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Posts posted by Moos3h

  1. Hi all,

    Great, have a gig on thursday (quite an important one) and managed to bash my backup bass and knock one of the machinehead 'keys' off. It's a nothingspecial Westfield Firebird Bass copy which just has 'standard' Elephant ear machineheads, 4 in a line.

    I've tried ALL local shops, but need something for Thursday and can't find a parts supplier that will guarantee it on next day delivery...

    Anyone got anything spare that I can collect or you can drop round? Happy to pay! Don't care whether it's chrome (the rest are), black or flipping purple - just need something that doesn't have to be adjusted with a screwdriver!


  2. I guess all these things vary, what bass you have, what venues you play, what your style is like, how loud you like the bass in the mix and how heavy a hitter your drummer is.

    For me, the H&K just couldn't cut it but it may work for you! The one thing to check is that it does put out the full 200w into the 15" and doesn't require an extension cab to reach its full output power.

    I think part of my issue is with 15" speakers too, in general I find them too low and unfocussed - i'm a 10" man :)

  3. Hi all,

    I have a P-Bass which I have just gutted and stupidly (I know) replaced the electrics in, without taking careful note of how it was wired before.

    Before all this began, there was a quiet hum when not touching the strings, now the pickup and electrics are in there, there's a slightly louder hum again which goes away if you touch the strings.

    Any ideas? There is a grounding wire from the bridge connected to the back of the volume pot, and the ground is connected to the jack okay, but still the hum persists. Is it only shielding that would fix this?


  4. Those have to be some of the ugliest cabs about. I'm all for brand identity and trying something different, but I'd suggest that looks like that will alienate more than they attract, especially the clipart-esque logo.

    They might sound marvelous, however, but it's an uphill struggle to convince if the aesthetics are dodgy.


  5. Hi all,

    This is for sale as a package only, I'm not really looking to split them.

    Behringer BX4500t 450w Head - EXCELLENT condition and fully working without problems or issues. Forget what some people have said about some Behringer gear, this has been nothing but reliable and great-sounding for me, masses of power and a great EQ - the Ultrabass and Shape features are fun too! Condition is good!

    The above comes with a Peavey 2x10" cab that I recently bought from our own dear Sharkfinger, however I've my eye on something tasty so need to raise the cash. The cab has 2 x Celestion 200w speakers in it and puts out a really nice amount of level and is nicely transportable. The cab is tatty, but I'll do what I can to tidy this before it leaves me and re-affix some of the wayward covering.

    I'm looking for an immensely reasonable £250 for the pair, it'd make an awesome, giggable setup straight away for someone!

    Collection or potential halfway meetup? Stevenage/St Albans/North London.

    Sorry about the dreadful picture, was in a hurry and it was nearly dark!


  6. I'll start with the disclaimer that this is just my own opinion here, but:

    I have just 'obtained' Westfield P-Bass copy. I've set it up, re-wired it, have a GFS pickup on order and replaced the bridge. All of the upgrades cost a total of £50 inclusive of delivery. These basses are £110 new.

    So, the bass is made from cheese, possibly MDF or similar.

    But it sounds fantastic! It's got all the clarity, weight and guts of 'the real thing' and I've been able to directly compare between this and a USA P-Bass. Stays in tune, nothing falls off (but if it did, it'd be a cheap fix).

    So really, assuming you are someone who likes to tinker and customise a bit, how could it ever be justifed to go and spend £1k+ on summat 'posh', when you could pick up a couple of these and not worry in the slightest about the odd knock here and there?

    Right, off you go Internet, argue!


  7. So what do we actually MAKE over here, and where do those profits go once your cash is in the till of the retailer?

    Take Ashdown as an example, yes they are a British company, but aren't MAGs made in China? Therefore does buying a MAG over something from a company like Behringer really do much good for 'keeping it British'?


  8. Personally-speaking, I'd never do another boxing day gig, they can be a total wasteland...

    I'd say something like Boxing day would equate to time and a half, so for you £300 max? I think you're right on the NYE gig being double time, but at £400 you are still VERY cheap to some (distintinctly average) bands I know. We charge more than that, but that's only really to cover the massive costs of babysitters being on double time too!


  9. There are a few things emerging here:

    1). Not every amp Ashdown or ANY company makes, breaks. And, conversely not every amp they make stays working forever.

    2). It's fairly obvious when people are just 'haters' and don't or can't back up tales of woe with their own experiences

    3). Amps have an EQ on them, it's probably wise to use it if you don't like the flat tone.

    4). ANY amp is only as good as the cab it is being run through. My Kustom practise amp sounds extraordinary through my Eden, but chuck an Ampeg through the 8" speaker on my Kustom and the only thing you'll get is smoke. Good cabs are crucial - just as much so as any amp that drives them.

    5). People like arguing on the Internet.


  10. I'm no Ashdown hater, although my experience with three of their products has been negative. However, the shop near me claim and I am only passing on what they say that they terminated their Ashdown dealership due to unusually high returns.

    This may be rubbish, they may be bitter and I could very well be unlucky, but it supports my experience that their heads are not reliable. That said, our previous bassplayer abused a MAG 300 1x15 and it never gave up on him. Another chap I know had his repaired three times in three years.


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