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Everything posted by dudewheresmybass

  1. it sounds more complex when it's written down lol
  2. I use both a b and c 9 on bass with good results. I also have a mel9 (which i use in a different band) The b and c get most use for hammond and pad sounds in deep purple and similar Classic rock songs with my covers band. I found that running it inline and into my bass rig didn't quite sound right though. I have rigged it slightly differently - I split my signal using the dry out from the 9s to the rest of my board, and send the line via an ABY switch to select which sound I'm using and then to a killswitch and DI box and straight to PA. In - b9 keys out to ABY / dry out to c9 then split signal as before to rest of board from the dry out, and keys out to the other side of the ABY. ABY - a in from b9 /b in from c9. Y to latching killswitch then to DI and Pa I hope this makes sense - please feel free to make contact via PM if I can help further
  3. I teach beginners guitar as well. To answer another point - reading is not the be all and end all, although it can help. I use both notation and tablature to teach. The kids I teach in school basically want to be able to play songs that they hear. I have had to develop a hybrid approach to get them playing and begin to start reading. Over the summer spell, festivals and larger shows with my originals band and Ozzy tribute show become more plentiful, offsetting the lack of school hours.
  4. I've been full time for 20 years now - there have been fallow times, but I did whatever I was able to do - Van driving, kitchen fitters' labourer, I even did some COVID testing in schools. Now my teaching is becoming more and more of my income, I find that I can cover pretty much the whole year. Teaching wise, it's taken me a few years, but I found myself working with the child of a local music coordinator, which has opened many many doors for me. My schedule is very nicely filled, with plenty of space available for teaching, learning, live and recording work.
  5. the 3b looks amazing. it was the second bass i fell in love with - after harris' P bass
  6. great speakers these - i use one for monitoring during teaching and another for practice when I'm working in different locations GLWTS
  7. 😬 brings tears to the eyes just looking at it!
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