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Everything posted by omikin

  1. I now have two US P-basses. I've always been aware that the older one has slightly wobbly pot knobs, but having bought a new US P I am even more aware of how wobbly they are compared to my new one where the knobs turn with a really nice action. On the new one there is a small amount of resistance as you turn them, they don't wobble, and they feel really solid. On my older one they move with very little resistance, and you can practically rattle them. Is this just a question of age and use, or can the old ones be fettled to be a bit more solid? They're not moving in the scratchplate, so it's like it's the pots themselves, if that makes sense. Any ideas / input would be really gratefully received. Thanks!
  2. Thanks for all your feedback - I am blown away by this bass, as I think I have shown... If there is a bass bash in my neck of the woods I will bring it along.
  3. I'm going to be braver when I replace these strings (I would string these through but I already trimmed them...) although as these are flats that might be sometime next year...
  4. I have been nervous about stringing these flats through the body. They're La Bella 760FS (45-105) but I have had flats (different ones) start to crack when they've been strung through. Anyone strung these flats through this bass? I suppose I could put the E through the bridge and the rest through the body.
  5. So this thread has been nearly two months coming. I have been a P-bass fan for about 4 years having never really liked Fender stuff until I actually played one, and it just worked for me. Since then I have been through a number of P's (one MIM std, one Nate Mendel sig, one 1997 Am Std ["road worn" by previous owner], and now this one) in parallel with several other models which have come and gone. One of my most recent disposals (a Rick 4001 via ebay) was immediately followed by a visit to PMT where I tried a number of basses (Gibsone and Epi thunderbirds, Gibson SG) and finally I spotted this Am Std p-bass. I had initially ignored the Am Std P-basses as I wasn't really aware of what had changed since the 1997 version kicking around at home. It was immediately apparent that a lot had changed, however. Apart from having the best setup off the shelf of any of the basses I played, this one also just felt right straight off the bat. I don't know if it's the rolled fingerboard or the custom shop pups or what, but there is something special about this bass. Anyway, I put it back on the wall and walked out, as I'd just [i]sold[/i] a bass, right? I sure as hell wasn't about to [i]buy[/i] one, especially not one costing more than a grand. But it knawed away at me and I couldn't stop thinking about it. I even posted a thread on here about the best place to buy one as I have never been over-impressed with PMT, but a lot of the advice was along the lines of "if you've found one that feels just right then go for it as the quality can vary". So I did. I had assumed that they came in one of those moulded plastic cases, but actually it's a really nice black tolex case with more of a vintage look to it. Would probably not be as hardwearing as one of the plastic ones, but I think for now it will be the other bass I'll be taking to gigs... Anyway - I have never played a bass as often or for so long as I have this one. It just feels so perfect. I have always loved rosewood fretboards but this one is maple and I couldn't be happier. The tort pickguard is great too - a step above any aftermarket tort I have bought. And I have never been at all bothered by bridges one way or another, but that hi-mass bridge is beautiful. Wonderful to look at and rest the heel of your hand on, and great sustain. The tone? Really full and warm. I can't quite explain how it differs from my 97 P but it does. I'm not sure if it's an "authentic" vintage tone but strung with flats it absolutely gives me the sound in my head. So now let me give you some pics so you can see for yourself:
  6. These do look nice. I would love to try one out. Would probably end up leaving the settings such that it played like a passive P-bass (which would be a bit of a waste, arguably), but it does look very cool.
  7. Sold a Jazz to sammybee - great guy to deal with. Very accommodating on meet location. Well recommended.
  8. Done a deal on a bass with flatout. Lovely guy to deal with - great comms and very reliable.
  9. There will be a For Sale thread for the Nate Mendel today. As well as a NBD thread for this beauty...
  10. Going to head down there this morning. Just in case. You guys are no help with GAS btw
  11. I would have thought the going rate that recent ones have gone for. I can start the for sale thread tomorrow.
  12. I can feel a visit to PMT happening early next week.
  13. Dingus - it is a 2012 spec one with the CS pups. As I say, I didn't give it a full inspection but it looked pristine. And their sales price is the same as everyone's online. Doesn't look like there are any bargains to be had outside haggling. But then I like a good haggle.
  14. Thanks, skej21 - that's a good shout. I wasn't aware of their new premises.
  15. That's sort of what I was thinking. The one in PMT was very nicely set up (unusual for them - they have a Gibson Thunderbird in at the moment where the bridge is levitating about an inch off the body) and played beautifully. Didn't give it the full-on inspection but there was nothing untoward. How much do you think they might knock off for cash on a display model?
  16. Yeah, and that's what I thought I wanted, but the one I played in PMT was OW/Maple and it was lovely. Now I can't decide. I tossed a coin earlier and it said maple, but only when I went to best 2 out of 3...
  17. I'm currently going through a kit reduction exercise, and I had thought that this would just leave me with the two P-basses in my signature, but a recent visit to PMT made me think otherwise. I played a new (2012 spec) American Standard P bass and I was smitten. So for the last 24 hours or so I have been trying to fight the urge to go back there with my credit card and hand it over, and I have decided that after a forthcoming holiday with the missus I'm going to sell my current Nate Mendel and possibly also my existing Am Std and put the funds towards a new Am Std P (Oly White - probably maple but can't decide 100%). So check out the "for sale" threads in a couple of weeks. My question really is - where's the best place to buy one? Price wise it seems that it's the same everywhere, but where do you get the best service? Is it possible to guarantee you're going to get one that hasn't been on the wall for 6 months but is pristine? Anyone got any good / bad examples of recent new bass purchases that would be of help? Also - can anyone help me decide on fretboard?
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  19. It's still on eBay listed as a Fender 60th Anniversary USA Precision. Zero bids though so perhaps everyone is in the know.
  20. It's back to the old adage - if something looks too good to be true, it probably is. It also explains why the seller never replied to my emails about the serial number. Just for clarity, this was eBay, not here.
  21. That's what I figured. Looks like I avoided buying a bass with a very expensive decal...
  22. Hi there. Am I right in thinking that an American standard p bass from 2011 would have no truss rod access on the headstock? And therefore a bass claiming to be a US p bass from that year with a black mark visible on pics of the headstock is likely to be a MIM? Just checking.
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