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2 hours ago, Chienmortbb said:

Why a tube DI?

More common that you think, see A designs REDDI. SameĀ clean signal you expect from any DI box but with more harmonic content, additionally they almost always have a gain stage to push a hotter signal if you want to.


This one specifically has a huge transformer in it as well which helps with the quality of sound.


Live I wouldn't recommend it, too subtle, too big and too heavy of a box but in the studio it's that extra piece of magic.


I primarily run IEM's so between the bass and a good quality DI there isn't really a lot else in my chain for me to spend money on. šŸ˜Ž


Additionally, now with foamed out Peli case.


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1 hour ago, Pow_22 said:

Mine has been used loads in lockdown with remote recording and has been a godsend. Ā Like you say, it just adds a little ā€˜somethingā€™ extra - thicker and more musical to my ears


This is what I originally wanted and sparked the idea, particularly when a Khan came up for sale recently.


That said as a huge Leland Sklar he used a Groove Tubes Di for most of the 00's so it had always been in the back of my mind,Ā you just never see them for sale in the UK


I think we're in the same boat, I didn't need a tube di when sessions were held at studios but we're all doing more and more home recording and we need ways of making those Ā£100 interfaces sound better šŸ˜‚

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