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Everything posted by Moos3h

  1. Those ProBasses are deffo from the same stable as SX basses, and that can only be a good thing. Each time I go to Dublin, I almost always come away with one...it's only the fear of Aer Lingus smashing it into a billion pieces that stops me!
  2. What a horn-inducing bass! Very nice indeed, sure the new owner will be chuffed to bits!
  3. Post it, you'll have a sale in no time and if you wrap it well then there's very little chance of damage. Use www.interparcel.com and it'll cost you about a tenner.
  4. Moos3h


    I think that, at least between the Warwick and the 'Ray, you're looking to cover a LOT of ground and looking at very diverse basses. Can you get to a shop and really spend some time with them? I kind of think that a winner would emerge....but you need to give yourself time with them both. I've been there and don e this many times in the past and rushing into it, almost always, means you get the wrong thing!
  5. Oh, I just realised....I had a Marshall Bluesbreaker combo that not only caught fire, but then set fire to the curtains in the pub we were playing in. Weird thing was, whilst it was on fire, there was still sound coming out of it!
  6. I'm yet (oh god, here goes) to have it happen to BASS equipment at a gig, but I've had them go in rehearsal - two Ashdowns both gave up the ghost. Thankfully we rehearse at a studio so obtaining temporary gear was no issue. I have had guitar amps fail at gigs, and done the rest of the gig with a stompbox straight into the PA. It wasn't the last word in tone, but it got me through the gig. I've been meaning to purchase something similar for bass actually, just a basic preamp that would allow me to DI straight to the PA. Sods law says I won't need it, but that's an insurance policy worth having, I guess! Cheers. James
  7. Yep, will take it as outlined above (that includes the manky rack case too?) as long as you're able to post fairly quickly...I could do with this for next Thursday's gig! If you're happy, let's take it to PM to sort out the Paypal details and I'll get you paid tonight. Cheers, James
  8. Cool - any idea how long shipping would take? 24/48 hours / longer? Am tempted, just need to think about how much I can afford at the moment as went a bit nuts at the weekend and bought a new bass....wewps!
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  10. Hi matey, Before I make an offer, can I confirm who you'd be posting by, and do you have the original box (or the aforementioned manky rack case) for posting purposes? Would be rubbish if it got all the way over here and turned up DOA. Cheers, James
  11. Hi there, Could be interested (and am local too!) but I'd need to establish if this really had enough power for me. Can you tell me more about it's output? A quick google suggests that this is a 200w output....would it drive an extension cab too? Tempting, but I don't want to take a backward step in output (even if I end up sounding better) if that makes sense! Cheers, James
  12. Hi there, Excuse the dumb questions, but would there be any tax to pay if 'importing' this onto the Mainland from you? Is £30 the best you can do shipping wise? This brings the price quite close to what I could source a new one for....I realise it's not an oppourtunity for you to make money of course! Lastly, how much BALLS does the amp have? I'm after something with a bit more kick than my GK Backline 300w head and would be running it at 4 ohms. Cheers, James
  13. I've done a few project basses and I'm increasingly of the opinion that a lot can be acheived with very basic materials. If the setup and electronics are good (as you have mentioned) then I think it'd be a lot of fun and the chances of you ending up with something that wasn't useable are very slim. Even if you budget for a good setup to be done on whatever you end up with, you'll be quids in and have a lot of fun doing it! Cheers, James
  14. The Blazer's are just awesome basses...awesome. However, they aren't quite the full P Bass in tone (some may argue they are 'nicer' sounding - a touch more 'polite') but a lot of this is in the choice of pickup fitted. If you want that throaty burble of a good P-Bass, then the Blazer will get you close without doubt, but an actual P Bass would naturally nail it. Cheers, James
  15. What a weirdly-written press release. Were I still local, I'd have gone to this (would have been a 30 second walk home!) but sadly it's too far now.
  16. [quote name='King Tut' post='662400' date='Nov 23 2009, 09:34 AM']. . . . ermm maybe I should've been a little more explicit. I wouldn't know how to measure each cabs loudness - but - I play in rock bands usually using a Trace AH 250. Seldom turn up more than 3 with either cab. I'm having loads of trouble dialling in a beefy sound with the 4x10, but the 1x15 does it for me every time - is it louder? - not too sure - gonna continue to work with the 4x10 though. Just to mention - the 4x10 is the 'RS' version where the 1x15 is the older version.# Col[/quote] Hi Col, This is really interesting stuff, I might have to come to one of your gigs to have a listen! Do you gig around Herts at all? Cheers, James
  17. [quote name='alexclaber' post='662386' date='Nov 23 2009, 09:10 AM']With your current amp a Compact definitely won't be loud enough. The D.M. will be similar in max SPL to your Nemesis when driven by your amp but it'll be a close run thing. The Vintage will beat the Nemesis but you could probably guess that from its size! Double or triple the power you have to play with and it'll be a different story with even the Compact likely to play louder and cleaner than the Nemesis. Eden make loud cabs and size for size they match mine when driven with lower power amps - it's when you have more power to play with that when the difference becomes clear but unless you go for a bigger cab and/or a more powerful amp you're not going to get any louder. Tonally, what kinds of sound do you go for? What music are you playing? What bass(es) do you usually play? Do you use that bit of tweeter on the Nemesis to get those extended tweetery highs or is it just to help you cut through and hear yourself? Alex[/quote] Hi Alex, To answer your questions (and thanks in advance!) 1). Tonally - Clean and clear from the cab is the order of the day, the GK adds a bit of growl of its own, but I prefer a solid sound with no speaker 'flub' (yep, technical term there) and sometimes the Nemesis feels like it's struggling (although it could be the amp) 2). Music - Covers, all sorts...80's synth pop through to Kings of Leon and all points in between really. That said, I don't really try to emulate the sounds, rather stick with my own tone. 3). Basses - Both passive, one Jazz style (main axe) and one Precision style. Neither are particularly high output 4). Tweeter - Tends to be set at about 2 or 3 out of 10 as I found it too clicky and scratchy. Not sure I'd really miss it if it wasn't there. Thanks, James
  18. I don't think I'll miss the horn really, as I normally have it pretty much off (perhaps on 2 or 3) on the Eden anyway, as I'm not a massive fan of overly tweeter-ish sounds anyway. I'm more interested in how room filling and BIG the BF Compact would sound versus my cab. I guess the only real way is to try it I suppose. At last night's gig, I was running out of steam as it was! I can't afford to have any dip in output at all or I may as well not bother turning up to gigs Cheers, James
  19. Hi beerdragon, Can you see the ones in the ad? If not, let me know an email address and i'll mail them over. There's a ton of 'em. All the best, James
  20. Hi all, I have been reading with interest the barefaced site and really like the idea of something a touch more portable than my Eden Nemesis 4x10. However, I often need a LOT of output, and the Eden is still a very sensitive cab. I have a very loud drummer and no P.A. support so need tons of headroom. Would one BF Compact cut it or should I be looking elsewhere in the range? I would also, despite what the website says, prefer a 4 ohm cab, as I'd rather run my GK head at the 300w (4 Ohm) output than 200w (8 Ohm). Funds are not limitless, sadly, so I do need to think carefully about which direction I go in. Thanks for any help in advance. Thanks James
  21. Nope, the edge part of the nut for the G has snapped off.
  22. Played through one of these today, not the loudest amp, but a nice tone and good clarity. Bump for a nice piece of kit!
  23. Anyone interested in a Yamamoto P Bass? AMAZING neck, but dreadfully bodged Jazz Pickup installed. Sunburst. £100 in my local music shop! Definite 70's Japcrap. Looks the part, but the body is junk I think.
  24. Hi all, Went rather OTT in a Music Shop this afternoon, so to try and calm the GAS-related guilt, I have the following for sale: [url="http://shop.ebay.co.uk/muppetman2005/m.html?_dmd=1&_ipg=50&_sop=12&_rdc=1"]http://shop.ebay.co.uk/muppetman2005/m.htm...p=12&_rdc=1[/url] If anyone requires more info, just yell! Cheers, James
  25. I enjoyed that. Very much like your guitarist's chops there...tasty. Nice playing from you too, it's easily to overplay on this sort of stuff but I reckon you're bang on the money there!
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