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Replacing blend pot


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I need to replace the blend pot in my Ibanez sr1820 which I took delivery of at the weekend. Iā€™m having difficulty sourcing a genuine spare so now looking for an alternative.

The original pot is AC500K. Can this be replaced with a Bourn MN taper pot? The bass is both active and passive. Iā€™ve been doing some research but the more I find out the more my head spins! Iā€™m handy with a soldering iron so no probs there. Just need to know what part to fit as I canā€™t find an AC taper pot.


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Thanks for the suggestions.Ā 

Ive managed to order a genuine spare through Mansons. I only need to wait until 2020 to receive itĀ šŸ˜³. Iā€™ve also ordered the Bourn MN taper pot which arrived today. Stupidly when I was looking for pots I didnā€™t notice that the one on the bass (which is mounted in a small PCB) has 8Ā terminals as itā€™s centre tapped. I can only find 6 terminal ones online and the Pot thatā€™s arrived has 6 terminals.Ā 

Ive been trying to trace the tracks on the PCB to figure out whatā€™s going on but Iā€™m out of my depth. There is a small capacitor (I think) bleeding some signal to ground from the output but I canā€™t work out why. The bass has passive tone control but I canā€™t believe itā€™s for that as itā€™s nowhere near the treble/tone pot. The output from the balance pot goes to the volume pot - a hot and a ground.

im hoping that I can basically remove the old pot and itā€™s pcb and connect the pickups and output to the new 6 terminal pot but that would eliminate the capacitor.

does anyone know what the capacitor does or if what Iā€™m planning seems feasible? Iā€™m keen to get this bass working.





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The fourth terminal is a centre tap on the resistive track so Iā€™m assuming gives a 250k resistance.Ā The output seems to come from these joined together. Terminal 1 of the upper track goes to ground and terminal 3Ā of the lower track goes to ground. Seems to make some sense but what I donā€™t understand is what the capacitor does.

badly drawn diagram -Ā 


Edited by Waddycall
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20 hours ago, Andyjr1515 said:

If the capacitor is where you show it on your diagram, it looks to me like it is just bleeding some treble off at all settings.

Yep, thatā€™s makes sense. Iā€™m sure thatā€™s where the cap is. Not sure the pot is connected up quite like my diagram as it seems both pickups could end up being off.

i think Iā€™ll just disconnect it and try the bourns pot and see what happens. Donā€™t think Iā€™ll blow anything in the process.

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Well ive fitted the bourns pot as per an Aguilar OBP diagram for MN taper blend pots and it works, sort of!

in active mode itā€™s absolutely fine although thereā€™s is a bit of a jump in tone once moved from centre towards the bridge. Itā€™s not too bad so can live with that. The other difference is lack of treble control in passive mode. The treble control now acts as a second volume pot.

still itā€™s now useable at least and I think I can live with it until the ibanez part arrives in the new year.

its a bit of a lash up as I wasnā€™t sure it would work. As itā€™s temporary it can stay that way!




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