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Bobby K

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Everything posted by Bobby K

  1. Hey Andy, that red Stingray 5 fretless you sold to Pete was very nice too
  2. I went round to pete's the other night and had a play on this, as pete is pretty local to me. The fingerboard and neck are gorgeous and very easy to play. One of the nices t bits of ebony I've seen. If I had the funds I'd be snapping it up, but alas it's just come at the wrong time for me. Pete is a top guy to deal with too, was a pleasure making his acquaintance.
  3. [font="tahoma, geneva, sans-serif"]Had a change of heart on this, so withdrawing for now...[/font]
  4. Ok, so I had a good go on a nice unlined fretless last night..... Turns out you all had a point I didn't have any real difficulty with intonation at all; the existing dots down the edge of the neck were sufficient. Pino woulda been proud Really excited about getting my hands on a nice unlined fretless now. As ever, just need to find the funds Cheers all
  5. I went and had a play on this last night, awesome bass for this money! Screams Stingray, nuff said Pete is also a top bloke, buy with confidence
  6. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!! the one you teased us with the other day. It's still teasing me now, as I have not a grand to spare
  7. You have to name a price, my friend....forum rules. No bidding here...
  8. Yep, it's worth consideration and it's how my CR4M was marked; it made all the difference and was quite understated
  9. Nice one Henry All things considered, I think the way forward just to get a nice fretless; if it happens to be lined, great, if not I'll give an unmarked a go. If I find after a while that I'm totally lost in space, I'll get it marked. Like I've said, if a bass was really nice but unmarked, it wouldn't stop me buying it...
  10. [quote name='LawrenceH' timestamp='1317426154' post='1390739'] I find it quite funny that all the responses have tried to change the OPs opinion rather than answer the question [/quote] Thanks Lawrence (and Walplayer) who seem to get where I'm coming from. This is all about achieving the right sound and ultimately, a sound that is in tune. This is not just a hobby for me, I do it for a living and don't want to lose the gig by being out of tune! So if the lines help me do my job and the bass sounds great, I'm happy. After the showcase gig the other day, countless people came up to me telling me how great the fretless song sounded. Job done, as far as I'm concerned. That being said though, I have not discounted the idea of getting an unlined bass and will be paying Walplayer a visit next week, to check out his PBC Bunker fretless I'm probably selling myself short on the ability to play an unlined and would probably be more accurate than i'm giving myself credit for.
  11. All good points BB, it's probably laziness on my part too. For me, it's all about getting the right sound and lines are a quick way to get that sound. Perhaps it's time to put the blast shield down and use the force, as it were
  12. Cheers for the input fellas, food for thought as ever. To put it into context, I've been playing with a Kate Bush tribute. (Google [i]Dutch Kate Bush, [/i]that's who it was) We did a showcase gig the other night for some of the big wig agents who put big shows on up and down the land. I used my old Hohner B Bass on the song BABOOSHKA (originally played by John Giblin on a fretless) This Hohner bass was my first attempt at a de-fret and although it's a little tatty, with a dab of chorus, it sounded ace and I think I did a pretty good job of the bassline, slid harmonics and all I could never imagine myself playing that line on a blank fretless, it was nervy enough with the lines! If the agents liked it and we get a tour out of it, I want to get something nicer. This is what got me thinking about these issues
  13. Yep, have thought about those things too. I've got a pretty good ear but would just prefer to have the lines. At the same time, I don't want to avoid a nice bass just because it's unmarked, hence my original question.
  14. I also played an NS upright for best part of ten years and that had the dots on it, so I'm no stranger to marked fretless playing...
  15. Oh yeah of course. I've been playing a lined one for a while now, but the idea of playing an unlined one on a darkened stage puts the fear if god in me lol. I'm just thinking of getting a nicer fretless bass and if it did happen to be a plain fingerboard, I was just wondering how feasible and practical getting it lined would be, that's all...
  16. Ok guys, I've noticed a lot of very nice unlined fretlesses coming up for sale in the BC marketplace I was just pondering the idea of getting lines put on an unlined fretless and how one would go about it...? (Philistine, I hear you all shout ) I'm guessing a trip to the local luthier would be in order and was wondering what the options are and what a ballpark price might be. Don't get me wrong, I know it would be better in the long run to persevere with an unmarked and learn the fingerboard the hard way; I also play cello and know all about this issue. I just don't have the time to put in the practice to master such an instrument. Your thoughts, gents of the bass...?
  17. Just received a Yamaha BB1500A from Pete. Excellently packed, excellent comms throughout the transaction and a top guy to do business with. Would gladly do so again Cheers P
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  19. Yea, mine is an oil finish natural now (apart from the black patches lol) The back of the neck was also left black, for rigidity I think. These are thru neck too, don't forget. Bargain
  20. Yeah was gonna try that anyway, out comes the copper tape again
  21. Hi chaps I've got an old Hohner B Bass, just like this one that's for sale at the moment on BC [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/156360-for-sale-hohner-b-bass-4-fretless/"]http://basschat.co.u...ass-4-fretless/[/url] Problem is, whenever I Play the bass on the bridge pickup alone, I get a buzzing noise, which then disappears when I put both pickups on full volume. Any ideas what's causing this and how I can remedy it?
  22. I reckon it's a de-fret; not sure they made fretless ones of these, maybe someone can tell me otherwise. Whoever did this de-fret made a much better job of it than me lol Mine was a bit battered when I got it, same colour as yours; had been partially sanded down by my mate (the previous owner). He'd started sanding it down because it had a silver skull and crossbones painted on it! He never finished the job, so there's still patches of black paint on it. I just loved the sound of it though and swapped my mint condition Hohner Jack (the headless one) for it. They're really nice and punchy basses for the money and this is a fair price I think. All the best with the sale
  23. Love my old B bass. They're very underrated I think. Was also my first attempt at a de-fret and I still use it today; sounds great! The de-tuner can be very handy too. Have a fellow owner's bump
  24. Sorry Eu, I'm all spent up on basses at the moment Do need a good fretless though. This has just appeared at the wrong time for me unfortunately. Nevertheless, bump!
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