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Rich last won the day on June 7

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About Rich

  • Birthday 09/04/1965

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    Wurzel Country

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  1. And so, after 10 years as a covers-only unit, we're reinventing ourselves as an originals band. God help us. :lol:

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    2. Rich


      We're just bored to death with the covers thing, TBH. Our frontlady has a whole album's worth of really good original soulful songs, and some more ideas that we're all going to develop collaboratively. So we're doing a complete reinvention, new name, everything. Old band is dead, long live the new one. Hopefully :lol:

    3. Marc S

      Marc S

      Lozz's idea of doing 50/50 for a while is a good idea, and can work really well. I'd say, keep your options open - that way, you can do either, or both separately
      Perhaps you just need a whole new set of covers to do? Maybe work on new covers and originals - that could really freshen things up.
      Whatever you decide - best of luck with it Rich :)

    4. Rich


      Yup, we'll probably throw a smattering of covers into the mix, something that sits well with the original stuff. We're quite excited at the idea of taking Tammy's songs out to the masses though, even though we know we'll be met with deafening apathy in some places :lol: 

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