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Posts posted by Moos3h

  1. [quote name='Rayman' post='644584' date='Nov 3 2009, 06:51 PM']That sir, is possibly the best looking bass I've ever seen.....[i]wow[/i]![/quote]

    Stick a marginally more substantial bass on it and I would agree!

  2. [quote name='cheddatom' post='643488' date='Nov 2 2009, 03:40 PM']I often think the way people go on about quality and quality control in china and taiwan etc is pretty racist - as though "they" aren't capable of creating something that's just as good or better than a UK or US factory or something. I'm not saying that's happened in this thread, but I see it a lot on this board.[/quote]

    I've seen that too, and it's certainly not the point I'm trying to get over here....I'm more interested in why the decision to assemble overseas is taken when the end price is still so high...is it BECAUSE they actually make a fantastic guitar in Indonesia, or would the same guitar being wholly USA-made be upwards of £2k?

    I couldn't care less where the stuff I buy comes from, but I'm interested in the economic and practical choices for any offshoring and the implications it has. I've grown up in a country that actually makes very little, and it makes me curious of the factors involved.

  3. My point is rather that given the constant grumble from specialist manufacturers is usually 'Our labour costs are so high....we can't compete on pricing' when based in the UK or other western countries (and America too, these days) it is understandable that such production being done overseas makes sense, to keep costs down and keep instruments accessible to all.

    I can dig that, but if we're talking a £1k upwards bass, what the heck are your overheads if you're building in Indonesia and it's still retailing for such a massive amount of money?

    I mean, I realise that with the exchange rate, we're getting stiffed every which way but if I was seriously considering dropping that kind of cash on a bass then I would look elsewhere, if that's Jingoistic then I apologize but it's how I feel*


    * Says the man who regularly gigs a bass that is made from MDF and was probably assembled under horrific conditions in a developing economy.

  4. Right, explain to me how it can be so expensive and be made in Indonesia???

    Sorry, I'm lost. That is mental money for a guitar built over there, regardless of the materials used - has anyone bought one and how good are they?


    *** Subtitle modified to something less offensive - Apologies ***

  5. Yes, it's generally sensible to have a head that can offer more power than your speakers are rated for - it's rare that OVER powering kills speakers, provided that you listen carefully. More often than not, speakers are damaged by DC clipping caused by amp heads being driven too hard.

    It should be fine!

  6. As you're looking at it, lefty-loosey, righty-tighty!

    Try using a screwdriver bit on a socket to give you more torque - you could also try a tiny amount of WD40, but I really mean tiny - it won't do the wood any good if you soak it...


  7. I'd say (and of course these things are very subjective) that it's very close to the Stingray sound which I define as very 'Hi Fi' sounding. A dark and woody P-Bass this is not, although you could EQ it to get close to that.

    It's all about the low-mids, except that on these (and Stringrays), it is accompanied by a high end 'zing' which helps cut no end.


  8. It's an Aries, originally comes from the West Midlands, although its father was a Liverpool dockworker who relocated due to long term illness. It enjoys long walks in the park and warm sunny days and if it were president would make all vet bills free of charge. Its plans for the future include travel and the ultimate dream of opening a Michelin-starred restaurant with Raymond Blanc in rural Oxfordshire.

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