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Posts posted by karlfer

  1. I have worked for Amazon for 15 weeks as a "warehouse grunt".

    I am leaving on Friday.


    I have enforced 6 day weeks for the rest of the year from next week, including Sundays. I asked for the Sundays to be changed to Mondays (Sat night gigs). They wouldn't change them.

    If I'm on the north side, it's up to 8 minutes each way to the outside vaping/smoking station. So 16 minutes walking out of the only break (30 minutes) between 6.40am/2.55pm.

    The main reason though, is other staff and weak management.

    Girl on station next to me last Friday did 1.5 hours work & spent the rest of the day in her phone either calls, texting or social media. All of which is classed as gross misconduct.

    7 managers walked past her through the course of the day. Not one pulled her up. At the end of my shift I asked one why. Response was "I'm too busy".

    This is the seventh time I've been next to somebody who has done this. They go home with the same pay.

    They are defrauding Amazon & making a mockery of my hard work.

    That's the main reason I'm leaving.


    I'm very lucky, I WANT to work, I don't HAVE to work.


    They aren't too bad to work for, they pay quite well, they aren't the perfect employer.

  2. I tried the Thomastic 344's at last night's gig.

    Big improvement, the Rick sounded terrific but I still don't like the feel of flats so I'm going to move them on & try those Roto 35-95 next.


    Anybody got a decent substitute for the £29 Rickenbacker truss rod tool folks?


    Thanks for everything folks, I think this Rick may be the one I finally get right.

    I hope 😁

  3. Many thanks folks appreciated.

    Which version of TI flats as a starting point?

    @4000 happy to drop to 40-100 or even 40-95. What would you recommend, I know you are a bit Rick fan with a lot of experience (or is that taste4000, I'm old tha knows!).

    I just find the Rick has a bit more tension on my usual strings.

    I have some lower tension Dunlop Super Bright 45-105 on my Road Worn Jazz & they feel good a play great. Perhaps a lighter gauge in them?


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