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4 Strings

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Everything posted by 4 Strings

  1. [quote name='matski' timestamp='1399547659' post='2445160'] Snap! Me too [/quote] Silly, same as mine bit it doesn't stop me being jealous of you! If I had piles of cash I'd find it difficult not to buy each one I came across.
  2. It's an odd one. Could be favourite parts, could have been a swap from a fretless. Not sure if it reduces the value by much, but I suppose originality is everything. The older necks are the most important aspect, 1977 would have been one of the first (which means the early 1980 serial number came with the body). I really like it. I'll give you a monkey to take it off your hands!
  3. [quote name='Brams77' timestamp='1399485986' post='2444736'] I actually have the original spare mute pads from the early 80s I bought it from a talkbass member a while ago for 6 dollar... They have already got adhesive undersides which helps:).. Anyway I can you this club with two basses actually I have a '78 refinnished in trans butterscotch amazing player and light 4,3 kg And I have a original black one comming my way that i'll have in tomorrow... That one has a replaced eb preamp and I'm not 100% the pickup is original or not... Never the less I always wanted a black one all the finish is original and it still has the original frets aswell.. And it's even lighter then the butterscotch one.. Cant wait If it is as good as the one I already got then it will be very hard to get the grin off my face everything I plug it in the comming weeks;) [/quote] No pics, no......
  4. Bit difficult to comment on the sound at Brighton last night as I didn't hear too much of the pa being positioned here: [URL=http://s1341.photobucket.com/user/4Strings1/media/2014-05-05200814_zps668aba54.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1341.photobucket.com/albums/o760/4Strings1/2014-05-05200814_zps668aba54.jpg[/IMG][/URL] However, thoroughly enjoyed the gig, one of those 'musical experiences' type gigs that will stay with me. Get to see them if you can. Mr League is an incredible bass player - on flats too! - but that's not the story.
  5. They talked about a 500W micro amp, tried a few mockups but couldn't solve some of the issues. There's a thread on here somewhere following their progress. I was one of those eagerly awaiting, in the end I bought a Streamliner and not looked back while the Matamp version disappeared. I heard that none of the GB staff worked for Fender, who pinched the Class-D technology for their Rumble amps. Bit like Kraft promising to keep the major UK Cadbury factory running before they took them over, but closing it 1 week after. Can Fender be forgiven?
  6. The interesting part of the number is [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]B016370 (not sure where the other digits come from?) a[/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]nd f[/font][/color]rom here: http://musicmanbass.org/mycustompage0011.htm you can see it falls almost certainly to early 1980, but you can also see it's a bit hit and miss as the bridges were just picked out of a bin. The neck/pocket/pot dates are the only real way, but then they just tell you the dates those particular items were finished and, as has been said, many don't have the stamps on one or (like mine) either. The pots always do, but they may be somewhat older than the actual bass as they too were picked from a bin from batches delivered. I'd agree with £14-1600, although may be slightly less to actually sell. What's for sure is that you have an extraordinarily nice bass there and I'm sure you have your reasons for sale, I'm sure they must be good ones!
  7. Bass full up Treble as a slap switch, i.e. mid way unless slap is need when it goes to 10. (I know, but sometimes get to do 'Some Other Guy') Mid as a subtle volume control. Around halfway, if I'm being lost in the mix up it goes and there I am, without just getting louder Any more knobs and I'm lost.
  8. Yep, same reason for both buying those here.
  9. http://www.guitar.co.uk/media/catalog/product/cache/1/thumbnail/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/t/r/traben-neo-4-string-aged-wh_1.jpg Sorry.
  10. Where do you want the neck pup to be? Some are right up at the neck (Gibson et al), others, like the Lull, are in the P position. If you like the Yamaha sound, probably the P position is what you want. The Stingray HH is up by the neck (probably why I didn't like mine) whereas the G&L are more P position. Just an observation which might help to eliminate some from this difficult reckoning.
  11. I remember asking them a question about the V1 valve in the Streamliner and got a response straight back from Jeff Genzler. Seemed to actually encourage experimentation with it. Shame to have lost all that. No doubt he won't be troubled for finance for the rest of his life, maybe he'll do a Leo and pop up with another company! Wish there was a UK firm who would make amps like these.
  12. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1398460678' post='2434477'] Fender have brought out some heads based on the Genz stuff, but I don't know how loud they are. Another promising head is the Bugera Veyron. These appear to be very heavily influenced by the Streamliner, and there is no shortage of watts! No idea when they come to market, or price, although Bugera (Behringer) tend to be very competitively priced. [url="http://www.dv247.com/guitars/bugera-bv1001t-veyron-t--207798"]http://www.dv247.com...eyron-t--207798[/url] [/quote] Goodness, looks like they bought the rights for the Streamliner, that's very similar. Must have been looking the other way, didn't realise Fender closed down GB! I saw STLs were cheap at Bass Direct, didn't realise why. What a crying shame! I have an STL900 and it's the best amp I've ever had.
  13. That's a bargain for a Mex Deluxe. These are serious basses, apparently using electronics from California. Not sure whether the body is in many parts, who cares. My lad has gigged one of these for a couple of years now, probably 100 gigs or so, loves it and has no desire to 'upgrade'. He gets a really, really nice jazz sound from that bridge pup.
  14. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/175341-mm-ray-with-gold-hardwear/page__p__1640589__hl__bathroom__fromsearch__1#entry1640589
  15. No pics no bass! I prefer the 3 band, gives a nice option to give a bit more presence without getting louder.
  16. Just a little thought are you sure you'd like a double humbucker? I thought I did, bought a MM 4HH and also an old Sabre. Nice basses but the neck humbucker didn't really give what I wanted. It was nearer the Gibson mud bucker type sound. This isn't a bad sound, just not one I wanted. When I had a custom built I specified a P type, single coil pickup (albeit in a J casing, wound in opposing directions to buck the hum) and it is perfect. Full and rich rather than flappy and dull. Of the two MM basses the neck pup on the Sabre is much the better, to my ear , I didn't get on with the 4HH at all, hollow muddy sound on the neck pup. Def try the G&L. Would be my first stop now.
  17. [quote name='Foxx' timestamp='1396915732' post='2418809'] [attachment=159681:SRFront.jpg] That now sits in my house, all original bar satin re-fin body, which I thought looked ace, the sound is incredible, tryed for years to create something like it, but never really succeeded, until now. Reckon I might get the body clear coated though at some point, the finish is nice, but being gloss would really set it off i think. Has the original mute springs, but the foam rubber is long since gone, planning on replacing it with the neoprene stuff that goes under jazz bass pickups, about the right dimensions when cut to length i reckon. But either way, happy as a pig in **** now. [/quote] It is, of course, totally gorgeous, especially in that red and, yes, gloss would be great. Get thick stuff for the pads. I cut up a mouse pad for my Sabre, but they didn't reach the strings when wound up!
  18. [quote name='bakerster135' timestamp='1398688359' post='2436528'] Amazing. They could be sisters! Has yours got a brass nut on it? How do you find that if so, does it improve things? [/quote] Oh absolutely, it's so, well, brass coloured! In reality, naah. I suppose I don't have one with a plastic nut to compare, but fretted notes are fretted anyway and the occasional open note sounds like an open note. There are a couple of Stinrgrays on the database from that age with a brass nut. Not sure if they made a batch at the factory or it was just a fashionable modification of the time. Looks cool if you polish it (for a week or so). Still got the original damper pads, now lumps of formless goo. Just back from using it at a rehearsal. Best basses in the world!
  19. Best bass in the world. I got one too, same colour, year(s) etc. [URL=http://s1341.photobucket.com/user/4Strings1/media/Pre-EBStingray_zps5c4597f2.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1341.photobucket.com/albums/o760/4Strings1/Pre-EBStingray_zps5c4597f2.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  20. A really lovely bass at a great price. Sorry I can't buy it, I'll recommend it to a couple of people though.
  21. Yours has been a bizarre experience, PauBass. Glad you're getting one sorted eventually and I think we can also understand why, despite the good experiences of others you're not likely to be going back to Roqsolid.
  22. Just a thought, I wonder if it was, for some reason, a non-standard cab? Did you ever send the dims of your cab and handle positions to Roqsolid? I have their covers on my Midget and Compact and they fit with uncanny accuracy (and have been indestructible). I wonder if your cab is slightly different to the standard dims they have for it?
  23. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1397246470' post='2422287'] It doesn't, if it did everyone would play a Jazz and the Precision would be redundant. [/quote] I think anyone would be pushed to tell the difference. It's not the only important difference between the basses. Going to your other post, Beedster, absolutely GROOVE it all depends on this regardless of bass used.
  24. Sorry, not in a position to buy this, but I bet it sounds absolutely amazing! Would love to hear it. Have a bump for a unique instrument.
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