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Posts posted by bremen

  1. Just sen Umph and Alex's replies, thanks for these.

    Yes, I modelled it in WinISD and spotted the Xmax limitation. I thought it might make a neat combo... I'd use it with a 15 (Kappalite 15LF) if I wanted trouserflappage.

    I haven't seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off, should I?

  2. [quote name='bigjohn' post='122943' date='Jan 18 2008, 04:24 PM']What I've gleaned from this thread, it seems to me it's about cabinet efficiency anyhow isn't it?[/quote]

    Have you looked at www.billfitzmaurice.com yet?

  3. [quote name='umph' post='122837' date='Jan 18 2008, 01:27 PM']now i've never built a cab before and was wondering how hard it is? was thinking about making a monster cab with 2 15"'s and [url="http://www.precision-devices.com/showdetails.asp?id=17"]http://www.precision-devices.com/showdetails.asp?id=17[/url] which is a 24" was wondering if that would work at all? and how big it would have to be?[/quote]

    Do you have a fork lift truck?

    edit: it would have to be very large, and heavily built so th epanels don't flex and make the sound muddy. If you want to use lots of big speakers, why not put each one into its own cabinet so you can stack as many as necessary for the occasion?

    www.eminence.com publish cabinet designs, go and have a look.

  4. [quote name='bigjohn' post='122806' date='Jan 18 2008, 12:55 PM']I defer to your greater knowledge. I have little on these matters.

    My thinking was this though.

    The 15" is the same as a b15cab

    So running a 2x10 would get full power from the amp - Those 10s are 16ohm 100w speakers - isn't that the same load as a 8ohm 200W 8" speaker?[/quote]


    [quote]Are you saying that running bass through an 8" speaker will just sound sh*t?[/quote]

    probably. Some 82 speakers are designed for bass; the one in your combo almost certainly isn't.

    [quote]I understand it wouldn't be anywhere anywhere near as loud and a 15 and 2X10s. But it would be far more portable.

    New drummer is really good - Don't want to curtail him!

    Not sure the LF amp will drive an extension - Only thing I know about impedance is that you need the minimum![/quote]

    I really wouldn't risk trying to run it into 4 ohms unless it's got a nice friendly label on it saying 'please run me into 4 ohms'.

  5. [quote name='alexclaber' post='122788' date='Jan 18 2008, 12:32 PM']I'm not really sure what to say. Whatever speakers you put in there, you will need to run them with a crossover, so the 8" is a mid and the 15" is a woofer. There are practically no 4 ohm 15" woofers on the market so your SVT3 will be driving an 8 ohm load, combine that with the SVT3 being a particularly quiet head for the money and any gain in SPL is likely to be minimal. Because your combo is biamped and is pretty big it will be a lot louder than a normal 150W combo.[/quote]


    [quote]The combo is not the problem - your drummer is. Buy him some lighter sticks or offer him the alternative of helping buy you a louder bass rig. Take advantage of room acoustics to make your combo louder, by always placing it against a solid wall or preferably in a corner. If that fails, consider an 8 ohm 15" extension cab - I presume the LF amp will drive a 4 ohm load. That'll get you another 6dB which is a useful amount.


    I wouldn't risk asking an amp designed for 8 ohms to run into 4. It wouldn't double the power anyway, unless it had a huge power supply. Might add +2 or 3dB. I'd add a 15" cab with its own power amp.

  6. [quote name='bigjohn' post='122762' date='Jan 18 2008, 11:46 AM']Thanks for replying! - I had a horrible thought this would be something that no-one would have anything to say about!

    What about if I replaced the 8" with some thing like this [url="http://www.bluearan.co.uk/menu/index.php?id=BAC8PS21&product=B!amp!C_8PS21_8!dquote!_200W_Low_Frequency_Driver_8Ohm&browsemode=category"]8" 8ohm 200W low frequency driver[/url] ?[/quote]

    Might work. But I imagine the existing 8" unit would be in its own compartment, so there's no telling what it'd sound like with bass going through it.

    [quote]Totally - I don't want to do anything irreversible - and it's either this or selling it.

    The amp slides straight out and my well be the right size for a rackmount head - if not it could just be empty. I'd be able to change the speakers back if I wanted.[/quote]

    sure, you could always restore it if it didn't work. What did you have in mind for the new 15? Bill recommended these
    and I haven't been disappointed. Amazingly lighweight too.

    I use one with an 8", a crossover and a pair of 220W amps. It just fits in a car boot. I have a second 15" that I add for those occasions when trousers must be fllapped. I reckon bi-amping is an efficient way to use power.

  7. [quote name='bigjohn' post='122732' date='Jan 18 2008, 11:10 AM']Then replace the 15" and 8" speakers with new 8ohm ones - making it a 4ohm cab and getting the full 450W from the svt.[/quote]

    You wouldn't want to be putting half the amp's power into the 8" mid range speaker though, it's designed to be used bi-amped and would probably die if you fed it big bass. So you'd still need to get a 50W-ish amp and a crossover, and just drive the 15 from the svt. It seems a shame to butcher a piece of kit that you like anyway.

    You could keep it as is and add a 15 and a power amp to beef it up when needed...or have a word with Bill Fitzmaurice, who specialises in loud, portable speakers: www.billfitzmaurice.com/

  8. [quote name='gypsymoth' post='122268' date='Jan 17 2008, 04:19 PM']one of the wonderful things about music is that there is no injury or harm caused by mistakes, and often a benefit. pretty risk free compared to structural engineering, medicine, skateboarding, or paiting the eaves on your house.[/quote]

    that's a liberating philosophy!

  9. [quote name='crez5150' post='122140' date='Jan 17 2008, 12:51 PM']you should speak to Nick at Handheld - [url="http://www.handheldaudio.co.uk/pages/catalog.asp?divitype=t&tp_id=82&pic=../images/ear_77x22.gif&root_name=Custom"]http://www.handheldaudio.co.uk/pages/catal...oot_name=Custom[/url][/quote]

    Thanks for the link, looks like a good shop. Have you used them?

  10. [quote name='merchant' post='121881' date='Jan 17 2008, 12:44 AM']I'm a BIG fan of incidental sounds in recordings. I hate over produced studio "purity", prefering a more spacious and realistic (less accurate?) live room sound, I like hearing the mechanics of how a sound is produced. Ie key clicks from wind instruments etc etc[/quote]

    For sure!

    Live at Leeds is full of mistakes and is wonderful. A few false endings on the Wailers live at the Lyceum, also a beautiful recording.

  11. [quote name='ben604' post='115633' date='Jan 7 2008, 06:06 PM']Has anyone used the new SE range from Shure? I have some E2s but they're falling apart after 2 years solid use so I need some new ones!
    Anyone suggest any alternatives? As a bass player, I'm obviously keen on good bass response!

    Cheers :)[/quote]

    I've been looking at this


    looks like a bargain but I don't know anyone that's tried them and obviously you can't send them back (in the same way as you can't send dentures back!)

  12. [quote name='ashevans09' post='118237' date='Jan 10 2008, 11:07 PM']I'm looking for something that could deal with an amp here :)[/quote]

    I might have misunderstood the meaning of 'an amp' - do you mean an ampere or an amplifier? the link I posted is good for an ampere but as others have said if it's a bass amplifier you'll need a lot more.

  13. [quote name='ashevans09' post='118237' date='Jan 10 2008, 11:07 PM']Anyone know a good online place to buy quality 240/120 step down transformers? Or a national chain of stores that stock them?

    I'm looking for something that could deal with an amp here :)




  14. [quote name='Beedster' post='118404' date='Jan 11 2008, 11:06 AM']Hi mate
    Yes, Warmoth neck are stunning, as I remarked when I played yours. It's certainly an option, the only potential problem being one of aesthetics: new maple on old sunbust would look somewhat odd (I know 'cos I've tried). I have certainly considered buying a vintage Fender baseball bat neck from the US, but they can come in very expensive and there is the ever present risk that they are not quite as good as the seller suggests.

    Indeed, mine looks very squeaky-clean! They do a 'vintage tint' though, maybe a combination of that and lending it to a heavy smoker for a couple of months? or pickle it in PG Tips?

    good luck anyway.

  15. [quote name='Beedster' post='118385' date='Jan 11 2008, 10:34 AM']OK, this is a long shot and probably not going to happen.

    I bought about three months ago the beautiful '75 Precision below (maple board).


    I know I'm incapable of posting without using the word 'warmoth', but you've played my Warmoth P, why not get one of their P necks? As baseballbatty as they come, and you can always put the slim neck back on if you decide to sell the bass. I'll buy the Warmoth neck from you should that be the case.

  16. [quote name='gilmour' post='116999' date='Jan 9 2008, 02:10 PM']I'm off down the chemists then !

    I think I'm getting there, slowly but surely, I've only just found out that for the last 10 years I've been using a 4ohm and 8ohm cab together (apparently a big no no), what can I say I was young and foolish back then :)[/quote]

    Why is that a no-no? If both cabs have identical sensitivity, the 8 ohm cab is only going to be 3dB quieter than the 4, and consensus seems to be that 3dB here or there isn't worth bothering about.

  17. [quote name='charic' post='117006' date='Jan 9 2008, 02:15 PM']Oh and if the kickdrums mic'd make sure to remove 200-400hz imo

    Wot ne of u guys think?[/quote]

    If the kickdrum is mic'd, gate it. And don't just bung it in the middle of the drum, position it on a stand just outside the drum. Otherwise it'll all be horrible booming indistinct noise mixed up with lots of bass guitar.

  18. [quote name='Perry' post='116805' date='Jan 9 2008, 09:45 AM']If we had an ideal world we would spend small fortunes on out basses and amps.

    But, would the crowds notice the difference, if they did, would it really be worth it?

    As a mobile disco DJ I've used good gear and crap gear. The results are pretty much the same. I've had good and not so good gigs with both.[/quote]

    I thought not, but recently I've had comments from non-musicians who have noticed stuff like being able to separate instruments from the noise, and even commenting on lyrics; there's no way to hear the words if the sound isn't pretty good.

  19. [quote name='Thunderthumbs' post='115570' date='Jan 7 2008, 05:01 PM']One of my favourite bass images.....


    What's yours?[/quote]


  20. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='115282' date='Jan 7 2008, 10:50 AM']It's a hobby that pays for itself[/quote]

    hoho - looking at your gear list it looks like you're getting some well-paid gigs!

    Agreed that covers are great for making you learn other styles, and coping with stroppy audiences. I couldn't wait to quit and do original stuff after a couple of years of cheese though.

    Anyone playing in a tribute band here? looks like fun as you get paid AND get to choose music that you like playing. My mate here (points) plays in a Johnny Cash band and he loves both the music and the effect it has on audiences.

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