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Posts posted by bremen

  1. [quote name='Mike' post='130360' date='Jan 29 2008, 11:16 PM']Everyone on Talkbass seems to hate the S1 switch even on Jazzes, and have been indicating their content with Fender not reissuing it.

    Personally, whilst I think it's a waste of time on a P, I felt it really transformed the Jazzes into very versatile instruments. It's a shame they aren't keeping it up - I would definately have one on my jazz.[/quote]

    It's easily done without having to drill any new holes - just replace one of the pots with one incorporating a push-pull DPDT switch. You can always restore the original pot if you don't like it, or want to sell it on.

  2. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='130696' date='Jan 30 2008, 02:31 PM']Ashdown have a fair rep but I would plump for an Eden Metro - 300W at £1500 tho' so maybe not?

    I recently got a (another!!) post from Jeff Berlin off MySpace and he made a very valid point. Get the best you can and f*** the money cos it will pay for itself time and time and time again and the pounds per gig cost for a great amp will be negligible. I guess some of us live in a different world but I would advocate a top notch professional amp if you can afford it. I have lived to this maxim for 10 years now and have great gear and no regrets. I think GAS is usually created by people who want great gear but repeatedly settle for just good gear. I know it was like that for me. But since I decided 'nothing but the best for me', I have never wanted anything more than the gear I have.[/quote]

    +1 to all the above... as they say, you still appreciate the quality long after you've forgotten the price. I regret buying my Behringer V-Amp, but absolutely no regrets about the Pod, three times the price but it's what I should have bought in the first place.

    regarding 300W being overkill: you don't have to turn it up to 11 every night!

  3. [quote name='G-bitch' post='130605' date='Jan 30 2008, 12:47 PM']I was under the impression that 'officially' we had dropped to 230 years ago but in reality in matters not.[/quote]

    [url="http://www.gbaudio.co.uk/data/mains.htm"]http://www.gbaudio.co.uk/data/mains.htm[/url] :

    "Member countries of the European Union are presently striving to achieve a common mains standard.
    From 1 January 2004 the mains supply should be 230V (-6%, +10%), 50 Hz (±1%). ie a range of 216.2 - 253V
    This replaces the UK's former specification which was 240V ±6% (ie a range of 225.6 - 254.4V)
    Variations should still be anticipated in some areas as the voltage will drop during periods of heavy demand and rise during periods of low demand."

  4. [quote name='Machines' post='130043' date='Jan 29 2008, 02:54 PM']Hi - no need to shout ![/quote]

    You Know What's Worse Than All Upper Case? Capitalising The First Letter Of Every Word. All Upper Case Looks Like Shouting, But Text Like This Looks Like The Writer Is Speaking English Very Slowly And Loudly To Someone Who Has Just Told Him He Doesn't Speak English. Do You Un Der Stand What I Mean?


  5. [quote name='Huw' post='130020' date='Jan 29 2008, 02:21 PM']Lastly, does anyone have any good links to sites/stores with competitive prices on Warwicks? I was bidding on a $$ on ebay last night, but got pipped at the end.[/quote]

    Thomann have them (Corvette $$) for 796 quid and above.

  6. [quote name='Bass_In_Yer_Face' post='127545' date='Jan 25 2008, 08:54 AM']Is just me or are there no bass heroes anymore?

    You know the guys who you saw on Top Of The Pops and thought “My God!...I want to look as cool at that guy”

    For me people like JJ Brunell, Paul Simenon, Simon Gallup, Peter Hook….all made the bass look like an offence weapon.

    I just don’t see anyone from contemporary bands inspiring an apathetic youth to play the bass.

    While I continue my rant……can anyone suggest any bands around at the moment who have inspiring bass lines as I’m struggling to find anything worth listening to in this current trend of ‘femmepop’ as my mate calls it. Emasculated rock[/quote]

    I heard The Wombats for the first time on Radio 1 today:


    ridiculously catchy song, great sound, well-thrashed bass!

  7. [quote name='Pedro1020' post='127944' date='Jan 25 2008, 06:41 PM']That price is just taking the piss :)[/quote]

    I think so. As an instrument, is it really going to be worth that much? Actually, is it even worth that much as an investment, something that'll never be played and seldom even looked at... Someone thinks so, but is he suffering Evilbay Fever?

  8. [quote name='Beedster' post='127859' date='Jan 25 2008, 04:25 PM']LOL :)
    Long time since anyone called me 'young man'!

    Have you had the opportunity to address a cop as 'son' yet?

    One of the very few things I'm looking forward to as I age gracelessly...

  9. [quote name='ste_m3' post='116189' date='Jan 8 2008, 01:47 PM']could a mod please embed this?

    Anyway yeah, Was a real long night of filming. and i dont think its turned out too bad really. Enjoy!


    Yay! That's full of magic beans!

    Are you coming to Cambridge? If you're at the planning stage, I'd suggest avoiding the Junction; it's a soul-less concrete box with f***ing awful sound.

  10. [quote name='ahpook' post='127360' date='Jan 24 2008, 10:04 PM']eat lights: become lights are playing their first gig at the end of next month...

    we've got a flyer and eveything...[/quote]

    Hope it goes well!

    Have you tuned your guitars yet? Don't leave it till the last minute ;-)

  11. [quote name='robert43' post='126739' date='Jan 24 2008, 10:49 AM']Hi all I have just finished making a parts 4 string jazz bass & what I was wondering is the any advantage of a 5 string jazz bass over a 4 strong jazz bass.
    By that question I mean the cost ratio vs the sound / playablity
    Also with a 5 string neck does it feel really big compare to a 4 string neck thanks[/quote]

    Those low notes can be very useful.

    I have a Warmoth 4 and a Warmoth 5. There wasn't much difference in cost as far as I recall.

    I haven't found the neck width an issue, but the string spacing means you have to be a bit more careful when you thrash and flail.

  12. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='124022' date='Jan 20 2008, 06:25 PM']They don't like delivering to non-cardholder address even if you have placed a few previous orders, so everything has to be delivered to home rather than work, which can be a pain arranging for someone to be in.[/quote]

    They always deliver to my workplace - I wonder why the inconsistency?

  13. [quote name='yorks5stringer' post='123953' date='Jan 20 2008, 05:00 PM']you get a 3 year guarantee although it means sending it back to them.[/quote]

    If you have a problem they send a courier round to pick the faulty goods up.

    Excellent service.

  14. [quote name='beerdragon' post='122511' date='Jan 17 2008, 10:56 PM']Does anyone wear leather trousers?. on stage i mean. i think you have to have the chops for those. either that or you could get sniggered at. :)[/quote]

    From the 'Schoolboy Errors' thread (can't remember who said it, sorry):

    > > Another good tip i got was from the same guitarist who told me if you
    > > wear leather pants you can "piss yourself and nobody will know "!

    Of course, you'd need to tuck them into your cowboy boots...

  15. [quote name='gypsymoth' post='123207' date='Jan 19 2008, 12:01 AM']according to eminence, they were quite popular with nashville lap steel players.
    I believe it, I had the first 2515 which had quite a good top end for guitar - the current version of the 15 is much more mid focused. I'm not sure if the 12's were changed too, but we're talking guitar frequencies anyway. you aren't running a 14 string ERB, are you?[/quote]

    ho ho no, I'm still struggling with 5.

  16. [quote name='gypsymoth' post='122989' date='Jan 18 2008, 05:22 PM']"a liberating philosophy"

    at some level isn't that a large part of what music is about?

    of course if anyone wants to pursue perfection - that is their call, but for me that would be sheer drudgery.[/quote]

    yes, I'm with you.

    Of course I'd rather play all the right notes, in the right order, but like the man says no-one's going to get hurt if I play the ocasional bum note whereas if I'm too scared to try something exciting in case I fail then yes, sheer drudgery.

  17. [quote name='gypsymoth' post='123117' date='Jan 18 2008, 08:45 PM']the gentleman who runs the Sound City amp site likes them.
    and he has tried/used most everything - right up to a hiwatt 400.[/quote]

    Do you know what the top end is like?

    edit: according to the plot on the eminence site it could be really good - bit of a peak at 2 to 3.5k to make it cut, but well down above 4k so it's not all fretty and squeaky. I might have to buy one. Only I've declared war on GAS so I'll have to get rid of something first...anyone need a pair of Kappa Pro 15 LF2s?

  18. Just sen Umph and Alex's replies, thanks for these.

    Yes, I modelled it in WinISD and spotted the Xmax limitation. I thought it might make a neat combo... I'd use it with a 15 (Kappalite 15LF) if I wanted trouserflappage.

    I haven't seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off, should I?

  19. [quote name='bigjohn' post='122943' date='Jan 18 2008, 04:24 PM']What I've gleaned from this thread, it seems to me it's about cabinet efficiency anyhow isn't it?[/quote]

    Have you looked at www.billfitzmaurice.com yet?

  20. [quote name='umph' post='122837' date='Jan 18 2008, 01:27 PM']now i've never built a cab before and was wondering how hard it is? was thinking about making a monster cab with 2 15"'s and [url="http://www.precision-devices.com/showdetails.asp?id=17"]http://www.precision-devices.com/showdetails.asp?id=17[/url] which is a 24" was wondering if that would work at all? and how big it would have to be?[/quote]

    Do you have a fork lift truck?

    edit: it would have to be very large, and heavily built so th epanels don't flex and make the sound muddy. If you want to use lots of big speakers, why not put each one into its own cabinet so you can stack as many as necessary for the occasion?

    www.eminence.com publish cabinet designs, go and have a look.

  21. [quote name='bigjohn' post='122806' date='Jan 18 2008, 12:55 PM']I defer to your greater knowledge. I have little on these matters.

    My thinking was this though.

    The 15" is the same as a b15cab

    So running a 2x10 would get full power from the amp - Those 10s are 16ohm 100w speakers - isn't that the same load as a 8ohm 200W 8" speaker?[/quote]


    [quote]Are you saying that running bass through an 8" speaker will just sound sh*t?[/quote]

    probably. Some 82 speakers are designed for bass; the one in your combo almost certainly isn't.

    [quote]I understand it wouldn't be anywhere anywhere near as loud and a 15 and 2X10s. But it would be far more portable.

    New drummer is really good - Don't want to curtail him!

    Not sure the LF amp will drive an extension - Only thing I know about impedance is that you need the minimum![/quote]

    I really wouldn't risk trying to run it into 4 ohms unless it's got a nice friendly label on it saying 'please run me into 4 ohms'.

  22. [quote name='alexclaber' post='122788' date='Jan 18 2008, 12:32 PM']I'm not really sure what to say. Whatever speakers you put in there, you will need to run them with a crossover, so the 8" is a mid and the 15" is a woofer. There are practically no 4 ohm 15" woofers on the market so your SVT3 will be driving an 8 ohm load, combine that with the SVT3 being a particularly quiet head for the money and any gain in SPL is likely to be minimal. Because your combo is biamped and is pretty big it will be a lot louder than a normal 150W combo.[/quote]


    [quote]The combo is not the problem - your drummer is. Buy him some lighter sticks or offer him the alternative of helping buy you a louder bass rig. Take advantage of room acoustics to make your combo louder, by always placing it against a solid wall or preferably in a corner. If that fails, consider an 8 ohm 15" extension cab - I presume the LF amp will drive a 4 ohm load. That'll get you another 6dB which is a useful amount.


    I wouldn't risk asking an amp designed for 8 ohms to run into 4. It wouldn't double the power anyway, unless it had a huge power supply. Might add +2 or 3dB. I'd add a 15" cab with its own power amp.

  23. [quote name='bigjohn' post='122762' date='Jan 18 2008, 11:46 AM']Thanks for replying! - I had a horrible thought this would be something that no-one would have anything to say about!

    What about if I replaced the 8" with some thing like this [url="http://www.bluearan.co.uk/menu/index.php?id=BAC8PS21&product=B!amp!C_8PS21_8!dquote!_200W_Low_Frequency_Driver_8Ohm&browsemode=category"]8" 8ohm 200W low frequency driver[/url] ?[/quote]

    Might work. But I imagine the existing 8" unit would be in its own compartment, so there's no telling what it'd sound like with bass going through it.

    [quote]Totally - I don't want to do anything irreversible - and it's either this or selling it.

    The amp slides straight out and my well be the right size for a rackmount head - if not it could just be empty. I'd be able to change the speakers back if I wanted.[/quote]

    sure, you could always restore it if it didn't work. What did you have in mind for the new 15? Bill recommended these
    and I haven't been disappointed. Amazingly lighweight too.

    I use one with an 8", a crossover and a pair of 220W amps. It just fits in a car boot. I have a second 15" that I add for those occasions when trousers must be fllapped. I reckon bi-amping is an efficient way to use power.

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