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Everything posted by Lysdexia

  1. [quote name='TomTom' post='1036144' date='Nov 25 2010, 11:54 AM']I could have traded a bass for this less than a week ago, and now you put it up for sale? Would you be interested in any trades? I cant justify spending any more money on instruments, but i REALLY wanted this bass.[/quote] Hi Tom - I know the (gut) feeling. I'm prone to trusting that feeling. When I seen the bass I REALLY wanted it, too. Then Mr Merello was kind enough to let me play it and I wanted even reallier. Brought it home and struggled without the markings on the side of the neck and my gut feeling was someone else will love it more than me.
  2. [quote name='Lysdexia' post='1036822' date='Nov 25 2010, 07:42 PM']No basses were harmed in making this shot. But, it was absolutely necessary to illustrate that you cannot snack on these basses.[/quote] At either end.
  3. No basses were harmed in making this shot. But, it was absolutely necessary to illustrate that you cannot snack on these basses.
  4. [quote name='Linus27' post='1036756' date='Nov 25 2010, 06:56 PM']If I buy this bass do I get a go on .... actually I'm going to stop right there [/quote] Wise! I can tell you this model may well become very well known to us all shortly. She is a karate black belt, 2nd Dan and in training to represent Scotland. She was gutted when Karate was not chosen as a sport for the forthcoming Olympics in London. More simply - not to be pissed around!
  5. And another angle to illustrate the condition of bodywork and appointments.
  6. Detail shots to illustrate the condition of the bass as requested. [quote name='AndyTravis' post='1036698' date='Nov 25 2010, 06:14 PM']I assume this is MIJ?[/quote] Most certainly is!
  7. [quote name='merello' post='1036493' date='Nov 25 2010, 03:38 PM']Wow! A one night stand with a bass! [/quote] One night? I had to convince the model the bass is spoken for, innocent and in need of parental guidance.
  8. The body is amazing. Curvaceous, well balanced and, well, sensual to the touch.
  9. Just in case any were concerned that the bass did not in fact have a head stock.
  10. I've not had this a handful of days, but a design element means I play it like a beginner. So you know guys - there are NO dot markers to the side of the neck and I hadn't even realised how subtly important that has become to my hand placement and subsequent playing accuracy. I can either Heath Robinson a temp solution (and ruin my visual enjoyment) or let someone else not bothered by this have it instead. The bass owes me £320 and did not have a case until today when I got a hard soft case. So, I can ship in either 1. A hard/soft case for £25 2. Buy a new case for £40 from gear4music.com 3. Travel a bit for petrol money to aid collection 4. You can arrange your own courier. Shipping costs - I can't say how much until I know where it's going. As ever - more pics to follow.
  11. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='1034733' date='Nov 24 2010, 08:48 AM']Hmm you do realise this is a family site and everything!? (supposedly) oh well. Very nice. (the bass I mean...)[/quote] Yes I do and thanks!
  12. [quote name='JTUK' post='1034047' date='Nov 23 2010, 04:04 PM']As a product they are ok... and you might have a very good one, but mostly other copiers do things better ( and some SO much better, IME) so they are left with the icon/image.[/quote] And the iconic nature of that something is very valuable. Fenders should at least mean that (once traded second hand) you usually get all or very close to your investment back. With the notable exception of upgrades which add next to nothing of cash value. I'm regularly shocked at how used prices for the likes of Warwick and Shuker fall apart like a leper in a wind tunnel.
  13. [quote name='crez5150' post='1033931' date='Nov 23 2010, 02:33 PM']Absolutely..... it's all about Branding not product.[/quote] And branding adopts that certain something over years of producing highly desirable product.
  14. Fender have something money cannot buy. As do Harley Davidson Gibson Ferarri Anthony Hopkins And so on - the cool factor.
  15. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1033465' date='Nov 23 2010, 01:53 AM']Rickenbackers. So many improvements can be made and they have stubbornly stuck to a design that has never known an engineer. I think that is where Fender has it, Leo was an engineer and not a musician.[/quote] Yup. When I can afford it I'm going to have a Ric 4003 customised to add a camber where your right arm goes over the body. That one thing absolutely does my head in and I'm a huge fan of their sound.
  16. [quote name='woodster' post='1033639' date='Nov 23 2010, 10:35 AM']This guy too.... Bill Clements!![/quote] Everything is possible when you have a lot of time on your...erm...well... you know...
  17. [quote name='Lysdexia' post='1032027' date='Nov 21 2010, 10:49 PM'][s]On hold pending etc[/s][/quote] And unholded, unpending and very much back up for trades. Oh Lord, Won't You Find Me A Jetglo Riccy My Friends All Play Fenders I Must Make A Mends I Worked Hard All My Life Time No Help From My Friends Oh Lord, Won't You Find Me A Jetglo Riccy
  18. [quote name='merello' post='1033194' date='Nov 22 2010, 09:15 PM']GONE TO LYSDEXIA[/quote] And great thanks to you Mr Merello. Completely sound guy!
  19. [quote name='AndyTravis' post='1031698' date='Nov 21 2010, 07:01 PM']2005 USA Standards were Chrome Red... My 2005/2006 Frontline confirms... This is beautiful, need a few bits to go, will see what state my accounts are in.[/quote] Candy Apple or Chrome - it's a gorgeous finish i was told it was Candy Apple and it does have that subtle, metallic sparkle in the finish I'd expect to see in that so I never questioned it. So you could be right and it wouldn't be the first time I've been wrong. Thanks either way.
  20. [quote name='Flea jnr.' post='1031941' date='Nov 21 2010, 09:35 PM']No denying that is a lovely looking bass, but I want to know how you got those photos They make it look immaculate![/quote] Well, firstly I'm a photographer, that's my job. And the bass is in excellent condition - my goal is to make sure it's seen at it's very best. 1. Clean the guitar as best I can - bloody obvious! 2. Plain, clear background so as the subject is not distracted from. In this instance a simple white bedsheet did the job. 3. Lots of light! For this, I put the sheet on a snooker table and used the overhead lights we all know so well. And of course the plain white sheet is very reflective for light so that helps fill the immediate, ambient space. 4. A pro-quality, fast lens. I used a fast f/2.8 24-70mm on this and that helps provide the lovely, shallow depth of focus. Nice blurry bits contrasting with the sharp focus areas if the tech stuff is not helpful. 5. A grey-card to try as best I can to make sure the white balance/colour is accurate and consistent. 6. Manfrotto tripod and Manfrotto geared head with the camera on a timing delay so I'm not even touching it for guaranteed sharp focus. That's pretty much it and, for me at least, a labour of love. And thanks for the compliments as it's good to hear what I'm trying to do is working. Cheers!
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