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Status Updates posted by Mykesbass

  1. Saw/heard Dave Bronze at a gig last night. Blooming good isn't he?!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. gjones


      I saw him playing with Andy Fairweather Low, a few years ago. They were supporting Robert Cray.


      He just brought a little Markbass amp on stage with him. No huge 8x10 for Dave.

    3. Mickeyboro


      I really rate him. And he plays interesting basses. One show a Jazz pre interval, Precision after (Laklands?)

    4. Mykesbass


      I did think the headstock which was all I could see looked like a Lakland.

  2. Well that's next Saturday's gig down the pan 😕

  3. Why are all these coronavirus threads appearing in General Discussion? Has it suddenly become music related? Grump over.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mykesbass


      Great response! I See they are getting moved/merged/locked now thankfully.

    3. bassbiscuits


      Just assumed it was spreading

    4. lowdown


      In before the Lockdown.

  4. Going to see my old band tonight - mixed feelings...

    1. Teebs


      How did it go?

    2. Mykesbass


      Not as good, naturally, but OK. Felt sorry for bass player (who is a mate) who was really nervous knowing I was there!!

  5. Hmm, interesting new musical project in its formative stage...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Marc S

      Marc S

      But of course @Mykesbass would be too young to remember them....

    3. Teebs


      I reckon it's a gothic interpretation of Steps œuvre.

      Think this:





    4. Mykesbass


      @Marc S I'm flattered - altogether now, "Chanson d'amour...rat ta tat ta da"

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