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Problems with Boss OC-2


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I'm having some trouble with my Boss Octave OC-2.

I have noticed the octave 1 works properly but the octave 2 is not noticeable at all. I tried it with the effect set to maximum and little clean mix and there is only a bit of effect coming through but nothing comparable to the oct.1 mode, hughe difference in volume levels.

I always have octave 1 nearly or full on and then add a bit of octave 2 but now, the 2 is not doing anything at all.

Any ideas what the problem might be?

Do you know of any places I can have it repaired/checked?

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[quote name='cheddatom' post='216754' date='Jun 11 2008, 12:03 PM']I have an OC-2 and I love it, and I tried an OC-3 and didn't like it. However, someone told me once that the OC-3 has an OC-2 emulation mode. Is this right? Doesn't it work?[/quote]

That's correct. But why pay for an emulation when you can get the real thing cheap as chips?

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[quote name='Higgie' post='217001' date='Jun 11 2008, 04:28 PM']That's correct. But why pay for an emulation when you can get the real thing cheap as chips?[/quote]

They're not much different in price are they? I would assume the "emulation" is as exact as they come?

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[quote name='thisnameistaken' post='217322' date='Jun 12 2008, 12:52 AM']Have you changed your rig at all? My OC-2 seems to do very little with the two-octaves-down knob but I'm putting it through a very average 4x10 so I don't expect to hear much of it.[/quote]

No I haven't changed anything, still with my Ampeg SVT Classic and 6x10 cab. It used to act differently, now the octave 2 adds nothing to the sound.

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[quote name='cheddatom' post='217021' date='Jun 11 2008, 04:48 PM']They're not much different in price are they? I would assume the "emulation" is as exact as they come?[/quote]

The OC-2 second hand will set up back at the most £40. I know I'd rather have the real thing than a copy...It just doesn't have the Mojo.

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[quote name='dangerboy' post='218364' date='Jun 13 2008, 02:54 PM']Let me know if you decide to bin it - I'd like a broken one to try and turn into a glitchy mess.[/quote]

Sorry but I'm keeping it for now... even with second octave not working properly I'm still getting a good sound out of it.

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If you're looking for an analog octaver, I really don't think the OC-2 can be beaten for the price. OC-3 is sh*te, EHX Octave Multiplexer is another good one, but I don't think it has the mojo the OC-2 does.

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