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Nice Guy Rich

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Everything posted by Nice Guy Rich

  1. @Bigguy2017 I just checked the socket and it’s fine, I tried a few different leads and the results were surprising. Fender and Klotz leads when plugged in, the jack plug wobbles a bit and it feels slightly ‘too thin’ for the socket, both of these had intermittent output and the sound kept dropping out 🤔. D’Addario, Roland and Tourtech leads on the other hand, have jacks that fit nice and snug in the socket and, they didn’t have any problems at all. Turns out that different manufacturers leads have ever so slightly varying sizes of jack plug….who knew? 🤷🏻‍♂️
  2. I took delivery of my new Squier Classic Vibe “60s Precision this week and I bloody love it but, when the guitar lead is plugged fully in there’s no sound, if I pull the jack back a fraction it kicks into life and sounds fine. I played it at rehearsal last night and it only fell silent once, a quick jiggle of the jack sorted it. What can I do to remedy this? I don’t want to play and worry if I’m going to suddenly fall silent.
  3. I went for the burgundy strap and it looks amazing, it compliments the pickguard 😀
  4. NBD.  Just waiting for DX to deliver my new Squier Classic Vibe 60s Precision in Olympic White c/w tortoiseshell pickguard 😁

  5. I just want to run a quick straw poll, what would you put with an Olympic White P-Bass with a tortoiseshell pickguard? Black strap or, a burgundy strap?
  6. @bass_dinger & @Minininjarob I wholeheartedly agree, being able to serve and play in church is a blessing and an honour, it's the time when you put ego and self firmly behind you and you play for the good of the congregation and, for the Lord. I hate it when people who continually rock up late or, don't listen to the songs, then try to hide behind crap such as "God hears all worship as good worship, even bad worship". I've heard some sung worship that borders on blasphemy.
  7. @bass_dinger I have faith in myself and one other. Back in the day, baptisms were a big deal but nowadays, nobody wants to put themselves out. Everybody else seems to have adopted a "that'll do" attitude.
  8. I played a old secondhand black Charvel 4B bass, back in my metal days, I sold it for reasons that I can't remember and whilst it certainly wasn't the best bass I've ever owned, I do miss it.
  9. As we have a baptism on Sunday, I looked back at photos of when my wife and I were baptised 4 years ago, the worship team then had a drummer, a bass player, a keyboard player, a guitarist and 5 singers.......this Sunday, there are only 3 of us playing in total. It's going to be hard to play MY REDEEMER LIVES and VICTOR'S CROWN and do them justice with 3 people. We've got a drummer, a keyboard player and me on bass and lead vocals.
  10. @SimonK But surely as the bass player, you ARE the pillar of the band 😁👍🏻
  11. Having a donkey in church sounds like fun until it drops a bundle 💩. We have a smasher of a Sunday coming up, Easter Sunday and a baptism rolled into one.
  12. @BigRedX We’re on the same wavelength, I was thinking of tuning it to DGCA to see how that goes. This would mean that I wouldn’t have to file the nut or make too many adjustments, I’ll try it and see how it feels and plays.
  13. @Doctor J Very interesting alternative but they appear to be a bit thin on the ground. Looks like Hipshot is the only viable option.
  14. Are there any other detuners other than Hipshot Xtenders? I want to out one on my cheapy Stingray copy but a Hipshot Xtender will cost more than the bass does... Any ideas?
  15. We’re also looking to get IEM’s, the recent posts on here have proved really helpful 😃👍🏻. KZ ZS10 Pro’s are looking to be the ones I’ll be getting.
  16. My church is considering using the ChurchSuite app to help organise everything, does anybody have experience of using it? What are your thoughts?
  17. Phoenix Life, I claimed part of my pension early and they have done nothing but come up with fake excuses to stall the process and I'm still waiting for my money, months after I should've had it....I feel like I've been scammed, it's bordering on fraud.
  18. You have to frame it 😁 I'm a worship leader at a Baptist Church and I love METAL !! 🤘🏼 Counter their scribble with Psalm 33:1-3.... Sing joyfully to the Lord, you righteous; it is fitting for the upright to praise him. Praise the Lord with the harp; make music to him on the ten-stringed lyre. Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy.
  19. @SimonK I am definitely guilty of letting off steam in this thread because as church musicians, we all know that playing in church can be equally rewarding and frustrating. Yesterday I led the sung worship, I was on bass and lead vocals, we played I SPEAK JESUS and whilst we have played it countless times before, for some reason it really resonated in the hearts of the congregation. There was a huge and very vocal outpouring of love for Christ and it made the hairs on my arms stand up, it was a honor to be a part of it and it made me love what I do even more. I'm still buzzing this morning. Yes, I moan about playing in church but, I love it too 😁
  20. @Woodinblack So true, I always wanted a Thunderbird so I bought one, the neck dive was a huge pain and I couldn’t get on with it so, I sold it on. Its not a failure if we learn something along the way.
  21. I've used the Levy's Leathers Poly Black Extra Long 3" straps in the past and, I found them to be great.
  22. I just read this and added the Basschat app to my home screen 😃
  23. I didn't enjoy reading that Aston "Family Man" Barrett passed away this week, a huge loss to the bass world.

    1. Reggaebass


      Massive loss, very sad indeed 

  24. I cannot get enough of this album at the moment, especially this song
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