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paul h

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I haven't played with a pick in years but now I have a SX precision on the way I think I better get some.

I used to use these big Gibson Heavy triangular fellas. I think they were the "wedge" ones.

Does anyone know them, or use something similar? And if yes, where is the best place to get them these days?



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Dunlop make a few wedge shaped/sized picks that you could check out [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/12-Dunlop-Tortex-Triangle-Guitar-Picks-1-14mm-Purple_W0QQitemZ130187710551QQihZ003QQcategoryZ85854QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD2VQQcmdZViewItem?_trksid=p1638.m122"]tortex triangle[/url] & [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Dunlop-Ultex-Tri-Plectrums-picks-1mm-Heavy-12-pack_W0QQitemZ230209905234QQihZ013QQcategoryZ20832QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]ultex[/url].
Most of my local shops seem to stock the gibson ones, or there's always the bay: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/24-X-GIBSON-GUITAR-PICKS-TRIANGLE-HEAVY-4-00_W0QQitemZ120204305637QQihZ002QQcategoryZ20832QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]picks[/url]

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I used to use the Gibson ones a decade ago. When I picked up a bass after 8 years off I bought new ones, and found that they've changed the recipe. They now bend in a way they never did in the 90s... So I use Clayton's instead now. I can't stand bendiness!

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Cheers guys.

Unfortunately eBay is off limits for me at the moment because they have suspended my account! Nothing to do with me...I am sure my account was hacked but I am waiting to hear back from them.

Thanks for the tip off Dangerboy...no point going with the Gibsons if they are different now. Do you remember what thickness the Gibbos were? I just looked at some Clayton Black Ravens and the thickest are .63mm. That sounds about right but I can't be sure.

Anything big, triangular with rounded corners and without any flex will do me.


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[quote]I use big 1mm Acetal triangles from Clayton's


And I get them custom-printed. [b]Thinnest pick I've found that doesn't bend at all[/b]. Except for aluminium ones, but they scratch your bass something rotten.[/quote]

Dangerboy comes up trumps for me in an old thread I found. Sounds like just the ticket. Stringsdirect do a 12 pack for £4.95 with £1 delivery. As tempted as I am by the custom printed option, my status as a bedroom player doesn't really warrant buying 100 and spending $69.

It's taken me longer to decide what picks to get than it took me to decide to an SX p copy!


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Google it. I did the other day and got a good price on 36 Gibson Hvy guitar picks. I couldn't find them locally and they sell them in packs of 72 for $18 (£9) in the US but they won't export them so I had to buy 3 x 12 packs for £13. Still better per pick than UK prices, even after postage.

I love the internet.

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My Clayton Acetal Wedge picks turned up today from stringsdirect.

Just the job, they feel great. I got the 1mm but I might try the .80mm next time just so they have a tiny bit of give. They feel superior to the old Gibson wedges I used to use. They have a nice matt finish to them for the non slippiness and as far as is possible to tell, they seem pretty durable.

Thanks to Dangerboy for the tip!

Just have to wait for my SX P bass to turn up now!


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