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Everything posted by jay-syncro

  1. Fantastic wireless guitar setup that has hardly been used. Comes compete with Wireless transmitter, cable, wireless receiver, original Line 6 power supply, box and instructions. https://flickr.com/photos/146983977@N08/sets/72157688862066275
  2. This cab is outrageously good and is incredibly light. Note: There are two versions of the UL2 310 (I've had both) and this is the one to have - B&C drivers and much less weight. It sounds beautiful and is extremely efficient, I've recently played on two outdoor gigs with no PA support using a 250w TE SMX head, and the master was on 2! This is one of the best cabs I've ever owned but a move to in-ears has meant that it's no longer required. Comes with the plush padded Epifani cover. I'm after £375 collected from Margate. Nothing compares to this at the price. Links to pics - https://www.flickr.com/photos/146983977@N08/shares/5Lm80F
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  4. [quote name='silverfoxnik' timestamp='1503094955' post='3355755'] My old BB 300... Fabulous bass for the money; gorgeous neck and must be even better now with the new bridge! 😊 Jay's a great guy to deal with too so you can't go wrong... GLWTS [/quote] Thanks for the kind words, both basses are now sold.
  5. [quote name='emilibass' timestamp='1502727820' post='3353153'] Do you know the weight of both of them? Nice basses. Congrats. [/quote] BB2000 is 4.3kg BB300 is 4.1kg 😎
  6. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1502816220' post='3353744'] Had the pleasure of seeing and hearing the 2000 in action a few weeks back and it's lovely in both respects to, helped somewhat by Jay's magic fingers! Jay, if you fancy a AER Bass 1 for it , let me know [/quote] You're too kind, mate! I shouldn't fancy it really, but of course I do. Damn Basschat..
  7. [quote name='emilibass' timestamp='1502727820' post='3353153'] Do you know the weight of both of them? Nice basses. Congrats. [/quote] Thanks. I'll get them weighed and update the thread asap.
  8. 1984 Yamaha BB2000, completely original including the well used case. I absolutely adore this thing, it's bass perfection as far as I'm concerned. It sounds full, rich and extremely punchy while maintaining a classic vintage sound that works in 99% of musical situations. It's impeccably assembled using top quality materials, the rosewood fretboard is particularly pretty to look at. It's been well used in its 32 years, but as the finish on these is indestructible, it bares only a few minor dings in the top coat. I liked the BB2000 so much that i acquired a BB300 after reading that the neck shares the same profile. My plan was to use the BB300 with flats (for when nothing else will do) and the BB2000 for everything else. The 300 has a set of TI flats and a Gotoh 201 bridge fitted, and it has the vintage P bass thing down to a T. It's also been well gigged, so has various dings, but along with the nicely mellowed finish on the neck and the classic design, it feels and sounds great. I'm letting these go as I need a five string. I'm now hooked on Yamaha so am going to try a new BBP35 next week. I'd like £725 for the BB2000 in the original Yamaha case, and £175 for the BB300 with a brand new Ritter gig bag. If you fancy both, I'm sure a deal can be made Link to pics - [url="https://flic.kr/p/XCuhjC"]https://flic.kr/p/XCuhjC[/url]
  9. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1502392046' post='3351203'] here's the answer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fI6YbqrRK3g&t=188s I think sometimes they left out the anti gravity juice though [/quote] That's excellent, I especially liked the watt farm 😄
  10. I bought an 250 SMX about a month ago on BC out of curiosity, have since done 8 gigs with it and am absolutely in awe.. It's ridiculously loud, has every conceivable feature you could want, and is compact and not at all heavy. I love it. How is it SOO much louder than amps with three or four times the power? Witchcraft I imagine.
  11. Bump for photos - https://flic.kr/p/X4JrDf
  12. A nice proper ABS 4U flightcase, the brand escapes me but it's decent. Photos to follow I'd ideally like to trade for a 2U flightcase or rack bag if anyone in BC land needs to upscale? I'm in Margate.
  13. [quote name='GisserD' timestamp='1501176683' post='3343134'] V1 has di V2 does not It's likely v1 as v2 was recent Recently released [/quote] It's a DI so must be a V1. Thanks.
  14. [quote name='GisserD' timestamp='1501174991' post='3343118'] Is the sadowsky v1 or v2? [/quote] Any pointers on how I can confirm this?
  15. Sadowsky DI in excellent condition. Sadowsky got it right with this, the infamous Sadowsky slap tone in a box. Can be powered by battery or 9v adapter. £150 Link to pictures - https://flic.kr/p/X4JrDf
  16. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1499182857' post='3329774'] I have one, short on power it ain't. And Mr Syncro is a gentleman to deal with, too, if I may say so. [/quote] Cheers, Paul 👍
  17. [quote name='CH161' timestamp='1499201146' post='3329958'] These are really great strats. I have a surf green version from the same year. Fabulous value and terrific craftsmanship on these. Have a bump on me... [/quote] Agreed, thanks for thumbs up.
  18. [quote name='therealting' timestamp='1499124024' post='3329434'] I think that's my old Strat, isn't it? In which case it's specifically a 54 Reissue with the V shaped neck. [/quote] It is indeed, thanks man.
  19. [quote name='doomed' timestamp='1499160163' post='3329542'] Yes, in spades. [/quote] +1
  20. [quote name='Nickev' timestamp='1499157060' post='3329508'] Might be interested in the Quilter, as I'm looking for more output than I get from my TC Classic 450, since recently buying a lovely but very power-hungry PJB cab. I've read good things about the Quilter, but never heard one. I like a clean transparent sound that cuts through the mix. Can it get that sort of tone? [/quote] Absolutely, it's clean as a whistle set flat with the option of going from a phat old school type of sound with one of the tone knobs to a hi-fi scooped sound with the other. It's incredibly powerful too, I used to own an RH450 years ago and found it hopelessly under powered at gigs. The Quilter is a powerhouse.
  21. [quote name='Mudpup' timestamp='1499114519' post='3329349'] Have a 'top bloke and thanks for the Berg' type bump........... and that Quilter is a wicked bit of kit too - thanks for letting me have a go on it, if i needed another amp etc........:-) [/quote] Thanks mate, haha GAS is never ending!
  22. Jon just bought my Berg cab and the deal was Basschat perfection. Cheers Jon, enjoy! P.S first dibs on your Stingray if you ever sell it? P.P.S... and your ABM...
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