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Posts posted by bremen

  1. [quote name='hipbass' post='69624' date='Oct 4 2007, 05:36 PM']...Interesting article although I never subscribed to the view that speakers should be able to handle more power than the amp can deliver....If,for example you're using an amp rated at 800 watts but only use 300 watts of that [plenty loud],then your 1000 watt speaker[s],aren't being driven efficiently and your amp has to work harder..[/quote]

    no, that isn't the case. The speaker rating is simply how much power you can put into it before it shakes itself to bits and/or the glue melts in the voice coil. Tha amplifier doesn't care how close the speaker is to death.

    On the other hand, a less efficient speaker needs more input power than an efficient one for a given sound pressure level, so that _will_ work the amplifier harder.

    [quote]Obviously, at the other extreme if you use a 100 watt head driven hard,then it may be advisable to use more than 100 watts of speaker capacity!...[/quote]


  2. [quote name='99ster' post='96607' date='Nov 30 2007, 12:23 PM']The 60's and early 70's Precisions are usually light weight - my '66 Precision is particularly light. But of course one of these will cost you a lot of money...
    I don't know how the modern Fender re-issues compare for weight...[/quote]

    for what it's worth:

    Warmoth dinky p, swamp ash,maple neck 3.41kg
    MIM Precision alder?, maple neck: 4.18kg
    1979 Precision fretless, ash? maple neck 4.54kg
    Warwick Thumb NT 4.5kg

  3. [quote name='bremen' post='94147' date='Nov 25 2007, 03:38 PM']Hi, anyone interested? I'm selling because though it looks and sounds lovely I prefer a big thick Precision type neck.[/quote]

    Now sold, subject to this and that!

    note to self...must edit sig...

  4. [quote name='dood' post='96151' date='Nov 29 2007, 02:34 PM']Are you sure? I am prepared to be corrected, but I can't see why Ampeg would discontinue the newest preamp (CL) and their best selling preamp (SVP) - unless of course something new and great is on its way...

    Would love to see what was better than the preamp sections of the Classic SVT and SVT2-Pro heads, from Ampeg!

    p.s. I am running the new style SVP-Pro in my rack with a 1u poweramp. Saaaaweeeeeet![/quote]

    They're still on the Ampeg website but googling for them always brings up 'not available' or 'discontinued' from retailers.

  5. [quote name='The Funk' post='96137' date='Nov 29 2007, 01:53 PM']The now discontinued Warwick Quadruplet preamp is (I am told) a clone of the old Fender Champ circuit.[/quote]

    very similar to the Alembic F2-B.
    [quote]I can't understand why all these companies have discontinued their valve preamps.[/quote]

    I'm building a preamp based on the Alembic/Fender. 2 channels; one for the neck pup one for the bridge. Want one?

  6. [quote name='The Funk' post='96127' date='Nov 29 2007, 01:24 PM']You could well be right about me mixing up the CL and the Pro. Unfortunately the only Ampeg product I own is their valve DI, the SVT-DI. It's cool but I wish I'd got the CL or Pro preamp instead.[/quote]

    actually you might be right - the CL has two 12AX7s and looks like a rationalised version of the SVT preamp. Both CL and Pro are discontinued anyway, which is a shame. Wonder if there's a market for a Behringeresque copy? After all, that's all the megabuck Alembic preamp is (a copy of an old Fender preamp)

    edit: sorry, posted this before your last reply, we were both looking at the same site!

  7. [quote name='The Funk' post='96123' date='Nov 29 2007, 01:15 PM']I'd be tempted to get the Ampeg SVP-CL, which has the preamp section of the Classic SVT head with a full compliment of preamp valves. Plug that into a power amp (eg. QSC RMX 850) and go out of that into an Aguilar DB410.

    In mono bridged mode, the QSC would give you the kind of power you'd want for the Aguilar cab and the Ampeg preamp would give you that Ampeg sound. I think the Aguilar cab would give you just that bit more definition and clarity than the Ampeg equivalents.

    The end result should be the classic Ampeg sound (or near enough) with lots of power, clarity and definition - and much more portable than an 8x10![/quote]

    I think the SVP-CL might be a single 12AX7 preamp. The one that's based on the old SVTs is the SVP Pro, with four 12AX7s and a 12AU7. I run one with a 500+500 power amp, two fifteens and two tens and it's almost as filthy as an old SVT.

  8. [quote name='neepheid' post='96061' date='Nov 29 2007, 11:43 AM']As soon as it ends, the winner will be revealed because the scammer hasn't done the usual and made it a private auction. If you're going to message the winner, do it right away. It'll take a while to get a cheque/postal order/bank transfer together.[/quote]

    Good call, I'll certainly do that, will you too? he might not believe just one PM from a stranger.

    [quote]No point in messaging the seller of your suspicions, you'll get zip all reply. Ask for more photos - silence or "it's already packaged up". Ask for serial numbers - silence or see previous answer. Ask for local pickup/cash on delivery/look before you buy - silence. THIS IS BECAUSE THERE IS NO BASS TO SHOW YOU/COLLECT. Ask for bank transfer details or offering a BIN price - all over you like a rash.[/quote]

    absolutely, I've had no reply to my 'I'm interested, tell me more' PM and decided against sending a 'we're wise to your little game, sunshine' as it'd be pointless.

  9. [quote name='neepheid' post='95978' date='Nov 29 2007, 09:14 AM']Well, 9 hours to go and I've received the standard autoreply from eBay yada yada we'll consider circumstances yada yada privacy yada yada chances are we'll do naff all.

    Come on eBay, it's a clear fraud and as it stands this morning, someone's going to be down £820 because of your inaction.[/quote]

    Yeah I got the same.

    Should we take direct action?

    Maybe if we all PM him and put the frighteners on him?

  10. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' post='95403' date='Nov 27 2007, 11:27 PM']i bloody knew it!!

    was checkin out "vintage" fenders on the bay today!!

    this one stood out a mile!!

    fake fake fake!!

    its a shame there are people out there getting ripped off by these scammers!!


    yeah, someone's going to be at least 210 quid poorer in a couple of days. I reported it to Ebay but they don't have a great reputaion for giving a damn...should I send a PM to the seller saying 'flee, all is known'?

  11. [quote name='Shockwave' post='95321' date='Nov 27 2007, 09:34 PM']Hey guys.

    I am gassing for a vintage Fender, Unfortuantly it seems like i will only be able to afford a late 70's. So post your 70's basses, Especially looking for Antigua Finishes, But anything would be great!

    Wish i could start you guys off but ah well :)

    Cheers. Rob.[/quote]

    How about this - fretless, stringless, 1979

  12. [quote name='Shockwave' post='95321' date='Nov 27 2007, 09:34 PM']Hey guys.

    I am gassing for a vintage Fender, Unfortuantly it seems like i will only be able to afford a late 70's. So post your 70's basses, Especially looking for Antigua Finishes, But anything would be great!

    Wish i could start you guys off but ah well :)

    Cheers. Rob.[/quote]

    How about this - fretless, stringless, 1979

  13. [quote name='Musky' post='95337' date='Nov 27 2007, 10:04 PM']It's dodgy alright - [url="http://ekg.ebay.com/items/desc/140177721545/"]http://ekg.ebay.com/items/desc/140177721545/[/url]

    Why do scammers make it so easy to do a search by including serials and pot dates? :)[/quote]

    Fukking he11, he's already sold an instrument with the same serial number for $3500

    I've grassed him up to ebay, wonder what they'll do about it?

  14. [quote name='Alun' post='95169' date='Nov 27 2007, 04:35 PM']Bizarrely, I think I have , Iwrote it out for a trombonist a while back. PM me your email address and I'll find the PDF for you.


    The best version of that solo was an arrangement by Frank Zappa for a fat horn section. Was it on You Can't Do That on Stage Anymore? Anyway. Every little twist and turn of the original was faithfully replicated and it sounded great, made me appreciate the original as well!

  15. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='95157' date='Nov 27 2007, 04:13 PM']I'm cleaning up my fretless J project and want to replace the old scratchy pots but thoughtfully they don't have any values written on them just the word "reflex". I have read on tinterweb that they are the same as EMG active pots therefore should be 25k logs. Can anyone confirm or dispel this convenient theory/rumour?[/quote]

    They are almost certainly log. If they're active pickups they're very likely 25k; if they're single coil passives more like 250k . If you want to send me one I'll measure it and tell you for sure.

  16. [quote name='funkyspuke' post='95129' date='Nov 27 2007, 03:29 PM']How does it compare... ok.

    First of all the Modulus is way more powerful than the Ray and has a more clean tone/sound. The Ray is more aggressve in it's sound (more cruch is how I describe it). The Modulus is brilliant for bass chords and a more melodic style of playing. However for slap it's very good too.

    However I have found that withe the Ray the action is lower and allows for a more faster/aggressive style of playing. It's also much lighter in weight that the Modulus.

    Other than that both are brilliant :))[/quote]


    people keep offering me Rays in exchange for the Thumb I'm trying to sell. Maybe I should try one.

  17. [quote name='16Again' post='71583' date='Oct 9 2007, 01:54 PM']What was the bassline you heard that made you decide to be a bassist?
    I think mine was probably Pretty Green by The Jam, so easy but so effective!

    Then i started saving for my first bass which was a KAY bought from Marshal Ward clubby book back in the year dot! :)[/quote]

    I can't believe no-one's said Live At Leeds yet. I wanted to _be_ John Entwistle when I got that album at age 15. The other one was Dave and Ansell Collins' Double Barrel. That was the first time I'd heard reggae, with its gloriously prominent juicy bassline.

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