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Everything posted by franzbassist

  1. This is brand new and was bought last week to house my new Demeter pre/Crown power amp combo. However, it's too deep for my EA cabs, so I'm going to get a flight case instead. Studiospares spec: [list] [*]Case thickness is 3mm [*]Rackstrip BOTH ENDS [*]Bracing is moulded into the body and lids to provide added rigidity [*]Gasket sunk into the edge of the lid which is compressed by a lip on the body to form a tight seal against dirt and liquids [*]Drawbolt locks are fitted to make the lid shut tight [*]The mounting strip is threaded (M5) so it is impossible to lose caged nuts [*]Case length is 550mm which is slightly longer than most [/list] It cost me £57 last week. I'd like [b]£45 posted (rate = standard parcel)[/b], or collected from London (WC2) or Hampshire (GU34)
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  4. My new Demeter pre has a trim pot next to the tube as well. I assume it's to adjust the gain but have left well alone as it sounds fab as it is.
  5. [quote name='overwater#1' post='789396' date='Mar 29 2010, 02:11 PM']How much roughly would something like that be setting me back?[/quote] Matt, you know the drill.... if you have to ask, you probably can't afford it
  6. Don't worry, I just checked, it's 14" deep so too shallow for my needs.
  7. Hey Matt, it's a pleasure. Brian is well worth contacting anyway, even if that one is too expensive. He loves Smiths and gets used ones in on a regular basis. Cheers Gareth
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  9. Hi Matt Brian Barret at The Low End in the US has an ultra-rare Smith BMT Elite fretted 6 for sale at the moment. These are the best Smiths of all IMO (I used to own one, as well as numerous other BSRs). I know it would mean buying sight unseen from the US, but I'd be astonished if it was anything less than incredible, and expensive. Cheers Gareth
  10. Yet more cables for me from Dave. A speaker cable wired for bridged power amp use and a balanced Y lead; perfect products as always.
  11. If anyone is on Facebook, Dave has now set up a page for his bassic bits cables business on there. If you use Facebook it might be a nice idea to share the love and add yourself as a fan. Cheers Gareth
  12. I just bought one of [url="http://www.studiospares.com/Road-Cases/Studiospares-Trojan-MkII-3U-ABS-Rack-Cases/invt/458610"]these[/url], a really nice and deep 3u ABS case, to house my new Demeter pre and Crown power amp. However, I've decided I'd prefer to house them in a proper 4u flight case, so I was wondering if anyone fancied a swap? I'd prefer a flightcase with the plastic or aluminium sides than plywood, but it's not a deal breaker. Anyone? Cheers Gareth
  13. I see you are Warwick endorsed. What are you/they replacing this with?
  14. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='784070' date='Mar 23 2010, 10:14 PM']Mine was a joke about the 2 HBP-1's you seem to be selling [/quote] Ah yes, the mysterious duplicate post. I asked mods to delete when I spotted it.
  15. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='783667' date='Mar 23 2010, 04:51 PM']Which one is better [/quote] It's the whole package of the combo and extension cab that appeals, compact and loud, plus the tubey goodness.....
  16. OK, I just bought this used in the US as I wanted a tube front end, but what I really wanted is a Mesa Walkabout rig, and sod's law meant one popped up the very day I bought the Demeter! Demeter HBP1 tube bass preamp. Very highly regarded in the US. Details are [url="http://www.demeteramps.com/products/bassamplification/hbp1.html"]here[/url]. I should have the preamp by the end of the week as I'm just waiting to get the letter to pay the customs charges. The unit is in very good condition with some minor rack rash. Not looking to turn a profit on this, but if anyone wants it this will be available for [b]£500 plus postage[/b] for as long as Pete's Walkabout Combo and cab are for sale. Cheers Gareth
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