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Nice Guy Rich

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Everything posted by Nice Guy Rich

  1. I doubt that logic was involved in the decision making process.
  2. I’ve just found out that my church elders have decided that we don’t need a bass player every week, it makes no sense to me…..I’m dealing with non-musicians making musical decisions 🤦🏻‍♂️
  3. I used to rehearse at Soundlab in Loughton, Essex, I played through an Orange Terror bass head into an Ampeg 8x10, simply the best sound I have ever got.
  4. @Rich I bet she plays like a dream, I used to have a Status Energy 4 (wood body and wood neck), it was a lovely bass to play but the knobs were faulty so I got shot of it.....I wish I'd kept it.
  5. I've been revisiting an old favourite...Gigilo by BLACK OAK ARKANSAS. Who can resist Big Jim Dandy.
  6. @TrevorR Everything's good and back on track.
  7. @Risk101 How is your hand healing? Back in 2010, I managed to put my left hand through a window and I completely severed both tendons, I went right through the Median Nerve and I had to learn how to use my hand again. 14 years on I still only have 20% feeling in my thumb and the first two fingers on a good day and, I have limited mobility of my thumb but, I can still play and nobody can tell when watching me. Praying for healing for you. Some of you might remember that I threw my toys out the pram recently and stood back as a Worship Leader in my church, I'm now back as a Worship Leader as I missed doing it and I think both sides learnt from the situation. God is great !
  8. I need to get a better gig bag for my EUB, I swear that the one I got from Gear4Music is one step up from a plastic bag.
  9. I could never buy a red bass. I don't like active pickups. I don't like 5 string basses.
  10. When I decide to play my EUB in church, it’ll be going through the Peavey TKO 115 that we use for standard basses, are there any specific adjustments I need to make to the settings of the combo to accommodate/compliment the EUB? Any ideas and advice would be greatly appreciated.
  11. @LeftyP We are due to have a worship team social night on Saturday, it'll be a room full of people only there to grab at free food and drink, pretending to be friends when in truth, they don't care a sh*t about each other. People who respect each other, support each other and think of each other, they don't continually turn up late, they don't miss rehearsals completely and they do listen to the songs before we turn up to play them. i also had an issue with different people knowing different versions of one song recently however, I personally sent each and every one of them, a YouTube link with the exact version that I was planning to play that week and do you know what? ...not one of them bothered to watch the link. I play with a bunch of self-centred time wasters.
  12. @Richard R On Friday I told them that I was going to temporarily stand down, on Saturday afternoon they were asking me when I was coming back LOL They are only asking to try to make me change my mind, I can see through their fake, veiled words. There's a lot more to the story, I was recently accused of being unapproachable by two other members of the Worship Team, one that I lent a bass to use for the past 3 months and another that I had lent a keyboard to as they didn't have one to practice on, if that's me being unapproachable then I'd rather be unapproachable than a two-faced backstabbing ungrateful c*nt. From now on; God first, Rich second, everyone else can whistle. Rich is looking after Rich. Rich is doing what's best for Rich. Rich does what Rich wants. That should save my sanity.
  13. @bass_dinger After banging my head against a brick wall and getting nowhere for ages, why is it that as soon as I stepped down, people started messaging me asking what my ideas were to help improve the Worship Team? My reply was to simply reminded them that it wasn't my problem any more as I'm no longer a Worship Leader. To quote the Vicomte de Valmont....
  14. I had a meeting with my Church Elders on Thursday and I felt that I was being demonised and, the overwhelming message being sent to me was to not rock the boat, to not try to change anything as it is what it is and that nobody’s going to change. I thought things through on Friday and in the evening I decided to step down from the role of Worship Leader. I’ll still be in the worship team, but only playing bass, playing guitar and providing backing vocals. No longer do I have to worry about other people turning up late, not turning up at all, not learning the songs, not reading people’s messages and not replying to messages because it’s not my problem. I’ll just be a hired hand and care as much as everyone else does.
  15. The Lord spoke to me yesterday and touched my heart. I took back what I said about refusing to play with the brothers but, this doesn’t mean that I’m agreeing to turn a blind eye, if they continue turning up late etc, I will pull them up. I want what’s best for our church and whilst we must forgive others and be more like the Good Shepherd etc, I will not accept tardiness and, we must help guide those that need guidance, not from a position of superiority but because we want to make our church better. I care about the church and I want to help solve problems, not be a problem. I truly believe that being in the worship team and, being a worship leader is my calling and I take it very seriously. God gave me my talents and to use them to praise him is an honour.
  16. @LukeFRC It’s not just volunteering to play music, it’s answering a calling to serve the Lord, it’s supplying the music to help people connect with God and it should be an honour. I take my worship seriously and I refuse to sit back and watch anybody detract from it.
  17. Just got home from the baptism service, it was lovely and, the drummer actually turned up on time (not that he had any other choice). I didn’t speak to him, I blanked him. My Pastor still hasn’t replied or even acknowledged my message, I reckon he’ll just ignore it and hope it’ll go away…..not a chance, I don’t make empty threats.
  18. I just messaged my Pastor asking that after this Sunday, the Worship Team rota be amended as I refuse to play with the drummer, and his brother, any more. The drummer and his brother are actually both talented musicians (they both play bass, drums and keys) but, they are both always late and they are a liability. I refuse to watch my dedication and hard work for the Worship Team being eroded and undermined by their constant self-centred disregard to punctuality. Let the fun commence.
  19. Communcation is not the problem; The Worship Team rota is sent out to everyone, telling them when they are playing, months in advance. Last Sunday, I personally messaged every single person playing this week, I sent the songs, the day that we are rehearsing and the time that we are starting. A message is sent out on Mondays telling everybody, the list of who's playing the following Sunday and what time and date we are rehearsing. The problem is people being lazy and self-centred.
  20. Last night was the first time I've rehearsed since I had the crisis meeting with my Pastor, regarding me almost quitting the Worship Team. We had to rehearse last night as the keyboard player and the drummer couldn't do Friday, the drummer unfortunately is a repeat offender, late for EVERY rehearsal and late for EVERY service, he's been pulled up numerous times and so I was keen to see what he did last night. Rehearsal is 8-10pm and at 8:50pm the drummer still hadn't turned up, I messaged him and he replied that he had forgotten, he eventually arrived at 9:15pm, which left us only 45 minutes to run through all the songs with drums. The worst part is that this Sunday is a baptism service, clearly the drummer doesn't give a flying f**k about this and thinks his time is more important than everyone else's. He did try to apologise afterwards but I wasn't in the mood for his excuses, I did ask him if he ever gets bored of saying "sorry I'm late" every time he walks into a room and I made it clear that I wasn't happy. I wouldn't mind if he had been asked to anything special, all he had to do was turn up on the night that he asked for and, play drums. Nothing ever changes and words are weak, I genuinely think it's time for action....watch this space.
  21. I try not to dwell on the past as it can't be changed, as long as we learn from our decisions, be them good or bad, then we should count them as a win. Having said that, trying to open a jammed sliding window back in August 2010, resulting in me severing both tendons in my left wrist and, completely severing the Median nerve which has left me with vastly reduced feeling in my left thumb and the first 2 fingers (20% max on a good day), wasn't my best decision. Luckily, I can still play but some days are painful whilst others, I can't feel sh*t.
  22. @bass_dinger Along those lines, yes. I actually printed off yours and took them with me as a template. We can put the rules in place but time will tell if people actually read them and, abide by them.
  23. @Richard R The meeting went incredibly well. Instead of just sitting there and moaning, I went in with a positive approach, 6 pages of detailed ideas on how I think we can improve the Worship Team and, instead of using the word problems, I referred to them as weaknesses. The main areas of weakness with our Worship Team that I addressed were; Poor Communication, Persistent Lateness and Lack of Commitment. My Pastor was grateful for my honesty (albeit blunt at times) and welcomed my ideas, he's going to have a word with the main offenders and put some rules in place. He reminded me of Hebrews 12:15 and it confirmed that a positive approach is always the right one; "See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many." In short, I'm staying and the future looks bright.
  24. That's a pivotal point, "they all agreed it", the last time we had a Worship Team meeting, which was way back in October 2022, less than half of the people actually turned up. I've got a meeting with my Pastor tonight and I'm going to let him know how I'm feeling and what changes I think could be made.
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