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Everything posted by noelk27

  1. [quote name='Wil' post='338634' date='Nov 27 2008, 04:45 PM']3 more posts and you have! I've nearly matched my miserly Bassworld post count on here now. I'd better slow down.[/quote] Really? I'm amazed. Was a little over 100 last time I noticed. Must have something to do with the better half being based back in Asia, and me staying up until 2am to call her at the start of her day. BC just fills in the hours - lol.
  2. "It's 'marketing', Jim. But not as we know it."
  3. [quote name='MythSte' post='338604' date='Nov 27 2008, 04:24 PM']Maybe a few hundred before your allowed in though![/quote] If it were to be such a high level of postings then maybe it could be made number of postings or length of membership. I've been a member here since the site moved from its previous two locations, but if you took all my posts in one block I still don't think I've made 200.
  4. [quote name='Biggsy' post='338462' date='Nov 27 2008, 02:42 PM']Just a nature/nurture kind of thing? How disappointing. I thought it might be down to sides of the brain, and I was some kind of genius flitting between both abnormally. Clearly I was just grasping at straws![/quote] Well, how your brain is hard-wired is going to have something to do with it. But don't ask me about that bit, because I've no idea. I just learned the dominant arm/leg tests from doing certain sports.
  5. [quote name='Biggsy' post='338417' date='Nov 27 2008, 02:04 PM']I'd love to understand a bit more about this kind of thing..[/quote] There's a little test you can do to see which leg is dominant ... Stand against a wall, with your heels touching the wall. Try to relax, and let your mind clear. Then, take a step away from the wall. The leg you use is your dominant leg. You might find that this is not the same side as your dominant arm. (I'm right/left - right arm/left leg.) Some things we learn by example, some things by mirroring, and others as a result of our dominant attributes. But, as to which has the biggest influence, I've no idea.
  6. [quote name='cheddatom' post='337385' date='Nov 26 2008, 03:46 PM']Is his name Adam? I know a guy just like that.[/quote] No, it isn't. But this one started as a guitarist before taking up bass. What about the one you know of?
  7. [quote name='ARGH' post='337881' date='Nov 26 2008, 11:40 PM']Guess Im crazy[/quote] It's anyone who claims to be totally sane that I worry about. "It's a madhouse!"
  8. [quote name='metaltime' post='337725' date='Nov 26 2008, 09:17 PM']I really like this bass tho its got a really nice neck.[/quote] Thin and fast, right? APII necks have those characteristics.
  9. [quote name='metaltime' post='337656' date='Nov 26 2008, 08:13 PM']my trussrod cover says nothing either maybe just wore away.[/quote] Possible. It's an MAB-20, and based on the letter code I'd guess between 94 and 96. The MAB-20 was the one model from the series that remained in production beyond the end of the series - if that makes sense. In fact, it came back as the MAB-09 between 99 and 02. The printed lettering on the pickups has weathered well. That it's a lefty is also quite unusual. An MAB-40 (which is active) would sell for something over £100, up to about £150. I'd hope this could get close to £100 based on it being a lefty.
  10. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='337675' date='Nov 26 2008, 08:29 PM']If anything I think the whole episode has made for a better forum. Complete strangers came to the aid of a complete unknown and are even now helping remedy this sad situation...[/quote] Agreed. Can't help but think that BC has gone from being a forum to a community - and that should even a long-standing member of the community transgress, the community would first attempt to self-regulate, but ultimately would not baulk at referring matters to proper authorities. However, the old maxim, caveat emptor, will always apply.
  11. [quote name='Muppet' post='337635' date='Nov 26 2008, 07:51 PM']Colour - should be ivory, black, sienna burst (mine was) or brown burst[/quote] Ivory - I've always sad mine is cream. But ivory sounds better.
  12. [quote name='metaltime' post='337602' date='Nov 26 2008, 07:29 PM']cool thanks. Mine just says aria pro 2 magna series it has no mab??. Is mine just an early one or were they all like this it has p/j pickups its passive and has a maple fingerboard.[/quote] The headstock will just say Magna Series. The trussrod coverplate should tell you the model number.
  13. Apart from the fact that the finish on the neck is so much heavier than on my 83- and looks a little suspicious, as does the actual shape of the headstock: there should be no transition between touchboard and neck- the board is not applied; the tuning gear and string tree are wrong; the string tree is out of position- it should be more in line with the A string tuning post; the truss rod access is wrong- should be wider and narrower, and edged with dark wood/wood stain; the Fender decal may be right- although mine is black, with a silver outline- but it’s in the wrong position- it’s too close to the edge- as is the rest of the type- there should be a good 5mm between the bottom of the type and the edge; the neck plate is wrong- Fender should be raked/angled; the scratchplate is missing a few screws- mine has 14 around the edge and one random one near the pickups; and the volume and tone pots look wrong. As for mine: solid colour, so can’t comment on how many pieces of wood for the body; has a one-piece white scratchplate; white pickup covers; and as it has never been taken apart I’m loathed to do that to check the routings- but if absolutely needed, I would. Saying all that, if it sounds good, does anything else really matter? Okay, issues of passing off aside if it was sold as "Fender".
  14. [quote name='Geek99' post='335748' date='Nov 24 2008, 07:08 PM']MAB-20 I think - if its the same one. I regret selling it now[/quote] There were three Magna 5-strings - MAB-20/5, MAB-60/5 and an APCS, MAB-015/5. There were six Avante 5-strings - AVB-45/5, AVB-85/5, AVB-TN5, AVB-SN5 and two APCS, AVB-015 and AVB-025. [quote name='metaltime' post='337401' date='Nov 26 2008, 04:19 PM']what does APCS stand for?[/quote] APCS is Aria Pro Custom Shop. APSC produce limited run signature models, limited run reissues, and unique models - such as a headless SB in 93 (SB-034). SB-034 was also midi loaded.
  15. I know a lefty who plays a right-handed guitar, but doesn't re-string it from righty to lefty. But he also plays bass, and uses a right-handed bass, but this time re-strung from righty to lefty. Which means he plays two stringed instruments, but with reverse fretboard layouts - top to bottom. Is it just me, or does he take the prize for being the weirdest guitarist on the planet?
  16. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='335865' date='Nov 24 2008, 10:02 PM']Yeah, after reading this thread it sounds like his trademark was his playing and not his Rick as a lot of people seem to think. I do think he managed to get them all to sound pretty close though (could just be my old ears playing tricks) I used to get people coming up to me and mentioning that while it sounded great i should be using a Rick and not a Jazz.[/quote] As people always say, it's in the hands. Jazz though; now, that's a bass I've never seen him playing.
  17. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='335608' date='Nov 24 2008, 04:14 PM']WOW, i was going to start a thread asking about when he switched from playing a Rick. ... I never knew he played an Aria though. Bugger, that complicates things even more.[/quote] Foxton never switched, as such. You'll see him using the trademark black/maple Precision from All Mod Cons onwards, but he also regularly used Rickenbackers (in the Going Underground, Tales From the Riverbank and Precious videos, and on the promotional tour in support of Sound Affects) - and has been mentioned a MusicMan Stingray (some studio shots from the recording sessions for Sound Affects), some Epiphones (in the Start and A Town Called Malice videos, mumerous TV appearances, and on the promotional tour in support of The Gift), as well as an Aria SB1000 (most notably for The Jam's appearance on the first ever The Tube). And, again, we're glossing over the Ibanez Rickenbacker copy (way back on In The City).
  18. [quote name='Geek99' post='334804' date='Nov 23 2008, 12:06 PM']it is a bit 80's looking for my taste I did have an Aria Magna, which was a lovely bass.[/quote] The Magna (MAB) Series debuted in 90, remaining in production until 94. There were some nine models, as well as a few APCS versions - either two or three, I can't quite remember.
  19. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='334702' date='Nov 23 2008, 02:22 AM']Weird that. First things you notice about Foxton's style are melodic structure and gnat's-chuff tightness. So if Weller wanted 'feel' and 'loose', why did he work with Foxton for so long? In reality, Foxton carried the songs - listen to the live recordings and Weller's guitar is basically blarting around on blocky chords - all the melody comes from the bass. ...and Foxton doubles (and harmonises) most of the vocals....almost to the extent that Weller's further back in the mix than F. No wonder 'From The Jam' sound...er...[i]right[/i][/quote] Very true - perhaps the legacy of originally being a guitarist. And not forgetting that Foxton took lead vocals on several songs, including singles (three A-sides). Between April 77 and November 82, The Jam recorded and released six albums and nineteen singles (A-sides of nine of which were not included on albums). By today’s standards that’s a remarkable output. Weller was 18 when he signed to Polydor, and his musical development took place in public. By the time of the release of Sound Affects, Weller was disillusioned with the confines of a three piece. He was dissatisfied with the group’s attempts to expand its sound on tracks such as Music For The Last Couple - notably a band co-write - and his influences were moving: encountering the emerging Brit Funk movement and rediscovering Northern Soul. He didn’t believe that either Foxton or Buckler were capable of expanding their playing - being critical of Foxton’s attempts to incorporate slapping techniques, which he felt were mechanical. Indeed, he was particularly critical of both Foxton’s and Buckler’s playing on certain cuts included on The Gift, even going as far as to suggest that the album should be delayed for him to rework these songs. In essence it’s a variation on the old story of musical differences.
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  22. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='334517' date='Nov 22 2008, 05:38 PM']Bruce using an Epi doing 'Start'. Not a good recording on YT but unmistakably his tone regardless of the fact that I wouldn't have imagined that the Epi was the bass he recorded Start with! [/quote] Totally. Also in the A Town Called Malice video - a cream Epiphone. Think those were "for the image only" moments. In fact, with all the Rickenbacker knowledge abounding on this site, and in this post, does anyone know if the 4000 series Foxton is using in the Precious video is stock? I've always been a bit puzzled by the colour, the mirrored pickguard and, to me, what looks like a non-standard nameplate.
  23. [quote name='Thunderthumbs' post='334440' date='Nov 22 2008, 02:58 PM']Yeah, I remember one of the first live TV appearances....on The Tube (or its replacement) doing "Long Hot Summer" and "The Paris Match" and he played an Aria. I'm sure in an old book I had of them, there's a photo of Weller playing an old violin bass methinks when they were a 4 piece.[/quote] Weller played an Aria Pro II SB1000 and SB900 at different stages with The Style Council. There's also footage of him playing a Fender Jazz. The violin bass is credited as both being a Hofner and a Hoffmann - so, whether it was an original Hofner or a copy, I'm not sure. But it was his main instrument when he was the bass player with The Jam. As for Foxton, it was The Tube where he can be seen using an SB1000.. Apart from the main black/maple Precision he used live and in the studio, he also used a sunburst/rosewood and natural/rosewood Precisions, a large selection of Rickenbacker 4001 and 4003 models, some Epiphone semi-solids, as well as a MusicMan Stingray.
  24. [quote name='simon1964' post='334370' date='Nov 22 2008, 12:55 PM']Did I read soemwhere that when the Jam first formed Weller did indeed play bass, and Foxton guitar? I think they switched intruments someitme before they started to record.[/quote] Yes, the original, settled line-up of The Jam was Steve Brookes, guitar; Bruce Foxton, guitar; Paul Weller, bass; and Rick Buckler, drums. Foxton made the switch to bass and Weller to guitar when Brookes left the band. [quote name='iamthewalrus' post='334384' date='Nov 22 2008, 01:10 PM']Never knew Bruce used a Musicman - any pics anywhere?[/quote] The MusicMan was one of the basses used for the Sound Affects recording sessions - and Foxton also used it at the time of his solo album, Touch Sensitive. I'll do my best to track down some artwork, but the only one I have on my desktop is Foxton using a EBMM Sub.
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