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Hi There folks!

I'm feeling a bit of a Scab because I'm only joining this noble community to get some advice on how to sell my equipment fairly. So I must humbly beg your collective pardon's...

I have been playing Bass since I was 14 and have enjoyed some underground success in Death Metal bands. I quit the scene a while back as I didn't get anything out of the music anymore and scene/band politics finally drove me out of love with the music.
My interests have shifted over the years and due to my unfortunate experiences with my band I don't really enjoy playing live or being on the road either.

These days I have gone back to my first loves, that is fine art and writing. I am working on a book and I have decided to move up north with my Wife so we can be near her family, start a family of our own and so I can access research for my new project.
Both moving and long term projects require monies and as my Bass and my Amp aren't being used by me, it also makes sense to move them to a new home where they will be loved and played the way they are meant to be played.

I am reluctant to sell these on eBay as I know I will get Skanked and end up selling them for much less than they are worth to any old mug who probably wont appreciate them as well as they should be. So I'm after some advice concerning what my gear is worth and what would be a fair price for me AND a potential buyer. I was advised by my local Music shop Guru that Basschat would be the place to sell my gear and that I would be showered with glorious sage like advice.

All I need to do now is ask where I should post the details?

Thanks for taking the time to read this most presumptuous of posts

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If it's a Rickenbacker or Rick copy, you can't advertise it or sell it here.

Otherwise, your best bet would be to post in the Bass Guitars subforum for advice on pricing, [url="http://basschat.co.uk/forum/16-bass-guitars/"]http://basschat.co.u...6-bass-guitars/[/url]
(If it's a Rick or Rick copy, doing that might be construed as advertising, so you might find it was politely deleted.)

Photos will help.

Or, you could post in the For Sale section (there, photos are essential). In my opinion, if it doesn't sell in a fortnight, you're pricing it too high. If it sells in a day, you priced it too low... ;)

Edited by alyctes
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Hey Hrodwulf,

Can one say "welcome" in a situation like this? Anyway, it's great you're being upfront about it.

For advice, I'd say just stick your description on General Discussion, seeing as there are different pieces of equipment. The more info the better, and pics will help too. Upload your pics to PhotoBucket and copy and paste the IMG links from there into your post.

Make sure you mention that you'll be selling on here only after having paid the fee. You'll be met with a more positive attitude then.

Selling on BC is hard these days, but I gather it has its own advantages. Don't expect people to just send you money, so make sure you provide alternative ways to do this in your ad.

Good luck!


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