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EMG's on a thumb?


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Hi, just starting to do a bit of research with view to buying a 5 string and saw this [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=160158382674&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=006"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...A:IT&ih=006[/url].

Anyone here know how these EMG's would change the sound from a standard NT thumb?



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Well, warwick will fit MEC's, EMG's or Bartolini's or Seymour Duncans on their stuff, back in the eighties they were stocked with EMG's as opposed to today where the stock pups are MEC, but you can get any of the above pickups fitted if you order straight from warwick. I think with the EMG's you'd get a more dry sound and a bit more low end thump as opposed to the brightness that MEC's put out, no doubt it would still have the signature "warwick thumb growl" and would sound as good as the MEC's it would just be slightly different.

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[quote name='morsefull' post='62044' date='Sep 18 2007, 09:28 AM']Anyway it's early days yet. Is there anything else I should be considering with a similar tone?[/quote]

I doubt you'd find anything with a similar tone to a Thumb, especially when it has those EMG soapbars fitted!

You do realise that there's about a 99.9% chance that he has had that bass routed for those pups, they won't be original. I've seen a multitude of Thumb basses however the 5's have had (as has already been said) EMG Bart SD MEC in that position but they have all (without exeption) been Jazz style pups. I'm not saying it's a bad mod' but it will give it a distinct tone and resale appeal... I'm not struck on the aethetics.

If you are serious then I'd say you'd be doing yourself a big favour to go and give it a blast before parting with your money as they aren't everyone's cup of tea both tone and balance/fit wise. If they are your kind of bass then it's probably not worth looking at anything else.

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I thought I might add that I think the body has been routed to fit those big humbuckers on there, I have a feeling this thumb bass is the broad neck version that has bartolini soapbar pups as stock, its probbably been slightly modded to fit the slightly larger emg soapbar pickups, the bridge pup to me looks like its almost, if not, touching the bridge, Im not sure how this might affect the tone if it is touching. Before you buy thi ask if it is the broadneck version because if you have small hands you might find it a bit uncomfortable to play.

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Looks like a winner to me - I love big pickups at the bridge!

He says in the advert 'In recent recordings it delivers anything from a tight growl to a warm and full sound' - Why not request some of those recordings so we can have a listen!!


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I'd recently played a thumb nt 4 mec',s great sound!
So I placed an offer on the nt 5 but lost out to a richer guy than me. (must be a student :))

Then today I dabbled with a ss1 5 WOW!! I felt at home on the neck straight away. It's gorgeous! sound was a little more subtle than the thumb but both were really good.
I was expecting a big old plank but although it's a broadneck I found it nice and comfy.

In a way I'm relieved to lose the thumb because as warwickhunt said "I'm not struck on the aesthetics". I thought the big soapbars looked a little ................overpowering.(and it wasn't a broadneck.)

Now the search begins!
It's either a thumb nt 5 broadneck or a ss1 5
Hey why not jump in feet first for your first gas attack in 27 years!

Edited by morsefull
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