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Posts posted by bremen

  1. [quote name='Hit&Run' post='109051' date='Dec 24 2007, 07:21 PM']A lot of bad sh!t goes down at Xmas, which is why I hate this time of year.

    On a slightly more positive note, those basses look pretty tasty, and kicking off at £100 with no reserve you'll sell 'em with no problems.

    I hope your situation improves in the new year.[/quote]

    +1, and that you'll be able to get juicy new gear when things get better, which they will.

  2. [quote name='ped' post='108502' date='Dec 23 2007, 11:54 AM']I have just read/caught up on this thread. Thanks to everyone for the comments thus far, positive and negative. Obviously the net isn't for everyone and others don't like large groups and preferred the early days when the forum was really small and I could check it on my Nokia WAP phone(!!).

    All I have to add is that of late the forum has become really good fun for me personally - I mentioned to kiwi the other day in fact that I feel the foum is doing really well and has a great bunch of members on board. I, like others, avoid posts that I don't want to read or comment on, but am finding there isn't enough time to read and comment on the ones that DO interest me which is fantastic.

    I have made lots of friends through the forum, it continues to be an excellent melting pot of ideas, tastes, styles and opinions (as covered nicely by Jakesbass) and I for one am enjoying it all the more for that. But them I am very easy going!

    This place is what you make it. You might say I am biased but I love it ;0)[/quote]

    So do I and I love the diversity of style, opinions and backgrounds. Apologies to anyone I might have offended, sometimes what I type looks more waspish than I intended.

    Interesting that it's not religious or political differences that seem to be causing upsets!

  3. [quote name='SMART' post='108430' date='Dec 23 2007, 09:27 AM']Yep, it was Stuart Zender with the Fender logo covered by black tape on the headstock but I don't believe it was to stop advertising for Fender. Jools Holland did the same thing to his Yamaha piano when Yamaha were being unbelievably dense at endorsing him earlier in his career. It's almost like a protest to the A&R guys who are sometimes a bit slow on the uptake on endorsement opportunities and actually not being in touch with the scene.



    Alex Cox approached some food and drink company or other for product placement in Repo Man; they failed to come up with the goods so when Otto is seen drinking or eating from a can the logo reads 'Drink' or 'Food' respectively.

    Happy holidays, y'all!

  4. [quote name='Tee' post='107564' date='Dec 21 2007, 11:58 AM']There are so many bands these days that get away with ripping off bands that did it so much better.

    eg Oasis -> The Beatles, The Enemy -> The Jam, Kaiser Chiefs -> any nursery rhyme, to name but a few. The kids these days just have no idea and can't put two and two together.

    Sorry, this has nothing to do with the original post. I do remember it being discussed before on the boards with an ensuing P/Jazz argument though. :)[/quote]

    Oasis were at their best when they weren't showing their Beatles influence. I [i] hate [/i] Wonderwall. Morning Glory, on the other hand...

  5. [quote name='TheBigBeefChief' post='107574' date='Dec 21 2007, 12:18 PM']I can play fine up to about 7 pints - maybe even better than normal? (or perhaps it just sounds better after a few beers?).

    Strangely, if I smoke crack i'm awful, but if i smoke heroin i'm actually ok and slightly more creative.

    [b]Different strokes for different folks i suppose.[/b][/quote]

    My point exactly! Smoke on, Beefboy!

  6. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='107541' date='Dec 21 2007, 11:24 AM']Or so people think... If I had a £ for every person who told me 'its not addictive' and 'they could give it up tomorrow if they wanted to', I would have that Fodera 6-string fretless. Addiction is a complex series of behaviours which are not always linked to chemistry.[/quote]

    Certainly, but then again if I had a £ for every person who gave up without any trouble I too would have a Fodera 6 string - and I'd be able to afford frets too!

    [quote]Cannabis is known to trigger a range of mental health problems in certain people. It may relax you, it may make you worry less about other things, it may help you sleep better....[/quote]

    It seems to suit some brains and not others. Again, I know some people who really should give up but also plenty who seem quite happy with it.

    Personally I used it for years, decided it wasn't for me, stopped. No problems, and I'm a better player now.

    [quote]but it won't, on any level whatsoever, make you a better bass player.[/quote]


  7. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='107531' date='Dec 21 2007, 11:06 AM']Sorry, Kneal6, but I think you, and a lot of other people, are mistaken in the belief that 'It's pretty clear that drugs do enhance musical abilities'.

    Their use may create all sorts of perspective that may be used to inform the act of creativity (to use the Beatles example already mentioned, they may not have been able to write 'Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds' lyrically without some experience of LSD) but to suggest that their use 'enhances musical ability', is, to my mind, a grave mistake and a potentially very dangerous one.

    There are, as we all know, 1,000s of musicians who have had their lives ravaged by drugs and equally as many who has attributed the abilities of their idols to their drug use (Charlie Parker's influence in this area is a matter of record). Anyone who has sought to address their musical shortcomings by using drugs (or alcohol) will tell you that it is a fool's errand. Read Art Pepper's biography 'Straight Life' - he was a competent sax player [i]in spite of [/i]his drug use not because of it. He could have been so much more as a musician had he focussed his energies more contstructively. Parker was the same. He learned to play like that by woodshedding his little ass off and not by getting high. Same with Coltrane, same with Hampton Hawes, same with Paul Chambers and Jaco. The examples are myriad. Charlie Parker was a gunslinger as a sax player but he was no composer, despite his reported desire to be one. Had he focussed his energy on proper study and not getting mashed, he would probably have got there. He was a deeply disturbed and unhappy man.

    Drugs (whether they grow naturally all over the planet or not) are poisons. They work by harming you. The effects of drugs are not 'enlightening', they are the early signs of the body reacting to chemicals it does not like or want (that's why people hallucinate when they are very ill). People who are ill when they have drunk too much are experiencing their body's panic and rejection of the ingested poison. You learn nothing whatsoever from the use of these substances (other than what effect they have) but you risk a whole lot (mental health problems are the very least - try gigging when you are clinically depressed - sweep picking will be the least of your worries). The only 'learning' you get from drugs is your own self talk deluding you into transferring 'cosmic relevance' to the harmful effects of the poisons you have ingested. Its a justification. You would learn far, far more by reading a book (on anything) or watching a movie. You could probably learn more just by sitting in a room full of people and listening to them. The reasons American musicians are generally technically better than UK ones is the fact that the practice ethic is routinely much greater over there. It's not because the drugs are cheaper.

    The only effect that some drugs (heroin, for instance) will have on you, with extreme use, is, by eliminating all sense of guilt, shame and conscience, to make you so self-centred and psychopathic that you will completely lack the ability to recognise the effect that your behaviour has on others. You can, therefore, dedicate yourself wholeheartedly to your music without realising how much you are neglecting your relationships with your family/partner/children/friends/musician colleagues/landlord/employer etc. You would then. like Parker and Pepper, become a great musician but a lousy human being.

    Your call.[/quote]

    Yes, heroin and alcohol f*** you up, and I take your point that most if not all great players who use(d) drugs would have been even better without the drugs. But Kneal was talking about cannabis, which has nothing in common with smack or booze. It seems to suit some brains and not others, and if you discover that it doesn't suit your brain it's generally not a problem to stop using, unlike alcohol or heroin.

  8. [quote name='cris the man' post='107516' date='Dec 21 2007, 10:36 AM']once i start getting into a song i begin to make the basslines more complex
    whether its slap bass or playing more notes , ill be doing it

    however , after a few years , the effects have been becomming more noticable

    i tend to break or even split nails... then its much more difficult to play comfortably because i get large pains in my fingers , is there any way out of this?


    Check your diet:


  9. [quote name='odub' post='107046' date='Dec 20 2007, 01:07 PM']My first ever "gig" (house party) I drank a lot of beer beforehand with nerves, then drank through a bottle of JD during the set, including gulping the last couple of inches in one go. Needless to say as the alc hit my system my playing got worse and worse, first speeding up to speed metal proportions (in a blues band), then to wrong keys, then to: get to the end, please just get to the end hazy stumblings. Straight after we stopped playing I went upstairs to bed. Missed the whole party.[/quote]

    I see you edited that post...go on, what else happened that you decided against sharing? :-)

  10. [quote name='3V17C' post='107033' date='Dec 20 2007, 12:47 PM']I never drink or smoke before or during a gig - afterwards is a different story mind you!

    I did used to smoke alot of the weed and the reason I stopped doing so at gigs was because the stoner/hawkwind stylee band i was in at the time (many, many moons ago!!) were booked to play a bike show as the headline act. Of course we spent the whole day sunning ourselves and smoking all day in the run up to our set. But oooh dear...when it was time to go on i seriously couldn't move! I just about got my bass on but then had to sit on my combo from the get go. Now I KNOW we played a 2hr set that day but I honestly, absolutely cannot remember any of it. I remember starting the first song and then I remember finishing the last song but nothing at all inbetween! Lord only knows what the hell I played for 2 hrs (although no one said anything so i assume i stumbled through Ok!). But a bit worrying really!

    so....since then, never smoke or drink before a gig!!!!



    Excellent story. I've done loads of gigs like that. One time we played a festival on a stage made out of hay bales with plywood on top. It was ever-so-slighhtly sloping but I was convinced it was about 45 degrees off level and I played the set rooted to the spot, terrified that I'd fall over if I moved.

    Then I took 10 years off playing. I've just started again and I don't smoke, and what I've realised is that I used to depend on dope to make the music sound better. For sure I'm playing a hell of a lot better now because I'm not kidding myself! The audience is always going to be more 'enhanced' than I am so I can be sure that if it sounds good to me it sounds better to them. I don't drink before a gig, either, simply because it affects my timing. During and after is ok, I find.

  11. [quote name='Machines' post='106962' date='Dec 20 2007, 11:07 AM']As moderators we won't directly interfere with transactions. We can't really take sides and will remain impartial, unless it is obvious someone is purposely committing fraud.

    What we will do if required is converse between buyer and seller if a stalemate has been reached in order to hopefully bring a solution to both parties. This may be the ability to email sellers directly using their registered email address, this circumvents the need for them to log on to see a PM.[/quote]

    fair points, but whenever I've been PMd I've had email notification of the fact.

    If the worst comes to the worst you can still stop a cheque after it's 'cleared'.

  12. [quote name='Nate' post='106365' date='Dec 19 2007, 09:57 AM']It's more of a research kinda thing. I work for a site called showmehowtoplay.com and we're wrying to find named bass players to do masterclasses etc...

    Who (UK wise) would you like to see? I've got quite a short list...

    If you tell me who they are and who they play/played with or if they're just session dudes i'd be very grateful!

    Thank u kindly!!!


    Norman Watt-Roy:

    Wilko Johnson
    Millions of sessions including 'Two Tribes'

  13. [quote name='funkysimon' post='106016' date='Dec 18 2007, 04:19 PM']Hiya,

    I bought a Maplins power bank thingy
    To escape the tyranny of batteries. However the cables it comes with are ridiculously short and have angled jacks, and don't suit some of my effects. Does anyone know where I can buy some replacement power connectors? I've looked around on the maplins website and they seem to only sell 1m long ones, which is a bit like overkill.

    Before anyone suggests it, I'm sh*t with soldering irons, so that option is out.[/quote]

    Simon, if you get stuck just get the plugs you need and I'll solder them up for you. Gees (Mill Road) have a big selection.

    One thing you need to be careful of though, make sure all the pedals are - ground or + ground otherwise you might create a short circuit. Won't harm the pedals, but might pop a fuse in the Maplin unit.

  14. [quote name='bnt' post='105737' date='Dec 18 2007, 08:41 AM']There is a band called [url="http://www.fourplayjazz.com/"]Fourplay[/url], of course - a jazz supergroup, featuring Nathan East, Bob James and Larry Carlton.[/quote]

    And who could ever forget The Four Skins

    (answer: just about everybody)

  15. [quote name='bnt' post='105736' date='Dec 18 2007, 08:35 AM']Don't see why not - if I understand the technique correctly, the key is the other (fretting) hand, the muting and unmuting of the right strings at the right time. If you get good enough at it, you might be able to produce notes so short, you can't tell what note it is. :)[/quote]

    What is sweep picking?

  16. [quote name='nig' post='105375' date='Dec 17 2007, 03:33 PM']ooooooh...ga gas gas....+ 20
    im embarrased.

    [b]525[/b] :)[/quote]


    Do you play them all? I felt bad having seven and only playing 2 or 3. I guess if you're recording regularly it's worth having as many sounds as possible to choose from but who wants to take more than 2 basses to a gig (unless you have slaves/roadies :-)?

    edit: that wasn't meant to be snide :-)

  17. [quote name='mothra' post='103043' date='Dec 12 2007, 07:10 AM']Hi all

    Probably a stupid question, but I was hoping someone could explain to me the difference (benefit or otherwise) of closed versus open headphones. Also appreciated would be any recommendations for <£30 headphones that suit that down low vibe : )


    I too would be glad to hear if there's such a thing as <£30 cans that don't rattle with bass.

    Anything in-ear?

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