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Posts posted by Rumple

  1. Blimey I'll be skint by the time I try all these pedals out, great fun though!

    I can't remember the last time I saw a TC Electronics pedal - probably an ad in International Musician and Recording World. I'll look them up along with Big Muffs as I quite fancy owning one of those just because of the name ;)


  2. Hi I have finally finished my Jazz Bass project and I have a few bits left over.

    1) What I believe to be USA Fender Jazz Bass pick-ups, they have the slightly raised pole pieces in the centre (sorry no screws) - £12 delivered. [b]SOLD[/b]

    2) Fender Bridge possibly USA - £12 delivered [b]SOLD[/b]

    3) A 4 string set of Elite flatwound 110 gauge strings, cut to fit a Jazz Bass (a little on the short side for the E string but holds perfectly) the strings have hardly been played but have been on and off a bass several times so some of the cotton has come off - send me a SAE and they are yours - [b]SOLD[/b]



  3. [quote name='ezbass' post='354064' date='Dec 14 2008, 09:47 AM']Ta it was nothing, I'm a huge Gabriel/Levin fan/anorak. Yep I've seen TL using that Sabre for Sledgehammer live. Interestingly he uses a 'Ray5 fretless with the Tony Levin Band so I'm guessing that the Sabre has the 'Hammer tone.[/quote]

    I have Waters Of Eden by TL, anything else I should add to that? fretless bass rather then Chapman Stick stuff.


  4. Any excuse to slack off of work :)

    I found this quote from TL when talking about one of his solo cd's.

    [i]used to favor an old Music Man Sabre fretless I have (did "Sledgehammer" on it) [/i]

    Nothing to do with effects but proves he did use a fretless Sabre.

    Good call on the chorus Ez.


  5. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='353700' date='Dec 13 2008, 04:29 PM']I'm sorry to say I think you're right, there is a bit of chorus in there.

    Should I go downstairs, get my CEB-3 and try it again? It's either that or debug a bunch of broken PHP... Be back in five. :huh:[/quote]


  6. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='353644' date='Dec 13 2008, 03:34 PM']I should add it's also really easy and fun to play, even if you're a rubbish fretless player. :)[/quote]

    I don't actually have a fretless at the mo' and haven't played one in anger since the 80's so I'm sure I would be awful, listening to some Gabriel has me GASing for a fretless Stingray or Sterling though.


  7. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='353637' date='Dec 13 2008, 03:14 PM']That looks like a fretted Sabre to me (sounds like a fretless though. Maybe it's just got very visible lines). He's Tony Levin, he can play what he likes. :huh: It sounds like a Musicman fretless on the record though, could be a Stingray, could be a Sabre, who knows/cares.

    I've just sat down with my 'ray fretless, an OC-2, my LMB-3 cranked and a pick and got a pretty similar sound anyway, if that's any use to you. :)[/quote]

    Yeah, he's a great player and could probably make just about anything sound good.

    Cheers for the research with the OC-2 and LMB that's a great help.


  8. See I knew I could count on you lot!

    I have have had a look at the Talkbass thread (cheers Mike) and watched this video of Peter Gabriel live in 93 which shows Tony Levin using a fretless Stingray with a pick.


    It's looking like loads of compression and an OC-2 octaver are used to get that loverly sound.

    Thanks Chaps.


  9. [center]I have been listening to some old Peter Gabriel stuff at work this week and love the sound of the fretless bass on lots of the tracks, I was wondering how Tony Levin gets that growly almost synth like sound, I'm guessing an Octaver is involved.

    Anyway I thought I'd put it out there and see if any of you knowledgeable folk can shed some light on the subject.

    Cheers R.[/center]

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