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Signal splitting, can it be done reasonably on a budget?


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Hey guys!

I'm starting to mess with multiple rigs again, but untill now, I'd either be able to borrow splitter boxes or split to 2 Amps using the two outputs of my Yamaha Attitude,

I don't know much about about it and most of the gear I've borrowed seems really pricey and i'm on a tight budget.

Anyone with any experience with the lower end of the market stuff or know any tricks?

I'm looking to split the signal from my bass into two paths running down seperate pedal chains each into their own amp.

Thanks in advance!

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I picked up a mono version of one of these from Denmark Street a few years back.

Rudimentary way of splitting from the bass to two amps, it worked. Cheap as chips.


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[quote name='paul torch' timestamp='1343336572' post='1749305']
I picked up a mono version of one of these from Denmark Street a few years back.

Rudimentary way of splitting from the bass to two amps, it worked. Cheap as chips.



Would it work by plugging something that into the bass then running a cable from each side work?

[quote name='janmaat' timestamp='1343336665' post='1749311']
The easiest way is probably to solder yourself something like this, maybe 1x female to 2x male



I'm not the handiest, but I think I could pull it off, would have no idea what parts to use and where to get them though...

Edited by AttitudeCastle
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Sansamp BDDI has a clean out that works as a split, boss tuners have two outputs, wiring in two outputs like the attitude is fairly easy. Loads of pedals have multiple outputs. Some amps have tow inputs you can run a cable from the other one into another amp, like bridging inputs on valve amps.

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[quote name='woodyratm' timestamp='1343337660' post='1749322']
Wouldnt an AB box do this?

That's what I was first thinking, however I realised I know nothing about them... so thought I'd ask as everything I found seemed to say you need things costing a million and one pounds which didn't seem right, which is why I posted the thread!

[quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1343337752' post='1749323']
Sansamp BDDI has a clean out that works as a split, boss tuners have two outputs, wiring in two outputs like the attitude is fairly easy. Loads of pedals have multiple outputs. Some amps have tow inputs you can run a cable from the other one into another amp, like bridging inputs on valve amps.

Thanks Mr.F! Given me some good food for thought!

I have an old TU-2 gathering dust our rehersal space, can't believe I didn't think of it sooner, D'oh!

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[quote name='AttitudeCastle' timestamp='1343339248' post='1749346']
That's what I was first thinking, however I realised I know nothing about them... so thought I'd ask as everything I found seemed to say you need things costing a million and one pounds which didn't seem right, which is why I posted the thread!

Hmm, some splitters will use transformer balanced and isolated outputs - does tend to drive the cost up a little... Depends how fussy you are.

That might be considered 'overkill' for playing down the Dog and Duck.

Edited by paul_5
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[quote name='AttitudeCastle' timestamp='1343339248' post='1749346']
I have an old TU-2 gathering dust our rehersal space, can't believe I didn't think of it sooner, D'oh!

Remember that the TU-2 will only mute one of the outputs when you press the pedal. Of course this is moot if you're not going to use it as a tuner.

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[quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1343381090' post='1749741']
Remember that the TU-2 will only mute one of the outputs when you press the pedal. Of course this is moot if you're not going to use it as a tuner.

Yeah thanks for the heads up!

I'm going to get an EHX switchblade I think! £20 so not too dear and should do the job nicely but the Boss will certainly do untill I have an extra £20!

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