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Rich last won the day on March 7

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About Rich

  • Birthday 09/04/1965

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    Wurzel Country

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  1. New number plates on the bassmobile :D


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Rich


      I think it's still OK on that part of the plate. It always used to be anyway... I guess I'll find out at the MOT :lol:  

      The letters and numbers are all the correct font, height, spacing etc. It's exactly the same as the old plate except for the clef in place of the stars.

    3. hiram.k.hackenbacker


      I’m afraid it’s not @Rich. To be fair, there are thousands of plates that fall much further outside of the rules, so I probably wouldn’t worry too much about it. At least ANPR will be able to read your registration number (should it be stolen etc). 

    4. Rich


      Yes, there's no way I was going to do anything daft with the actual reg number, it's asking for trouble. As I said, it's identical to the old plate apart from the clef instead of the stars and UK instead of GB. I've still got the old plates just in case I need to put them back on in a hurry. I can't see that happening though (he said hopefully). 

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