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Iā€™m a retired commercial photographer , but have been part of the local gigging scene here in Nova Scotia since the mid 70ā€™s . I was an old Pbass guy that appreciates a nice Ric , and over the years acquired the usual classic stuff , I mostly use shortscales now and have almost a dozen of them. I tend to gig with Danelectros , but my favourites these days seem to be Gibsons. I donā€™t understand just how that happened , but Iā€™m ok with it. I generally gig with a Bergantino rig. I use a Forte with a couple of HDN cabs , a 210 and 112 and have a recently serviced GenzBenz Streamliner as a backup. I have two practice rigs , the main one is a Phil Jones C2 with a GK MB200 , my other is an Ampeg 210AV driven by a SWR Headlite . For rehearsals that arenā€™t too loud I have a classic little GK MB150 combo.Ā 

Iā€˜m kinda nerdy about amps and basses and still manage to gig every week , I generally just play here in Halifax. Being retired I manage to enjoy the time playing.

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