative about the Markbass cabs - those B&C drivers are as good as any in the world, certainly they more than hold their own against apparently similar-spec'ed but cheaper offerings from Eminence which seem to be used by several other manufacturers (possibly Bergantino and Aguilar included?). Perhaps the smallest cabs are a little too small to give true deep low-end and instead give a high bass/low mid 'bump'? I'd have thought the slightly larger cabs per given driver size would sort that out though, and that is also something that I've noticed to be much more apparent on the Aguilar cabs I've heard - too much between 100 and 200 for my taste.

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As far as I know...

Aguilar don't feature a NEO range and Berg are supposed to have their own designs of NEO..as all others were deemed inferior.
Maybe that is true, maybe it is BS... but even retailers seem to make the distinction between Ceramic and NEO in the Berg range
and say the HT series, for example, have a better low end over the AE.

I like the 10's in Markbass cabs, although I am more familiar with the 102 combo.
Not interested in 15"s in general so could give any makers range a miss.

I am a convert of 12's though.

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[quote name='JTUK' post='811795' date='Apr 19 2010, 08:17 PM']As far as I know...

Aguilar don't feature a NEO range and Berg are supposed to have their own designs of NEO..as all others were deemed inferior.
Maybe that is true, maybe it is BS... but even retailers seem to make the distinction between Ceramic and NEO in the Berg range
and say the HT series, for example, have a better low end over the AE.

I like the 10's in Markbass cabs, although I am more familiar with the 102 combo.
Not interested in 15"s in general so could give any makers range a miss.

I am a convert of 12's though.[/quote]

I /think/ the Berg neos are Eminence - and that probably means that like other OEM drivers they're based on a standard Eminence chassis design with the voice coil/driver/surround tweaked to Berg specs. But as far as I understand it a gain in one area means a loss somewhere else, so it depends what you're after. Looking at specs I'd bet a sackful that the AE 12 drivers are modified Eminence Deltalites. FWIW I'd prefer the standard Kappalites used in the Barefaced range, they have a significantly beefier magnet.
Aguilar ceramics are almost definitely Eminence. My guess is that they're loaded into 'too small' cabs to boost the sensitivity in the high-bass 'power' region and that's why I don't like them.
The B&Cs in general seem better optimised for true bass in small box applications and that agrees with what my ears tell me, though I'm sure the smallest Markbass cabs are pushing this to the limit.

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I tried the 115P and 210P cabs with my TA501 head and was very disappointed - the piezo tweeter sounded really 'spitty'. I sent them back immediately. I have heard the horn loaded cabs are a lot better but not tried them. But to be honest, my Bergantino HT112ER/EX112ER combination is far superior (IMHO) and cost around the same.

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[quote name='Musicman20' post='811434' date='Apr 19 2010, 03:30 PM']I went to Soundslive today and they have some new Markbass combos in. Ive seen them 'in the flesh' now and I must admit, the quality of build is stunning.

I would definitely consider a new Markbass combo, albeit it one of the small 112s I think.[/quote]

I have a CMD121P combo. After disconnecting the piezo it is an excellent little amp

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  • 1 year later...

A lot of people say that the Musicman Stingray works really well with MarkBass gear. I know my Stingray sounds fab through my MarkBass combo. However, does the MarkBass speaker play much role in this or is it more of a case of the Stingray and MarkBass amp having the biggest influence in the tone?

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I think the fact Markbass was 'designed' and always hand in hand with EBMM made a mark on why they sound so good with Musicman basses.

I am now arranging a deal on my Genz STL900 and an RS212 (I dont need three TC cabs, as good as they are!) for a LM3 and Traveler 210P.

I really dont need much volume with the new band, so the 210P will be more than enough, plus Id like something thats light!

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[quote name='Musicman20' post='1332175' date='Aug 8 2011, 03:02 PM']I think the fact Markbass was 'designed' and always hand in hand with EBMM made a mark on why they sound so good with Musicman basses.

I am now arranging a deal on my Genz STL900 and an RS212 (I dont need three TC cabs, as good as they are!) for a LM3 and Traveler 210P.

I really dont need much volume with the new band, so the 210P will be more than enough, plus Id like something thats light![/quote]

I am considering selling my Shuttle 6 and 2 x Aggy GS112's to get a LMIII, a Traveller 115 and a Traveller 210. I am just cautious as the Aggy cabs are very good.

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[quote name='Musicman20' post='1332224' date='Aug 8 2011, 03:28 PM']The GS cabs are great...its whether you want to change over. Do you still have the MB combo? Could you just get the 121H extension cab and have two different setups?[/quote]

Yes I still have the combo and I love it. It is perfect for what I am doing now with the band. However, last year before I joined them, they played Wembley Arena, Royal Albert Hall, the NEC and a few other big gigs so I need something large in case that ever happens again which to be honest, is quite likley. My Shuttle 9 and Aggy rig will be fine but I really like the MarkBass gear at the moment. I popped into our local music shop and I played through the MarkBass rig they had there and it sounded alwsome. My Shuttle 6 and Aggy's do sound a little muddy compared back to back. I think the first thing I will do is sell the Shuttle 6 as its only my back up to my Shuttle 9 and buy a LM III and see how I get on after that.

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