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Posts posted by franzbassist

  1. [quote name='TheRev' post='288419' date='Sep 21 2008, 10:48 AM']Try the Thomastik acoustic bass strings - very mellow but with just the right ammount of top end zing.[/quote]

    Or Elxirs, I have them on my Brook and they feel more like a conventional string than the Thoms.

  2. Bang a high power neo in each of [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/SWR-Bass-Monitors-ultra-rare-wedge-cabs_W0QQitemZ140268441159QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item140268441159&_trkparms=72%3A12|39%3A1|66%3A2|65%3A12|240%3A1318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14"]these[/url] CK and you're sorted!

  3. [quote name='Born 2B Mild' post='287383' date='Sep 19 2008, 03:33 PM']I don't know what your budget is, but I assume it's £1000 +/- £250. If the PRS isn't going to take your money, but you still want something nice, you might want to check out Spectors. Admittedly I haven't tried everything, and perhaps Sandbergs are worth a look too. Status & Modulus (used) might come in to the equation too.[/quote]

    I'm not desperate to buy another bass, as I have three already that I love. I just liked the idea of a nice 4 string, and as I tend towards boutique basses (look at my signature as a clue) thought I'd give this PRS a go.

  4. Thanks for the comments guys. I've heard in a few places that the basses lack a bit sonically, and even though the price is good I don't want to buy a bass unplayed that turns out to be a dud.

  5. Hello all

    I've been offered a PRS from the most recent production run for a really good price, and I'm just curious to know what people who have played one think of them. I assume fit and finish is top notch, but what about sound and playability?



  6. [quote name='crazypink' post='286409' date='Sep 18 2008, 08:11 AM']I got a message back from Paul yesterday and thankfully he is honouring Pete's waiting list and I'm on it. Now's the time to be patient and wait for my Wal creation![/quote]
    Good news indeed. I wonder just how many back orders there are?

  7. So, a week on and what do I think of the bass?

    Fit and finish is superb. Really just amazing quality and workmanship. It's strange, but the bass seems so much stronger than most ABGs I've played. The finish on it is amazing too, glassy smooth and just wonderful to hold. I have no complaints at all about the workmanship that went into this instrument.

    Played on its own, unplugged, it has a really nice tone that I am sure will just get better with age. The b string is very robust and even with the other strings. Finger style sounds great and played with a pick the bass has bite and presence. Last night I played it against a Lowden Dreadnought and the two sat really well together, the bass only starting to fade when the guitarist strummed [i]really[/i] hard.

    And then I plugged it in...

    WOW. I wasn't prepared for the sound that came out of my rig. Huge bass with really fat creamy tones, not boomy (although the feedback got a bit tasty when we really cranked it up - will by a soundhole plug just in case) just lots of real "punch in the chest" bass. Being so light the bass was a delight to play, and after rehearsing out acoustic set my electric felt really heavy when we moved on to the blues.

    So, I am absoltely chuffed to bits with this bass. It's unique, beautiful and sounds wonderful both unplugged and, er, unplugged.

    Simon and the team at Brook have made a masterpiece...

  8. [quote name='6stringbassist' post='282569' date='Sep 12 2008, 12:41 PM']Your Wal is beautiful, unusual that you've got a gloss finish though isn't it.[/quote]

    Thanks. Yes it is quite unusual, although certainly not unique. Pete was concerned that the naturally brittle nature of the spalted maple would make it liable to crack if left with the usual poly finish, so we glossed it.

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