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Posts posted by Muppet

  1. [quote name='ped' post='33941' date='Jul 19 2007, 12:52 AM']It is difficult to advise with action and setup without knowing where you started from and without having a look. Where are you from? I am sure there will be a local Basschatter who will be willing to look at it for you.


    I think Brandon's in the States, Ped. Somewhere like Michigan or Montana or somewhere beginning with M (apologies as I have forgotten)

    Brandon, your fingerboard is curved not flat, so the middle two strings are quite likely to be raised higher than the outer two to follow the curve. This is quite normal. If you set all your strings to the same height and are setting the E and G strings first, I'm not surprised the A and the D are buzzing. Try raising them so that the distance from the BOTTOM of the string to the TOP of the 17th fret is the same on all strings and then make minor adjustments from there.


  2. [quote name='lonestar' post='33335' date='Jul 17 2007, 10:52 PM']I'm amazed the lockup is still going We used it years ago and it was a tip then. Loads of stories of nicked car hi fi and dodgy substances being dealt in thr car park. Allegedly!
    Cambridge centre is a sad place for rehearsal spaces. There used to be a small place called Flightpath studios on newmarket Road and that's about it I'm afraid. I've also used the place mentioned above near RAF whyton in the back of beyond; converted packing case type rooms but still better than the lockup. PA and drums quite good.
    we also used a place called The Warehouse in fulbourn.
    i now live in saffron Walden and rehearse with my band in either Harlow or Chelmsford.

    sorry I don't know of anywhere else
    Good luck![/quote]

    Yup we use the place in Wyton occasionally too - it's handy as it's central for us, but a bit out of the way for you guys. Have you tried The Portland and Man in the Moon for nights when they've not got bands on?

  3. [quote name='ste_m3' post='33030' date='Jul 17 2007, 01:37 PM']Yeahhhh! The 810 is on its way! I shall have lots of pictures and a write up when it gets here, hopefully tomorrow![/quote]

    I am sure you will be gobsmacked! Look forward to it

  4. Andertons and the last UK distributor are run by the same person. Not surprising they got the last lot of stock!

    I bought a Eden RS410 combo. Bloody brilliant - I've hardly been off the thing and the NC range is just as good.

  5. The signal is still not going to be at the right level for you to record usefully with. Assuming you have already increased the 'record level input' on your software then you need some sort of preamp to boost the signal.

  6. [quote name='Cantdosleepy' post='29665' date='Jul 10 2007, 11:45 AM']4) It seems odd that with concert DVDs they don't have an extra feature where you can focus on one player for the show - wouldn't cost much to slap a feature like that on, and the market for 'MUSE in Wembley Special Edition: with extra Disc Featuring Matt Bellamy's fretboard for an hour' would actually be pretty significan, I reckon.[/quote]

    Sky TV playercam for gigs instead of footie.

  7. [quote name='Timface' post='29622' date='Jul 10 2007, 10:32 AM']Im still looking at getting ABM900 and Ampeg 610[/quote]

    I find Ashdown heads and Ampeg cabs don't go that well. I use a SVT4PRO and a Ampeg 610 and have an Ashdown head as a backup.

    I'm not convinced that any amp is bulletproof. If you are paranoid (as I admit I am) then you'll have a backup plan.

    I guess it means you need to take care of your equipment and have it serviced as and when. Anything not looked after is going to fail earlier than anything that is.

  8. [quote name='Rumble' post='29591' date='Jul 10 2007, 09:18 AM']Does it make sense that if you're using an active bass you only need a passive DI and v.v?[/quote]

    No it's not that simple. Mine is an active box and has two levels of attenuation if the signal (often from an active bass) is too high. The reason I chose the active is that it can absorb phoamtom power from the desk - this [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=334"]thread[/url] goes in to this in more detail.

  9. Two basses
    One 6x10 cab
    Two amp heads
    DI box connected with lead
    Spare cables
    Spare speaker leads
    Spare fuses
    Spare batteries
    Tool box with usual stuff (screwdrivers, soldering iron allen keys etc)
    Pedal board or multiFX
    Spare patch leads
    Spare 9v PSU
    Change of clothes
    Roadie gloves
    A plan in case things go wrong.

    I have a spare for almost every eventuality AND importantly either have the backups plugged in or ready cabled or ready to be used. No point having a backup if it's in the car or not tuned or still in its case. Overkill in 99% of cases but when it comes to interrupting someones wedding music to sort out kit that's failed when they've paid you a fair lump of cash that interruption should be a bare minimum.

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